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TOF analysis update. Recap of P z reconstruction (t, P z extrapolation) ((Measuring e ┴ with TOF0 and TOF1)) KEK data test. ~m m. Energy loss 10.1 +/- 1.4 MeV per TOF station 2.8 +/- 0.9 MeV in the Ckov 1.8 MeV in the 8m of air. Scattering 1.8 +/- 1.1 degrees per TOF
TOF analysis update Recap of Pz reconstruction (t, Pz extrapolation) ((Measuring e┴ with TOF0 and TOF1)) KEK data test TOF software update/Stage 3
~mm • Energy loss • 10.1 +/- 1.4 MeV per TOF station • 2.8 +/- 0.9 MeV in the Ckov • 1.8 MeV in the 8m of air • Scattering • 1.8 +/- 1.1 degrees per TOF • 1.4 +/- 0.8 degrees per Ckov • Focussing • 4.6 +/- 2.6 degrees in Q789 ~250 MeV/c realistic muon beam e┴ =1mm TOF software update/Stage 3
TOF0 TOF1 Simple momentum reconstruction • Data available from time of flight counters • Time of flight • Displacement • Estimate p in the air between TOF0 and TOF1 • Momentum losses from PDG dE/dx for minimum ionizing particles • Estimate p before TOF0 • Estimate p after TOF1 TOF software update/Stage 3
~250 MeV/c realistic muon beam G4MICE MeV/c muon What is ? photon electron Cherenkov TOF1 (Inside cage to shield from tracker solenoid fringe fields) Quadrupole triplet Tracker solenoid TOF0 pair using truth – true pz before TOF0 pair using truth – true pz after TOF1 pair using recon. – true pz before TOF0 pair using recon. – true pz after TOF1 TOF software update/Stage 3
Muon Photon TOF1 & cage Focus coil RF Tracker Solenoid 1 Electron H2 absorber Tracker 1 Extrapolating the time • Time extrapolation to tracker reference plane (or RF cavity) required for • Defining a neutrino factory like bunched, stable beam • Measuring longitudinal emittance • Necessary to track each muon on the basis of • Tracker (and TOF?) x, px, y, py, t, pz measurements • Magnetic (and electric) field maps • Energy loss models TOF software update/Stage 3
Smearing due to stochastic processes Resolution of the tracker Both + 50ps TOF timing resolution Extrapolation of t, Pz to TRP • Time of flight spz ~ intrinsic beam line spz • st<500ps would be desirable in the tracker reference plane • Chris got 77ps using only the tracker pz (tracker 24ps, material 12ps, TOF 70ps) • A back of an envelope calculation suggests TOFs can achieve 30ps using TOF reconstructed pz with perfect tracking • TOF spz may be complementary to tracker spz>6MeV/c when pt<10 MeV/c • 38% of muons when there is no diffuser, E=200MeV/c, en=2mm, b=33.3cm (John Cobb, CM19) Chris Rogers, Thesis TOF software update/Stage 3
Calculating transfer matrices • Use TOFs to roughly estimate emittance? • Have barrette position in either plane • Pz available too • Have transverse displacement • Estimate transverse momentum using transfer map? • Two particles a and b • Linear approximation of particle transport equations • Solve for the Mij • Iterate to check you get the same number! TOF software update/Stage 3
Transfer map for 104 pions – 1st look • Model includes • Bethe Bloch dE • Landau fluctuations • Multiple Scattering TOF software update/Stage 3
TOF Pz reconstruction at KEK • Tracker tilted at 3 degrees to the KEK beam • e+ and also mu+ and pi+ • Closely tuned to 250 MeV/c • T1 and TOF can be used to try out t.o.f. p reconstruction photons Stray e- T1 timing counter Aerogels Tracker 5x5 TOF counter 250 MeV/c e+, mu+ and pi+ TOF software update/Stage 3
Time of flight – KEK data and Aron’s Monte Carlo TOF software update/Stage 3
Momentum – TofTrack reconstruction of KEK data and Aron’s Monte Carlo TOF software update/Stage 3
Stage 3 G4MICE simulations Central 65mm LiH absorber No absorber Comparison with ICOOL TOF software update/Stage 3
Geometry and currents • As optimised for Stage 3 in MICE note 199 (Marco Apollonio, John Cobb) TOF software update/Stage 3
LiH M2 M2 M1 M1 E1 E1 E2 E2 Bz(r=0,z) TOF software update/Stage 3
Matching a beam in the 1st tracker General transverse phase space covariance matrix (Penn) Uniform B, constant k in tracker 0, so a=0 Ûbk=1 For Pz=207MeV/c muons, k=2.9m-1, b=345mm • Simulate sets of 104 muons with 1mm <eN< 12mm • Fractional statistical error on emittance ~1% • Same conditions as Marco’s ICOOL studies TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 1mm TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 2mm TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 3mm TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 4mm TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 5mm TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 6mm TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 7mm TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 8mm TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 9mm TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 10mm TOF software update/Stage 3
65mm LiH Air b┴ [mm] |P| [MeV/c] e┴ [mm] Pz [MeV/c] a┴ et [ns] P┴ [MeV/c] g┴ [(mm)-1] Lk [mm MeV/c] Pf [MeV/c] Pr [MeV/c] e┴ = 11mm TOF software update/Stage 3
ICOOL (o) and G4MICE (–): b┴ and a┴ e┴ = 3mm e┴ = 6mm e┴ = 10mm b┴ [mm] a┴ TOF software update/Stage 3
ICOOL (o) and G4MICE (–): Pz and e┴ e┴ = 3mm e┴ = 6mm e┴ = 10mm Pz [mm] e┴ [mm] TOF software update/Stage 3
ICOOL (M.Apollonio CM14) G4MICE LiH, Li, Be, CH, C de┴ / e┴0 [%] e┴0 [cm] e┴0 [mm] e┴∞ = ~4mm e┴∞ = ~2mm Fractional % increase in e┴ vs initial e┴ TOF software update/Stage 3
e┴0 [cm] Fractional increase in emittance [%] e┴0 [mm] Emittance growth in air between TRPs ICOOL (M.Apollonio CM14) G4MICE ? TOF software update/Stage 3
Stage 3 summary • 65mm LiH absorber G4MICE/ICOOL comparison • Good agreement of a┴, b┴ and Pz • Interesting discrepancy in De┴ with LiH for small e┴ • More heating in G4MICE, De┴=0.08mm, factor 6 at e┴=3mm • G4MICE e┴∞ =~2mm, ~4mm in ICOOL • Other ICOOL observations (Marco, CM14) • Less cooling than expected from De┴/e┴~Dp/p • G4MICE confirms, observes ~2% < ~6% • Growth of e┴ in vacuum/air • G4MICE confirms ~2% at 10mm, ~proportional to initial e┴ TOF software update/Stage 3
Extra slides TOF software update/Stage 3
PDG estimates TOF software update/Stage 3
1.3 1.3 True pz [MeV/c] True pt [MeV/c] 4.5 6 2.5 2 True pt [MeV/c] True pz [MeV/c] Tracker momentum resolution pt resolution [MeV/c] pz resolution [MeV/c] TOF software update/Stage 3
Stage 6 coil currents needed in Stage 3 • MICE note #153 • Apollonio/Witte TOF software update/Stage 3
Matching coil currents in Stage 3 • MICE note #199 • Apollonio/Cobb TOF software update/Stage 3
Matched beam 2nd moments TOF software update/Stage 3