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Braille Converter For Exam

Braille Converter For Exam. 13-057. Introduction. Purpose of the system. Need to create system to reduce paper works Need to reduce time consumption Text to Braille Translation Braille to Text Translation

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Braille Converter For Exam

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  1. Braille Converter For Exam 13-057

  2. Introduction

  3. Purpose of the system • Need to create system to reduce paper works • Need to reduce time consumption • Text to Braille Translation • Braille to Text Translation • Using this system user can easily convert English text to Braille text and Braille character to English text • Then BCFE System create readable paper for examiner and blind student

  4. System Characteristics • First we need to scan English examination paper and get BMP image file • Then scanned paper input into BCFE system • The system Analyze image and do the pre-processing to image • Correcting angles • Adjust brightness • Image De-blurring • etc...

  5. System Characteristics Cont... Then using character recognition techniques BCFE system segment characters in the image and store into correct manner. Then the system get stored characters one by one and map into Braille characters and create Braille character array Then do the adjustment to that character array and manage all characters fit to the Braille paper size. And create Braille Exam paper to print.

  6. System Characteristics Cont... In the second part blind student’s Braille answer paper scan and insert into BCFE system. The system do the pre processing and correct some problems (if any) affected to character recognition. The using several methods and identify Braille characters. Then using template matching techniques find the appropriate English character . Then create correct English version of the answer sheet and do the post processing to printing purposes.

  7. System Diagram

  8. User interfaces User Login Interface

  9. Home page Interface User has to browse the image and select the conversion type

  10. Process Interface Process the image Noise removal De-skew

  11. Segmentation Interface Segment the character using the noise removal image

  12. Conversion Interface Final out put of the system

  13. System Interfaces Hardware Interfaces

  14. Software Interfaces Aforge.NET use for image processing and brain net libraries using for neural network implementation with MS Visual Studio 2010 MS Visual Studio 2010 Microsoft SQL server 2008 database to store spelling and grammar rule

  15. System Architecture Filtering Scanned Braille Answer Sheet Scanned Exam Paper Character Segmentation Enhance Image English Character Database Braille Character Database Features Extraction Create Braille Exam Paper Create English Answer Sheet Post Configuration Braille Exam paper English Answer Sheet

  16. Functional Requirement • Get the scanned image of the English paper • Convert to gray scale image • Image binarization • Noise reduction of the binarized image • De-skew.image • English character segmentation • Identify the Braille character in the database • Create a Braille examination paper • Get the scanned image of the Braille answer sheet • Convert to gray scale Braille image • Image binarization of the Braille gray scaled image • Noise reduction of the binarized Braille image • Braille character segmentation • Identify the English character in the database • Create an English answer sheet

  17. Non Functional Requirement Reliability Availability Security Maintainability

  18. References [1] Universal Braille Writer. [Online] Available: http://www.dellchallenge.org/projects/universal-braille-writer [2] Transforming Braille. [Online] Available: http://www.daisy.org/projects/transforming-braille [3] The University of Edinburgh. [Online] Available: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information-services/services/help-consultancy/accessibility/creating-materials/braille-documents [4] Braille Without Borders. [Online] Available: http://www.braillewithoutborders.org/ENGLISH/index_bwb.html [5] Braille-Go-Round. [Online] Available: https://sites.google.com/site/brailleproject/

  19. References [1] Universal Braille Writer. [Online] Available: http://www.dellchallenge.org/projects/universal-braille-writer [2] Transforming Braille. [Online] Available: http://www.daisy.org/projects/transforming-braille [3] The University of Edinburgh. [Online] Available: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information-services/services/help-consultancy/accessibility/creating-materials/braille-documents [4] Braille Without Borders. [Online] Available: http://www.braillewithoutborders.org/ENGLISH/index_bwb.html [5] Braille-Go-Round. [Online] Available: https://sites.google.com/site/brailleproject/

  20. Group Members IT 10 1589 82 Ranasinghe A.D.E.S IT 10 1904 94 Chamalika Hewawitharana G.H.P IT 10 1840 04 Gunawardhana R.D IT 10 2284 18 Ranaweera R.K.I.M Group Title – Braille Converter For Exams Group Number - 13-057 Thank You

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