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SCORE@F. Forum des acteurs – Final Workshop September 24th , 2013 Inria. Système COopératif R outier E xpérimental en France. ANALYZING USER DATA WITH RTMaps. ABSTRACT.
SCORE@F Forum des acteurs – Final Workshop September 24th, 2013 Inria Système COopératifRoutier Expérimental en France ANALYZING USER DATA WITH RTMaps ABSTRACT The achievement of a Field Operational Test comes with a collection of a large mass of diverse data. To exploit the richness of such a protocol, it is necessary to synchronize the different data streams and to be able to play them back together. It is also important to identify and quickly access critical driving situations that require extensive analysis. The RTMaps tool (Intempora) has been designed to perform these functions. Under Score@fproject, it was adapted to the specificities of Cooperative Systems ton integrate CAM and DENM messages. Verbal data HMI Displays GPS positions CAN data DENM & CAM messages Video (up to 4 cameras) EXCEL SPREADSHEET TIME CONTROL FRONT SCENE VIDEO BOX OF TAGS MAP HMI AUDIO A jog-shuttle allows easy navigation in the timeline. The ego vehicle, represented by a yellow dot, moves on a map, which is synchronized to the video and the Excel windows. CAM and DENM messages are respectively depicted by red and green dots When the file is opened, one can see immediately in this box all sent and received messages. A single click on one of those events and the video (and Excel spreadsheet) playback jumps in time to re-start running N seconds before the event. It scrolls at the same pace as the Excel spreadsheet, to which it is permanently linked. Other videos can be added (e.g. rear scene) Driver comments The IHM displays are replayed as in the test Most data from the CAN (speed, opened door, …) are collected as well as CAM and DENM messages and HMI status. All data are thus combined in a single file and ready for statistical analysis. This file is synchronized to the video, it can be easily enriched with annotations. Ego vehicle RWW emittedby R-ITSS n°3 PARTNERS CAM emittedby R-ITSS °3 CBW emitted by car n°338