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Judaism. Introduction to Judaism. Judaism began as a COVENANT (holy agreement) starting with Abraham , Isaac and Jacob (the Patriarchs , or Fathers, of Judaism), and continuing down to Moses
Introduction to Judaism • Judaism began as a COVENANT (holy agreement) starting with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (the Patriarchs, or Fathers, of Judaism), and continuing down to Moses • the covenant promised that if the Israelites obeyed God’s Law (or Torah), they would be His people. • because of the Covenant, the Jews are understood to be God’s Chosen People, charged with bringing God’s message to the world. • they are called to live as a nation, or people, with a group identity. • new problem: not all Jews like the religious aspects of Judaism • two categories – “religious” (observant) and “cultural” (non-observant)
The Jewish View of God • God revealed His name to Moses – “I AM” or Yahweh (YHWH) because observant Jews consider His name so sacred, they do not pronounce or write it; instead the say The Lord or Master of the Universe. • God is: • ONE – there is only one God • FAITHFUL – He will not abandon the covenant • SAVING – He will save them, even if they are unfaithful • PERSONAL – He is involved in the welfare of humans and all creation. • ABOVE ALL – He is above creation, all-powerful, all-knowing, everywhere
a prayer, called the Shema (“hear”), which is recited twice daily, states Judaism’s basic theology: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone” (Dt 6:4) • this statement of monotheism was radical at the time it was first formulated, as most of Israel’s neighbors were polytheistic. • it is one of Judaism’s major contributions to the world.
Jewish Scripture Torah • “instruction” – literal translation; refers to the will of God as revealed to humankind • “law” – loose translations; the revelation of God’s will that guides proper human conduct • the first five books of the Bible, believed to be directly revealed to Moses by God.
The Written Torah TANAK – the Hebrew Bible, containing 3 major parts: Torah • first five books of the Bible directly revealed to Moses by God, with special importance on a central code of holiness, with 613 specific laws, with the most famous being the Ten Commandments (Ex 20) • each synagogue (Jewish house of worship) contains a scroll of entire torah, kept in a vessel called the ark
Prophets • books including both historical accounts of ancient Israel and proclamations of God as spoken by His prophets (“one who speaks for”) • charismatic, courageous religious figures
Writings • highly diverse books – proverbs, poetry, historical accounts, etc. • overall, the most recently written.
The Oral Torah • complements written Torah; material taught and transmitted by Judaism’s great rabbis (teachers) • recorded in Mishnah and Talmud • addresses the changing circumstances and day to day life of the Jews • does not replace the Written Torah
The Mishnah • Written down in about 200 CE, though its teachings had been passed down orally for approximately four centuries. • is seen as sacred, a starting point for the study of the oral Torah
The Talmud • highly significant, based directly on the Mishnah • cites small portions of the Mishnah, followed by intricate commentary, supported by Biblical passages. • interpretation of God’s will – both oral and written Torah • was interpreted for centuries, most importantly during the Middle Ages. • still being interpreted
The History of Judaism • originally the Jews were descendants of the ancient Israelites (Hebrews); at the time of the Babylonian Exile, they became known as Jews, with religion called Judaism, because their country was called Judah. • There is no Jewish “race”; instead, the Jews are an ethnic group with a common history and religion. • History is seen as a record of God’s will as manifested in the events of the world. • The Jews, as the Chosen People, have a responsibility to live up to the covenant; the history of the Jews reflects how faithful they were to the covenant.
Classical Judaism • end of the first century C.E – seventh century. (Muslim invasion) • oppression by the Romans • the Jews revolted; in 135 CE, the Romans ended the revolt, and kicked the Jews out of Palestine. • This was not a new thing; • the history of the Jews has many examples of being exiled.
despite this, the traditions and teachings of the Pharisees (religious leaders who focused on the study of the Torah rather than Temple Worship) survived, which meant that Jews had a religious tradition on which they could rely without the Temple. • The Jews had learned to live without a homeland after the Babylonian Exile (587 – 538 BCE): called the Diaspora (dispersion), because the Jews were, for the first time, forced to disperse throughout the world.
Medieval Judaism • 8th mid 18th century • variety of political and social conditions. • Most Jews lived under the control of Muslims (Africa, Spain, Near East) and Christians (Europe) Muslims • generally, were free to practice their religion, conduct own codes of law, and were assured security of life and property.
Christians • Conditions varied considerably • Early centuries – Jews developed a reputation as money lenders; this led to resentment for their economic success • Jews also seen as the “sons of the crucifiers” who rejected Jesus. • This led to open and violent persecutions • Blood libels (false accusations of killing Christian children) • Large-scale expulsions in France, England, Spain • Blamed for the bubonic plague Therefore massacres • Spanish Inquisition • mass migration to Poland, where they were persecuted as well. • persecution for some, great prosperity for others, especially in Muslim Spain.
Maimonides (Moses Ben Maimon) (1135 – 1204) • Jewish philosopher; applied the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle to the biblical tradition, creating a new Jewish theology. • Composed the most famous Jewish creed. The Kabbalah • Jewish mysticism that states that God is best known with the heart, through love – God can be found looking inward.
Zohar • most famous text of mysticism, incorporating rich symbolism based on numerology and esoteric language. • Teaches that the Torah can be interpreted on different levels.
Modern Judaism • great period of change • “Enlightenment” or “Age of Reason” – period of social theories asserting the equality of all; monarchies replaced by government of the people. • Also affected Judaism – new challenges that gave rise to different forms of modern Judaism. Hasidism (pious) • arose in 18th century in Eastern Europe • based on Kabbalist tradition – God is imminent and known first and foremost with heart • emphasizes relationships with God and the community rather than the study of the Torah and commandments. • Centre of each community – zaddik – a holy man believed to have a close relationship with God.
Zionism • movement to re-establish a Jewish homeland (from the biblical name for Jerusalem – Zion) that originated in the late 19th century. • 1948 – Israel became the official homeland for Jews • today, Zionism refers to support Israel. • Reaction to anti-Semitism (hatred of Jews) Holocaust (Shoah “mass destruction”) • systematic murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazis from 1938 – 1945 • led to questioning as to why God would allow this to happen • some Jews maintain it was a punishment, especially for abandoning traditional Judaism • others believe God broke the Covenant others worked harder to establish Israel
The State of Israel • the rise of Zionism increased the number of people (Jews) immigrating to Palestine • Hebrew language restored, land reclaimed for agriculture, farming communities and cities were built • 1948 – Israel was granted statehood • today – Israel provides a great deal of unity for Jews (political and cultural) • there are many diverse problems today • conflict with Palestine's over ownership of the land. • Divisions between religious and non-religious Jews