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Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse France

Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse France. http://www.univ-avignon.fr http://www.lia.univ-avignon.fr. AVIGNON. Avignon. South – East of France 90 000 habs. 2h45 from Paris By TGV (800 Km) 1h00 from Marseille by car 1h15 from Montpellier by car National airport

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Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse France

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  1. Université d’Avignon et des Pays de VaucluseFrance http://www.univ-avignon.fr http://www.lia.univ-avignon.fr


  3. Avignon • South – East of France • 90 000 habs. • 2h45 from Paris By TGV (800 Km) • 1h00 from Marseille by car • 1h15 from Montpellier by car • National airport • International airport

  4. Avignon • Located in Provence

  5. Avignon • Medieval city

  6. Avignon • Wine region (Côtes du Rhône)

  7. The University of Avignon • Created in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII. • Closed after the French Revolution in 1793. • Reopened in 1963 as a dependency of the University of Marseille. • Independent university since 1984.

  8. The University of Avignon • About 7600 students • About 320 professors • 4 faculties: Humanities, Biology, Languages, Law and Sciences. • 2 Institutes: • Technology • Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences • 15 research laboratories

  9. The University of Avignon • Experienced in receiving foreign students as a member of Erasmus and Crepuq networks. • Special French lessons for foreigners. • International Relations Service.

  10. Computer Sciences Laboratory • Created in 1987 • 21 permanent researchers • 32 Ph.D. students • Structured in 5 teams • Networks and Multimedia • Automatic treatment of written languages • Automatic treatment of spoken languages • Human-machine Dialogs • Operational Research and Optimisation

  11. The O.R. Team • Created in 1998 • 3 permanents • P. M., C. Artigues, D. Feillet. • 2 ATER • C. Mancel, M. Palpant. • 4 Ph.D. students • Tran Thi Hue, • A. Linhares, • O. Liess, • T. Garaix.

  12. Research Activities

  13. Methods: CP/MP Cooperation Schemes • Constraint Programming is now widely used in O.R. • CP and Mathematical Programming are complementary. • Cooperative schemes are useful in some cases !

  14. Methods: CP/MP Cooperation Schemes • Example of published paper: Demassey S., Artigues C., Michelon P., “Constraint propagation-based cutting planes: an application to the resource-constrained project scheduling problem” , IJOC, 17, 52-65, 2005. • Example of work in progress: • Application to the Multi-Knapsack • Collaboration with Manoel Campêlo and William Maia (UFC)

  15. Methods: Decomposition • Column Generation: • Application to Vehicles Routing Problems. • Generalized Bender’s decomposition: • Application to coupled problems.

  16. Methods: Decomposition • Example of published paper: D. Feillet, P. Dejax, M. Gendreau, “The Profitable Arc Tour Problem: Solution with a Branch and Price algorithm”, to appear, Transportation Science • Example of work in progress: • Bender’s Decomposition for a coupled Planning/Scheduling Problem. • O. Liess’s Ph.D. thesis.

  17. Methods: Metaheuristics • Application to several fields. • Exploration of the links between metaheuristics and exact methods.

  18. Methods: Metaheuristics • Example of published paper: E. Danna, E. Rothberg, C. Le Pape, “Exploring relaxation induced neighborhoods to improve MIP solutions” Mathematical Programming, 102, 71-90, 2005. • Example of work in progress: • Links with Resolution Search • M. Palpant’s Ph.D thesis • Collaboration with M. Vasquez (EMA)

  19. Problems: 0/1 Quadratic Programming • Constrained and unconstrained problems. • Exact Method. • Linearization techniques.

  20. Problems: 0/1 Quadratic Programming • Example of published paper: S. Gueye, P. Michelon, “Miniaturized Linearizations for 0/1 Quadratic Problems”, to appear,A.O.R, special issue on“Integer Programming: State-of-the-Art”. • Example of work in progress: • Fixation techniques • Collaboration with S. Gueye (University of Le Havre)

  21. Problems: Vehicles Routing • Exacts and heuristic methods • Profitable arcs problems. • Preemptive demands problems.

  22. Problems: Vehicle Routing • Example of published paper: D. Feillet, P. Dejax, M. Gendreau, C. Gueguen, “An exact algorithm for the Elementary Shortest Path Problem with Resource Constraints: application to some vehicle routing problems”, Networks, 44(3): 216-229, 2004 • Example of work in progress • Refinement of column generation techniques for vehicle routing • Collaboration with L-M Rousseau (CRT, Canada)

  23. Problems: Scheduling • Focus on the Resources Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. • Exact and heuristic methods. • Extension to other problems.

  24. Problem: Scheduling • Example of published paper: M. Palpant, C. Artigues, P. Michelon, “Solving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with large neighbourhood search”, A.O.R, special issue on Metaheuristics, 131, 237-258, 2004. • Example of work in progress: • Study of a particular Cyclic Scheduling Problem. • Collaboration with Marcos Negreiros (UECE)

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