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Quantum Ion Trap Device for Calcium Control in Dendritic Spine

Explore the intricacies of the dendritic spine as a quantum ion trap device for Ca2+ control. Learn about the role of glutamate, molecular trap motion qubits, and the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm in this cutting-edge research.

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Quantum Ion Trap Device for Calcium Control in Dendritic Spine

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  2. Spines are micromillimiter protrusions of the dendritic membrane The Dendritic Spine Spines have a complex internal structure composed by many different types of proteins and they behave as a Ca2+ trap.

  3. Glutamate controls different metabolic pathways that release energy at the Post-Synaptic-Density (PSD).

  4. ION TRAP COMPUTERS Electromagnetic fields trap ions in the vacuum and lasers are used to cool the ions to their ground levels. Lasers are used to build the quantum gates required by a quantum calculation Photoreceptors read the result.

  5. It is proposed here that: a) PSD is physical chemical trap for Ca2+ ions; b) Energy from metabolic pathways controled by glutamate are used to build the quantum gates, and c) Ca2+ pumps read the result.

  6. Minimum required Ca2+ properties: Electronic States Electronic qubits: | 0 > = 1S and | 1 > = 3Po Required transition energy (E ): 50 nM (ultraviolet range) using E = h * n where h is the Planck constant and n is the frequency.

  7. Minimum required Ca2+ properties: Molecular Trap Motion qubits: | 0 > = Ground state and | 1 > = First excited state of a Ca2+ traped in a molecular cavity of typical size 0.7 A. Ground state energy: 3.2 eV

  8. The Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm (DJA) is proposed to be quantum computed by the Dendritic Spine (DS)

  9. DJA was solved by the “quantum optics and spectroscopy” group in Innsbruck, headed by Prof. Rainer Blatt, in colaboration with Prof. Isaac L. Chuang from the MIT Media Lab using Ca+ quantum computing. (http://heart-c704.uibk.ac.at)

  10. STEP 1: The glutamate binding to the AMPA receptor opens VSCC channels and allows Ca2+ to enter in the PSD trap.

  11. STEP 2: The glutamate binding to the NMDA receptor activates Ras to release energy to entangle the traped Ca2+.

  12. STEP 3: The glutamate binding to the mRGLU activates another Ras to release energy to implement Uf:.

  13. STEP 4: Adenylate cyclase continue to activate Ras to provide the energy to implement another Hadamard gate.

  14. STEP 5: Finally, Ca2+ pumps read the result and move the ion into SER.

  15. The quantum properties of the dendritic spine is used to build a model of a Quantum Cortical Pattern Recognition Device (QCRPD). Click here to know more about CQRPD. Click here to see a DS simulation.

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