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OUTLINE. IntroductionMandateLegislative and Policy EnvironmentCurrent Functions of the GDCYKey Functions of the Ministry Key Priority Areas. INTRODUCTION. At the 52nd Conference of the ANC in December 2007 Resolution 109 was adopted to establish a Women's Ministry in the PresidencySuccess of
1. Ministry for Women, Youth, Children and Persons with Disabilities
2. OUTLINE Introduction
Legislative and Policy Environment
Current Functions of the GDCY
Key Functions of the Ministry
Key Priority Areas
3. INTRODUCTION At the 52nd Conference of the ANC in December 2007 Resolution 109 was adopted to establish a Women’s Ministry in the Presidency
Success of governments are measured globally based on their responses to the needs of the vulnerable groups
Children, Youth and People with disabilities are identified to fall within the Ministry
The structure will include a focal person for the elderly which will cut across all target groups
4. Mandate Ensuring that Government translates its Constitutional, political and global commitments into measurable and meaningful programs, thereby promoting and protecting the human rights, human dignity, freedom and equal development of all.
5. Legislative and Policy Environment The Ministry gains its mandate from the Constitution of the Republic of south Africa (1996)
Work will also be guided by:
The current national policies for women, youth, children and persons with disabilities
Relevant acts
International and regional instruments and agreements
6. Current Functions of GDCY Mainstreaming
Monitoring and evaluation
Policy Coordination
Advocacy, lobbying and awareness raising
International, regional and national obligations
Capacity development
Liaison and networking
7. Key Functions of the Ministry 1. Mainstreaming
2. Advocacy, lobbying, and awareness raising
3. International, Regional, and National Relations
4. Capacity development
5. Monitoring & Evaluation, and Reporting
6. Coordination and stakeholder management
7. Policy Management and Research
8. Empowerment
9. Corporate services
8. Key Functions of the Ministry (continued) 1. Mainstreaming
Facilitate establishment of the focal points and machineries in all spheres of government;
Ensure inclusion of WYCPwD in governance processes (priorities, strategies, programmes, budgets etc);
Provide strategic guidance and support to key stakeholders in the development of programmes, policies, legislation, products etc.
9. Key Functions of the Ministry (continued) Advocacy, lobbying, and awareness raising
Coordinate commemoration of national and international days;
Raise awareness, advocate, and lobby for provision of effective services to WYCPwD;
Ensure that all focal points are strategically located;
Lobby for adequate financial and other resource allocation for WYCP programmes, projects, and services;
Lobby for inclusion of WYCPwD in performance management systems of Senior Managers in the public service;
Lobby for prioritization of WYCPwD
Ensure alignment to the national strategic agenda of government.
10. Key Functions of the Ministry (continued) International, Regional, and National Relations
Provide leadership in all international, regional, and national relations pertaining to WYCPwD;
Provide strategic leadership in bilateral and multilateral engagements;
Coordinate input and finalize the country reports;
Facilitate linkages with strategic partners;
Facilitate the sourcing and management of donor support
11. Key Functions of the Ministry (continued) 4. Capacity development
Provide strategic direction on capacity development within public and civil society sectors
12. Key Functions of the Ministry (continued) Monitoring & Evaluation, and Reporting
Develop monitoring and evaluation framework;
Develop generic indicators for WYCPwD;
Monitor and evaluate implementation and compliance with regional, continental and international instruments;
Monitor policy and programme implementation in all spheres of government;
Monitor legislation implementation in all spheres of government;
Monitor performance of different government agencies (e.g. National Youth Development Agency);
13. Key Functions of the Ministry (continued) Coordination and stakeholder management
Coordinate and manage stakeholder processes (machineries, all spheres of Government, traditional leadership, civil society, Izimbizo etc);
Initiate and manage partnerships with private sector, donors, civil society;
Develop partnership framework/ policy.
14. Key Functions of the Ministry (continued) Policy Management and Research
Develop and review national legislation/ policies/ strategies/ guidelines WYCPwD;
Development of generic norms and standards for WYCPwD;
Develop Quality assurance system;
Commission and undertake national research as and when the need arise;
15. Key Functions of the Ministry (continued) Empowerment
Initiate and facilitate the empowerment of constituencies on different aspects (women, youth and people with disabilities);
Ensure that all targeted groups have access to government resources and facilities (funding, skills development etc).
16. Key Functions of the Ministry (continued) Corporate services
Specific functions will be developed by the Managers concerned. It was however proposed that the following unit be included:
Human resources management (with EAP unit)
Human resources development
Supply Chain Management
Legal services
Internal Security
Office Management
Information Technology
17. Key Priority Areas
Development of cooperatives
Poverty alleviation including early childhood development
Increasing representation in decision-making, employment and in the workplace
Skills development, especially in rural areas
Transformation of all spheres of society with special reference to the private sector
Addressing violence and abuse against women, children, youth, persons with disabilities and older persons, including the issue of human trafficking
Job creation and the advancement of decent jobs
Fostering mentorships, coaching and support structures
18. Key Priority Areas (continued) Facilitating learnerships and internships
Recognize unpaid care work and equal sharing of responsibilities, including through development of appropriate policies.
Establishment of funds for economic empowerment of women, youth, persons with disabilities and older persons
Encouraging and supporting the participation of NGO's and civil society
Prevention of drug, alcohol abuse and other forms of risky behaviour
Fostering relationships with machinery partners (e.g.. BYDA, CGE, Children’s Rights Advisory Council, CEE, HSRC, etc..)
Facilitate the observance of commemorative days and other advocacy programs.