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National Institute of Public Administration. Utilization of Policy Analyst for Better Policy. INNOVATIVE. INNOVATIVE. PROFESSIONAL. PROFESSIONAL. INTEGRITY. INTEGRITY. CARING. CARING. Erna Irawati Agit Kristiana. Preface.
National Institute of Public Administration Utilization of Policy Analyst for Better Policy INNOVATIVE INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY INTEGRITY CARING CARING Erna Irawati Agit Kristiana
Preface the failure and success of a country is decided based on the greatness of the public policy, and not decided by the sources, strategic location, even not by the politics in that country INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY CARING
Indonesia today and in 2030 (The archipelago economy; Unleashing Indonesia’s potential, McKinsey) 16th-largest economy in the world 45 million members of the consuming class 53% of the population in cities producing 74% of GDP 55 million skilled workers in the Indonesian economy $0.5 trillion market opportunity in consumer services, agriculture and fisheries, resources, and education 7th -largest economy in the world 135 million members of the consuming class 71% of the population in cities producing 86% of GDP 113 million skilled workers in the Indonesian economy $1.8 trillion market opportunity in consumer services, agriculture and fisheries, resources, and education
Progress of the Economic Policy Packages* Deregulation of 3143 local regulations has been finished by Ministry of Home Affairs Source: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
Policy Making Complexity Ineffectiveness of policy implementation Most of the time Policy makings are not based on solid evidence 1 3 2 4 5 Policy controversy Lack of public interest orientation INTEGRITY INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL CARING Overlapping policy, large number of policy cancelation. Public Policy in Indonesia
The Need for Policy Analyst Concern over public policy quality in Indonesia has driven the development of policy analyst in government institution as formal profession in government. The need for policy analyst position in Indonesian government is getting more attention with the increasing emphasis that has been placed on the concept of evidence based policy (EBP) in Indonesia It was expected to increase government commitment to replace politically driven decision making with evidence-based decision making. Demand for Public Policy Making Transparency To Support Bureaucratic Reform Agenda to Create Slim/Fit Government Structure supporting with robust professional bureaucracy INTEGRITY INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL CARING
The Role of Policy Analyst • Conducting policy research and analysis • Policy Investigation • Producing data and information about particular policy • Presenting effective Policy Recommendation • Communicating policy to various stakeholders. • Communicating policy to policy makers • Developing effective buy-in strategy INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY CARING • Communicating community needs to policy maker • Developing effective public consultation • Communicating policy to community
Policy Analyst Distribution Total Number Local Government : 7 analysts Ministry/National Institute : 62 analysts INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY CARING Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment Aid Bureaucratic Reform : 5 Ministry of Religious Affairs : 2 Ministry of Environment and Foresty : 3 Ministry of Health : 1 Ministry of Social Affairs : 4 Tangerang Regency : 2 Garut Regency : 1 Sukabumi Regency : 1 Yogyakarta City : 2 Salatiga City : 1 General Secretariat of House of Representation : 2 Ministry of Communication and Information : 17 National Institute of Defence : 2 Technological Research and Application Board : 3 Foods and Drugs Supervision Board : 9 National Institute of Public Adminstration : 11
Challenges in Policy Analysts Development Pace of recruitment process cannot meet the demand of policy analysts Lack of organization infrastructure readiness in utilizing policy analyst INTEGRITY INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL CARING Underutilization of policy analyst
Utilization of Policy Analyst’s Framework INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY CARING Adoption from Lacy, Arnott, and Lowitt (2009)
Research Method Research method : Descriptive qualitative Data type: 1. Primary data 2. Secondary data Data collections Interview Questionnaire Literature review LOCUS : INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY General Secretariat of House of Representation Ministry of Communication and Information National Institute of Defence Technological Research and Application Board Foods and Drugs Supervision Board National Institute of Public Adminstration CARING Ministry of State Apparatus EmpowermentAidBureaucratic Reform Ministry of Religious Affairs Ministry of Environment and Foresty: Ministry of Health Ministry of Social Affairs Tangerang Regency Garut Regency Sukabumi Regency Yogyakarta City Salatiga City
Result of Utilization Assessment >90 : extremely” or “very ready” >70-90 : ready >50-70 : slightly ready 0-50 : not at all ready INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY CARING
Conclusions Policy Analyst’s Utilization in category not at all ready (40,87) Dimension of Policy analyst capacity of 35.75 (not at all ready) from 50 Leadership dimension of 18.19 (not at all ready) of 30 The organizational dimension is 10.75 (not at all ready) of 20 INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY CARING
Recommendations NIPA as agency that has responsibilities to develop the PA has to work closely with Ministry of Government Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform to create innovative ways to place PA in a strategic route of decision making process and ‘force’ decision makers to use and take advantage of PA’s existence. So at the end PA can improve the quality of policy making in Indonesia INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY CARING
Thank you! • www.lan.go.id • www.pusaka.lan.go.id Komunitas Analis Kebijakan • pusaka@lan.go.id • analiskebijakan@gmail.com @AnalisKebijakan INTEGRITY INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL CARING (021) 3868201-05, 3455021-5 Fax: (021) 3800187 Analis Kebijakan Jl. Veteran No.10, Jakarta, 10110