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Math Problem Solving - Ralph's Garden Multiplication Challenge

Learn how to find quantities and relationships in word problems with this task about Ralph's Garden. Discover math problem-solving techniques through visualization and deduction.

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Math Problem Solving - Ralph's Garden Multiplication Challenge

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  1. Routines for Reasoning Capturing Quantities – Faction Multiplication

  2. GOALS Today we are learning how to find quantities and relationships in word problems and diagrams. We are going to talk to others to clarify our own thinking about the math problem.

  3. Thinking Goals Think about a problem like a mathematician. • Thinking Questions: • What can be measured, what can be counted? • What relationships can I find? • How can I represent my thinking?

  4. Ralph’s Garden Ralph has a garden in his back yard. He decides that he will plant 4/5 of the space with vegetables and the remaining space with flowers. Ralph really likes poppies, so he dedicate ¼ of the flower section to various types of poppies. How much of Ralph’s garden will be planted in poppies? https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=lFQ-XIvaOsnf0gL3tpyACg&q=garden+with+poppies+in+it&oq=garden+with+poppies+in+it&gs_l=img.3...71151.76685..76888...1.0..0.187.3846.0j26......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67j0.hvH5BNLIFL0#imgrc=Mvo1XD3X8rrJyM: Thinking Questions: What can be counted? What can be measured? What relationships do you see?

  5. Ralph’s Garden Ralph has a garden in his back yard. He decides that he will plant 4/5 of the space with vegetables and the remaining space with flowers. Ralph really likes poppies, so he dedicate ¼ of the flower section to various types of poppies. How much of Ralph’s garden will be planted in poppies? https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=lFQ-XIvaOsnf0gL3tpyACg&q=garden+with+poppies+in+it&oq=garden+with+poppies+in+it&gs_l=img.3...71151.76685..76888...1.0..0.187.3846.0j26......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67j0.hvH5BNLIFL0#imgrc=Mvo1XD3X8rrJyM: Sentence Starters: “The number of ….” “The amount of …” “ We saw that ____ relates to _____”

  6. Ralph’s Garden Ralph has a garden in his back yard. He decides that he will plant 4/5 of the space with vegetables and the remaining space with flowers. Ralph really likes poppies, so he dedicate ¼ of the flower section to various types of poppies. How much of Ralph’s garden will be planted in poppies? https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=lFQ-XIvaOsnf0gL3tpyACg&q=garden+with+poppies+in+it&oq=garden+with+poppies+in+it&gs_l=img.3...71151.76685..76888...1.0..0.187.3846.0j26......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67j0.hvH5BNLIFL0#imgrc=Mvo1XD3X8rrJyM: “We showed _______ by ___________.” We used the _____ relationship to _____.”

  7. Reflection “This math problem helped me to see _______________.”

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