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Provided By:. Migraine Patient Survey. About This Research. Objective. The overall objective of this research is to explore the unmet migraine treatment needs of migraine sufferers. Additional objectives of this research are to:
Provided By: Migraine Patient Survey
Objective • The overall objective of this research is to explore the unmet migraine treatment needs of migraine sufferers. • Additional objectives of this research are to: • Understand patient perceptions and attitudes toward current treatment methods • Determine key attributes associated with effective treatments • Identify expectations of treatment and where current treatments are falling short 3
Research Methodology National custom telephone survey Among medically diagnosed migraine patients 18-64 years of age Total n = 500 with an overall margin of error of ± 4.5%, in 95 out of 100 cases. Computer-assisted telephone interviewing. Data collected March 19- March 27, 2010 What Who How Many How When 4
Executive Summary • Sufferers lack a standardized, effective treatment option for combating serious symptoms and side effects of migraines. • The most common type of migraine attack, that affects 69% of sufferers, is the rapid onset migraine (it just sneaks up on you) with or without nausea and vomiting. • And, over half (53%) of sufferers experience a migraine on a monthly basis. • And yet, three- fourths of sufferers (74%) admit they do not record their migraine attacks. • When it comes to treatment options, over-the-counter medications (72%), lifestyle management (72%), and prescription migraine treatments (57%) top sufferers most common lines of defense. • Only half of migraine sufferers agree, when I get a migraine with nausea or vomiting, after taking my migraine medication, I typically get fast relief that allows me to get back to my work/life. • And only 38% of sufferers strongly agree I amsatisfied with how quickly my current medication works. 6
Executive Summary • Sufferers are talking to their doctors about the best treatment options available for their migraine episodes. • Over half of oral medication users (55%) talk to their doctor about their migraine attacks once every 6-12 months. • Most often sufferers admit they discuss ways to manage my migraine attacks (79%) and possible lifestyle changes (79%). • In these conversations, 62% of oral medication users said they mentioned that prescription oral tablets don’t always work for all their migraine attacks. • Users of oral prescriptions want an effective option to take during a migraine to help combat their serious symptoms. • Over half (54%) of migraine sufferers use oral prescription medications to manage their migraines. • Of those not taking prescriptions, cost (18%) and experienced side effects (14%) are the main reasons why many sufferers are not taking prescription medication to manage their migraines. • Among oral medication users, half (54%) admit they have experienced migraine attacks where they didn’t think prescription oral tablets would be an effective treatment option. • When prescription oral tablets aren’t an effective treatment option, one-quarter (23%) of sufferers admit they just have to wait it out and endure the headache. 7
Executive Summary • While sufferers are satisfied with their current treatment options, there is an opportunity to better meet sufferers overall needs. • The majority of prescription medication users (87%) are satisfied with their current prescription medication. • And yet, 31% of sufferers admit their doctor has prescribed more than one medication at a time to manage their migraines. • Prescription medication users look to migraine medications to offer the quickest relief possible regardless of the form (41%), the ability to use the medication and continue with regular activities (38%), and for the medication to be lower in cost and covered by insurance (38%). 8
Frequency of Migraines • Over half of migraine sufferers admit to having a migraine at least once a month. How often do you suffer from migraines? 52% suffer at least once per month 11 Q1. How often do you suffer from migraines? Would you say…?
Type of Migraine • Rapid onset migraines and migraines with nausea and/or vomiting occur most often among sufferers. 49% Migraine upon waking in the morning 69% Rapid onset migraine 66% Migraine with nausea and/or vomiting 26% Other migraine occurrence 12 Q2. Do your migraines occur in any or all of the following ways?
Migraine Symptoms And, over four in ten sufferers, report rapid onset migraines occur most frequently. Which do experience most frequently? 13 Q3. Of these migraine attacks, which do you experience most frequently?
Tracking Your Migraines • And yet, only the minority of sufferers track their migraine attacks. 14 Q4. If you record your migraine attacks, what tools do you use?
Treatment Options Available • Sufferers are aware of a wide variety of treatment options including prescription pills, OTC medications, and lifestyle management changes. XX% reported none of the above 15 Q5. Which of the following migraine treatment options are you aware of?
Options For Treatment • And yet, the majority of sufferers admit they turn to over-the-counter medications to treat their migraine attacks. 16 Q6. Which, if any, of the following best describes your current migraine treatment options?
Current Treatments Being Used As suffers age, they are more likely to use lifestyle management as a way to manage their migraines; ages 25-30 (56%), ages 31-35 (72%), ages 36-40 (76%), and ages 41-45 (73%). • Regularly sufferers try over-the-counter medications, lifestyle management, and prescription oral pills or tablets to manage their migraines. 2% reported none of the above 17 Q7. Which, if any, of the following best describes the current treatment options you use to manage your migraine?
Prescription Medications • Of those taking prescription medications, Imitrex tablets are most often prescribed. 69% of Sufferers take Oral Meds 56% admit to taking other forms (nasal sprays, injections, etc…) of Rx meds 6% reported none of the above 18 Q8. Which if any of the following prescription medications do you take for migraines?
Other Medications for Migraines Other medications migraine sufferers are taking include: Topamax, butalbital/acetaminophen, and prescription and regular strength over-the-counter medications. Word Cloud of Other responses Q9. If you are not taking prescription medications to manage your migraine, please explain why? (Other Coded Responses) 19
Barriers To Prescription Medications Barriers to prescription medications most often include cost and side effects. Why do you not use prescription medications to manage your migraine attacks? Midwesterners are significantly more concerned with cost than in other areas; Midwest (26%), Northeast (5%), South (19%), and West (10%). N= 216 Those not taking a prescription medication Q9. If you are not taking prescription medications to manage your migraine, please explain why? 20
Barriers To Prescription Medications And often times OTC medications works well enough or sufferers just don’t see a need for taking prescription medications. Word Cloud of Other responses Q9. If you are not taking prescription medications to manage your migraine, please explain why? (Other Coded Responses) 21
Satisfaction with Current Medication • Nearly nine in ten sufferers admit they are satisfied with their current prescription medications. 87% Very or Somewhat Satisfied Oral prescription medication users are more satisfied with their current medication than users of other prescription medications (89% vs. 62%). N= 284 Those who use prescription medication Q10. Overall, how satisfied are you with your current prescription medication(s)? Are you…? 23
Satisfaction with Speed of Treatment • While three-fourths of suffers admit they are satisfied with how quickly their medication works, suffers are less satisfied with how quickly they can be back to work/life after taking migraine medications for migraines upon waking . % Agree Q10. Overall, how satisfied are you with your current prescription medication(s)? Are you…? 24
Important Attributes in a Medication • When it comes to relief, those who take prescription oral medications want a medication that is inexpensive/covered by insurance and offers quick relief, while not disrupting their day. 2% reported none of the above/not sure Q11. What is the most important attribute of a prescription migraine medication? 25
Current Attributes in Treatment Options • And yet, nearly half of prescription users don’t feel their medication provides the quickest relief possible at a low cost. 3% reported none of the above/not sure Q12. Does your current treatment offer the following attributes? 26
Satisfaction With Imitrex STATdose • Overall, sufferers who are prescribed Imitrex STATdose are satisfied with the way the treatment relives their pain. 84% Very or Somewhat Satisfied N= 32 Those who use STATdose *Caution Small Base Size Q13. if you have ever been prescribed Imitrex STATdose (sumatriptan injection) to manage your migraine, how satisfied were you with how well it relieved your migraine? 27
Satisfaction With Ease of Use • And sufferers are satisfied with how easy it is to use STATdose. 91% Very or Somewhat Satisfied N= 32 Those who use STATdose *Caution Small Base Size Q14. How satisfied were you with how easy it was to use Imitrex STATdose (sumatriptan injection)? 28
Reasons for Not Trying STATdose • The majority of those not taking STATdose are not opposed to the medication or its side effects, but rather were unaware of this type of medication or the doctor recommend another treatment. N= 355 Those not taking STATdose 2% reported not sure 29 Q15. Which of the following statements best describes why you have not used Imitrex STATdose (sumatriptan injection)?
The Need For Alternative Options • Pills aren’t always an effective treatment option for the majority of migraine sufferers. Yes 54% No 44% N= 271 Those who take an oral prescription medication Q20. If you use oral prescription migraine medications, have you ever experienced migraine attacks where you didn’t think prescription oral tablets would be an effective treatment option? 31
Managing Migraines And less than two in ten sufferers feel they have other prescribed medications when oral pills are not an option. When oral pills are not an option, how do you mange your migraine attacks? N= 271 Those who take prescription oral medication Q21. When prescription oral tablets aren’t an effective treatment option given the nature of your migraine attack, how do you manage your migraine? 32
Sickness from Medications… • Nausea and vomiting prohibits one-third of sufferers from taking their prescription medications. Yes 37% No 63% N= 271 Those who take prescription oral medication Q22. Have you ever delayed or avoided taking your medication due to nausea or vomiting resulting from the migraine? 33
Getting Back to Life… • Nearly half of sufferers admit, they don’t get fast relief after taking their medication to relieve a migraine with nausea or vomiting. 46% Disagree When I get a migraine with nausea or vomiting, after taking my migraine medication, I typically get fast relief that allows me to get back to my work/lifestyle 54% Agree N= 500 Q19. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with each of the following 34
Discussing with Your Doctor… • And two-thirds of sufferers admit they are talking to their doctors about this problem. Yes 62% No 36% N= 271 Those who take prescription oral medication Q24. have you mentioned to your doctor that prescription oral tablets don’t always work for all your migraine attacks, such as those that include nauseas or vomiting? 35
Working With Your Doctor to Relieve Symptoms • The majority of sufferers discuss lifestyle changes and ways to manage their migraine attacks with their doctors. 79% Agree My doctor and I discuss lifestyle changes that could help prevent migraines from occurring 79% Agree My doctor and I discuss ways to manage my migraine attacks N=500 Q19. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with each of the following? 37
Seeking Migraine Knowledge • And, over half of sufferers are talking to their doctor twice a year or more about their migraine attacks. 1% reported not sure N= 271 Those who take prescription oral medication Q23. How often, if ever, do you talk to your doctor about your migraine attacks? 38
One Problem, Multiple Medications… • Less than three in ten sufferers agree my doctor told me I need more than one medication or treatment option to effectively manage my varying migraine occurrences. 26% Agree My doctor told me that I need more than one medication or treatment option to effectively manage my varying migraine occurrences. N=500 Q19. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with each of the following? 39 25.
One Problem, Multiple Medications… • Yet, nearly one-third of patients have been prescribed multiple medications for their migraine symptoms. Yes 31% No 69% N=500 Q16. Has your doctor ever prescribed more than one medication at a time (e.g. oral tablet and injection or nasal spray, etc…) to mange your migraine? 40
Reasons for Multiple Medications • Nearly one-third of sufferers admit I take one kind of medicine daily and a different one at the time of a migraine attack. N= 154 Those taking more than one medication 16% reported not sure 41 Q17. What was the primary reason for the doctor prescribing more than one medication at a time?
Seeking Migraine Knowledge • Most often multiple medications are requested because the medicine didn’t relieve the migraine symptoms. 25% Didn’t relieve my migraine 17% Didn’t work for certain migraine attacks 9% Caused side effects 37% Didn’t ask the doctor for an alternative treatment 8% Didn’t work fast enough N= 271 Those who take an oral prescription medication Q25. Which of the following is – or would be- the primary reason for asking your doctor about prescribing an alternative or additional treatment to oral tablets? 42
Improving Treatment • When it comes to improving the current treatment methods, sufferers want medication that works better, and overall is more affordable. Word Cloud of Other responses Q18. In your opinion, what if anything, can be done to improve your current treatment? 43
Demographics • Gender • Female: 88% • Male: 12% • Income • Under $25K: 12% • $25K to 49,999: 22% • $50K to 74,999: 24% • $75K to 99,999: 16% • 100K or more: 15% • Age • 18-24: 0% • 25-30: 8% • 31-35: 33% • 36-40: 27% • 41-45: 32% • 45+: 0% • Employment • Employed: 69% • Unemployed: 31% • Region • Midwest: 39% • South: 33% • Northeast: 17% • West: 10% • Race/Ethnicity • White: 92% • Black: 2% • Hispanic: 2% • Other: 4% 45
Attitudinal Statements 46 Q19. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with each of the following?