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What is childlike faith? How can my life be marked by it, so that I trust in Gods goodness and view the world with awe and wonder? Here help...
We teach our children to pray, not just to say prayers There is no right age to educate in the child like faith. For this journey it is not enough to have the child baptized, it is necessary to accompany him on his journey of growth, sharing with him the space that God has in our heart. There are, however, three verbs that we must cultivate in ourselves and pass on to him, above all with the testimony: trusting, promising, being amazed. To trust: Children need to be able to trust their parents, but we adults often say but we do not, we never have enough time, etc. It happens that a child doubts that his dad will arrive on time for a play because unfortunately, it happens. And, when it happens, we must be able to apologize and show that we love him, even if we are late. God loves us. Let us help the children to make a little prayer, alone, before the image of Jesus in their bedroom: "Father God loved us so much, that he gave his Son Jesus for us". The best time is in the evening when the child is delivered to the darkness of the night and to the unknown of sleep. He will fall asleep with the certainty of love not only of father and mother but also of father God and friend Jesus. Their company is stronger than any fear. To promise: Children experience that the strength of relationships, with peers at the gardens, at kindergarten, with little brothers with dad and mother, is also based on the ability to make promises of good. From the conventional sign of the thumb up that marks the value of friendship between little ones to the kiss of the goodnight that closes every night in seal the promise of love that parents and children mutually exchange: Childlike faith are signs and gestures, before words. And when promises are not kept, we teach and witness forgiveness and reconciliation. Be amazed: Amazement is the basis of every cognitive act of the child and also opens the imagination in him. The easiest way to express amazement is in the face, and in the questions. If the questions are accepted, aroused and appreciated, the wonder will remain a constant in the human growth of the child, a positive attitude.
The question about God is often expressed as a question about the meaning of the universe and, therefore, as an interpellation on the value of living and dying.