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Well, it’s possible to skip the mess and long hard work of sanding andstriping by simply painting overtop your existing finish.<br>More precisely; scuff sanding, priming with a top quality bonding primer such as Zinsser Bin and then Painting.
It’s an unfortunate reality that many new home builders today either don’t know or don’t care that those ”golden” oak staircases that they have been putting in their homes for decades are no longer desirable.
You know the ones were talking about. The ones that stand out like a sore thumb against your newly installed black walnut hardwood floors and beautifully painted walls.
That golden yellow varnish staring back at you can at times be enough to make you run for your power sander. But hold on! Let’s not make any rash decisions! Striping the existing finish to the bare wood on all those spindles and handrails will take you a very long time.
So what other choice do you have? • Well, it’s possible to skip the mess and long hard work of sanding andstriping by simply painting overtop your existing finish. • More precisely; scuff sanding, priming with a top quality bondingprimer such as Zinsser Bin and then Painting.
Beautiful results can be achieved by pairing white stair spindles witha dark chocolate colour handrail against a backdrop of dark hardwoodfloors. • We guarantee you the before and after results will be nothing short ofspectacular. That is, If and only if the work is done properly and withmeticulous attention to detail.
The key to a beautifully finished staircase is smooth application andclean sharp cut lines between the contrasting colours of the spindles and thehandrail.
The smoothest possible way to apply paint is by spraying. Unfortunatelythis is not usually a feasible option in a home that is being lived in andalready has floors installed and walls painted. The amount of prep work requiredto be able to spray would outweigh the positives of spraying.
What we prefer to use is: A high quality paint, quality brushes andmini foam rollers. The results are almost indistinguishable from a sprayedfinish and without the worry of spray droplets landing on your furniture, wallsor floor.
We know it’s a daunting task, but also one that you will find muchsatisfaction in completing. So what are you waiting for? Get rid of that uglystaircase for good.
If you have any questions or don’t have the time to take on such a taskgive us a call and we would be more than happy to help. • Our Professional Painters Service:Downtown Toronto, Etobicoke, Mississauga, Oakville and Burlington. • BpReno.com647-456-2321
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