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Investigating the potential hepatoprotective effects of Origanum Vulgare on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity in a mice model. This study discusses the plant materials, experimental design, laboratory analysis, and statistical methods used in the research.
Hepatoprotective Effect of Origanum Vulgare on CCl4 Induced Mice Experimental Model Al V-lea Congres al Medicilor Fitoterapeuti din Romania, “Cercetare si rezultate clinice in fitoterapie” 15 - 17 Mai 2015, Sibiu, Romania Bogdan SEVASTRE1, Ioana BEDECEAN1, Alexandra DREANCĂ1, Ioan MARCUS1, Laurian VLASE2, Alexandra C. SEVASTRE-BERGHIAN2, Radu SILAGHI-DUMITRESCU3, Daniela HANGANU2, Daniela BENEDEC2 1 University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Manastur Street. 3-5, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hateganu”, Emil Isaac Street 13, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Janos Street 11A, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, *corresponding author:bogdan.sevastre@usamvcluj.ro 1
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Introduction • Origanum vulgare L., (Laminacea) – oregano, (maghiran salbatic) • native to warm temperate western and southwestern Eurasia and the Meditarranean region. • perennial herb, growing from 20–80 cm tall 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregano
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Introduction • ORIGANI HERBA: • Volatile oils 1% - Origani aetheroleum: carvacrol, timol, p-cimen, pineni etc. • Tanins 8% • Flavonoids (derivatives of apigenin, luteolin) • Anthocyani (peonidol, malvidol) • cafeic acids derivatives • Triterpenes (ursolicacid, oleanolicacid ) Pharmacology • antiseptic, digestive, antispastic, diuretic • Infections (aerways, digestive, urinary tract) • local – antiitchy, trophyc, protector • Spice 3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregano
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Objective • Investigate the hepatoprotective effect of Origani Herba 4
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Materials and methods Plant materials • Aerial parts (Origani herba) Ariesului Valey, Cluj, Romania, in July 2014 • ethanolic extract 10%, heat 80°C, 30 min, centrifugation • Flavonoids: spectophotometry AlCl3 → 2.19 % expressed in rutozid • Total polyphenols: spectophotometry (Arnow sol.) → 4.99% in cafeic acid • Conclusion → high polyphenol content
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Materials and methods Toxic hepatitis • carbon tetrachloride (Sigma),1 ml / kg, “per os” • 3 times / week, 4/6 weeks
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Materials and methods Experimental design Toxicity tests Swiss mice Control (5 mice) 4 weeks (20 mice) 6 weeks (20 mice) Origanum vulgare alcoholic extract CCl4 (1 ml/ kg) (10 mice) O. vulgare (1 mg/kg) + CCl4 (1 ml/ kg) (10 mice) O. vulgare (3.5 mg/kg) + CCl4 (1 ml/ kg) (10 mice) 45 Swiss mice O. vulgare (7 mg/kg) + CCl4 (1 ml/ kg) (10 mice)
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Materials and methods Laboratory analysis • Blood hematology - EDTA anticoagulated blood (Abacus Junior Vet, automatic analyzer Diatron Messtechnik, Budapest, Hungary) • Plasma biochemistry – serum – ALAT, ASAT, GGT, total proteins, albumins, ureea, creatinin - ( semiautomatic analyzer, STAT – FAX 1904 Plus, Global Medical Instrumentation, Inc. 6511 Bunker Lake Blvd. Ramsey Minnesota, 55303 USA, by using special determination kits)
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Materials and methods Statistical analysis • one -way analysis of variance ANOVA, followed by post hoc Dunnett’s range test • two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post test • Statistical significance was at p<0.05 (95% confidence interval). • GraphPad Prism version 5.0 for Windows, GraphPad Software, San Diego California USA.
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Results and discussions Toxicity tests 5 mice / group 450 mg / kg b.w. group 900 mg / kg b.w. group i.p. (5 animals /group) 1250 mg / kg b.w. group 1500 mg / kg b.w. group 1750 mg / kg b.w. group 2000 mg / kg b.w. group lethargy, spasms, abdominal tenderness 2500 mg / kg b.w. group 2 -2h, 1-12h, 1-24h 2 -1h, 2-2h, 3000 mg / kg b.w. group 4000 mg / kg b.w. group 5 -30 min,
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Results and discussions Hepatocellular leakage enzymes A B Fig. 1. Effects of Origanum vulgare extract on ALT (A)and AST (B) plasma activity (* = p>0.05: ** = p>0.01; *** = p>0.001) (mean ± SEM) (5 animals / group) Normal values (UI/L): ALT 26-77, AST 54-269 Hrapkiewicz and Medina, Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine 3rd ed., Blakwell Publiching, USA 2007
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Results and discussions Induced hepatic enzymes Fig. 2. Effects of Origanum vulgareextract on GGTplasma activity (* = p>0.05: ** = p>0.01; *** = p>0.001) (mean ± SEM) (5 animals / group)
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Results and discussions Hepatocellular insufficiency A B Fig. 3. Effects of Origanum vulgareextract on plasma proteins: total proteins (A), and albumins (B) (* = p>0.05: ** = p>0.01; *** = p>0.001) (mean ± SEM) (5 animals / group) Normal values (g/L): Proteins 35-72, Albumins 25-48 Hrapkiewicz and Medina, Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine 3rd ed., Blakwell Publiching, USA 2007
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Results and discussions Hematology Table 1 The effect of O. vulgare alcoholic extract on the WBC count and differential count (mean ± S.E.M.) (109cells/L) S.E.M = Standard Error of the Mean (5 animals / group) Normal values (103cells/µl): WBC 2.61-10.05, N 0.4-2.0, L 1.27-8.44 M 0-0.29, E 0-0.17, B 0-0.02 Hrapkiewicz and Medina, Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine 3rd ed., Blakwell Publiching, USA 2007
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Results and discussions Hematology Table 2 The effect of O. vulgarealcoholic extract on the RBCs parameters (mean ± S.E.M.) S.E.M = Standard Error of the Mean (5 animals / group) (** = p>0.01, *** = p>0.001 as compared to CCl4) Normal values: RBC 7-12.5 1012/L, HGB 102-166 g/L, HCT 39-40 %, Hrapkiewicz and Medina, Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine 3rd ed., Blakwell Publiching, USA 2007
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Results and discussions Hematology Table 3 The effect of O. vulgarealcoholic extract on the platelets (mean ± S.E.M.) S.E.M = Standard Error of the Mean (5 animals / group) (** = p>0.01, *** = p>0.001 as compared to CCl4) Normal values: PLT 800-1100 109/L, Hrapkiewicz and Medina, Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine 3rd ed., Blakwell Publiching, USA 2007
Origanum vulgare had toxic effects only in very high doses (<2000 mg/ kg) reduced the CCl4 toxicity on mice experimental model (↓ALT, ↓AST, ↓GGT) Improvement of A/G ratio A dose dependent effect could not be established Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Conclusions
Sevastre B. et al. - Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare Thank you ! 18