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Cosmetics & Toiletries & National Newspapers Latest intelligence from Newsworks March 2009. Structure of today ’ s presentation. Role of newspapers for women Science and newspapers TV & Newspapers, the perfect partnership How newspapers work versus magazines
Cosmetics & Toiletries & National Newspapers Latest intelligence from NewsworksMarch 2009
Structure of today’s presentation Role of newspapers for women Science and newspapers TV & Newspapers, the perfect partnership How newspapers work versus magazines How brands can make their advertising work harder: Attitudes towards cosmetics and toiletries advertising in newspapers Do similar ad formats confuse? Impact of ad size Awards Topicality/Newsworthiness Celebrity endorsement vs model vs product Multiple executions What can Boots teach brand advertisers? Conclusions
Women spend time with their newspaper 11m women read a newspaper every weekday 70%of women readers spend more than half an hourwith their papers Newspapers are picked up and read on three separate occasions during the day Source: NRS, NMA Women and Newspapers
Papers have a vital role in women’s lives Source: NMA Women and Newspapers research
Women value their newspaper as ‘Purposeful Pleasure’ On average 11 million women read a national newspaper each day The Purpose The Experience The Pleasure • to get informed • mentally stimulating • relaxing • of feeling I am using my brain • of a feeling of worthwhiletime for me Source: NMA Women and Newspapers research
How readers feel reading a quality newspaper Proud of myself, for making time for me, and for getting informed Private, in my own little world Relaxed Relief…it’s the first time in the day on my own, first time in the day for me Focused Escapism, almost transient… my head is busy, but it calms me down… time out from the rest, in a capsule Very interested, passionate, angry wanting to start a conversation about it That light bulb moment something switches you on A sense of anticipation It’s vital… it restores me Time for me, but it’s useful as well Very knowledgeable Questioning Luxury time Inspired Source: NMA Emotional Connections research
How readers feel reading a mid market/tabloid newspaper Relaxed and unstressed Shocked, surprised, interested, Astounded by what I read Comfortable Escape into your paper for a little bit Saddened, sickened, incensed When you watch TV you switch off, when you read the paper you switch on Amused Me time I feel off the leash Quiet time Happy Informed, up to date Source: NMA Emotional Connections research
Newspaper readers – a receptive frame of mind 76% agree I’m in a more receptive frame of mind when reading a paper so absorb factual information as well as enjoy the pictures in the advertising Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 1378)
Women’s perceptions of newspapers when thinking aboutCosmetics and Toiletries Fashion and lifestyle pages are eye-catching Seeing adverts next to related articles makesthem more memorable and relevant Full page adverts in newspapersreally grab my attention I often try the toiletries & cosmetics products that have been reviewed I use my newspaper as a source of information, including new toiletries & cosmetics products If I see a product that interests me in a newspaper I often rip it out & refer to it later when shopping Companies that advertise in newspapers showthey are really confident in the product I often look out for what papers say celebrities are buying &think about trying same products Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 1378)
Newspapers provide an ideal context forscience claims 96% like to have as much information as possible when considering scientifically developed products 93% want evidence if a product makes a bold claim like ‘teeth whitening’ or ‘anti-ageing’ 81% agree newspapers are an important source of information for new products with scientific claims 72% agree I’m more open to scientific messages if I read about them in newspapers because I expect newspapers to check & verify facts Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 1378)
How confident are you of the terms being used %? I know exactly what this means and could confidently explain it I have a fair idea whatthis means I have only a vague idea what this means I have heard term but I have no idea what it means/never heard the term Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 1378)
Saw Horizon programme on TV Newspapers the most prevalent information source for Horizon programme featuring Boots No7 Protect & Perfect Read about Horizon programme in newspapers Was told about programme by friend/relative/colleague Never heard/read/seen anything about it Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 1378)
Newspaper coverage multipliesthe audience 1.9 million viewers 33.4 million readers Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 1378)
Seeing the newspaper articles….. 95% 85% 83% Agree Agree strongly Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 1378)
Newspaper readers spend more than TV viewers on many beauty products sectors Population OOOs. All households 25017. Heaviest third TV = 6886. Regular newspaper readers = 6886. Heaviest third TV is 37% of TV Source: TNSWorldpanel – 52 weeks ending 28 Dec 2008
Variety of newspaper types provides more targeting opportunities Population OOOs. All households 25017. Heaviest third TV = 6886. Regular qualities = 1699.Regular mids = 2537. Regular pops = 2992Heaviest third TV is 37% of TV Source: TNSWorldpanel – 52 weeks ending 28 Dec 2008
Variety of newspaper types provides more targeting opportunities by brand Population OOOs. All households 25017. Heaviest third TV = 6886. Regular qualities = 1699.Regular mids = 2537.Regular pops = 2992Heaviest third TV is 37% of TV Source: TNSWorldpanel – 52 weeks ending 28 Dec 2008
Variety of newspaper types provides more targeting opportunities by brand Population OOOs. All households 25017. Heaviest third TV = 6886. Regular qualities = 1699.Regular mids = 2537.Regular pops = 2992Heaviest third TV is 37% of TV Source: TNSWorldpanel – 52 weeks ending 28 Dec 2008
Variety of newspaper types provides more targeting opportunities by brand Population OOOs. All households 25017. Heaviest third TV = 6886. Regular qualities = 1699.Regular mids = 2537.Regular pops = 2992Heaviest third TV is 37% of TV Source: TNSWorldpanel – 52 weeks ending 28 Dec 2008
Newspapers TV Magazines Others 2008 Cosmetics & Toiletries Ad Spend % by medium Source: NMR
Newspapers’ audience profile complements TV with a profile that is relatively young, ABC1 and London Newspaper audience delivery indexed against commercial TV Commercial TV indexed @ 100 Source : BARB Jul – Dec 2008 / NRS Jul – Dec 2008
25.2m 17.8m 11.4m Newspapers offer high coverage of women Women Women who reada newspaper in a week Women who reada magazine in a week Source: NRS Apr 08 – Sep 08
Newspapers deliver immediacy Time taken to reach 96% of readers Women’s monthlies 171days Women’s weeklies 88 days National newspapers 1 day Source: NRS - Accumulation Curves
Role of newspapers and magazines for women Magazines Newspapers Quite often clothes & beauty products featured are not available in the shops Provides information that is current and up to date Reading is a ritual that keeps me in touch It is more informative than other media It gives me ideas and things to talk about When I read I feel totally absorbed in what I’m doing There’s too much advertising Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 1378)
Women’s perceptions of newspapers vs magazines Best buys and product reviewsare more credible in the newspaper I prefer newspaper reviews to magazine reviews because they give you more objective information I seem to notice adverts in my newspaper far more than magazines as there are fewer adverts Products advertised in newspapers tend to be more unique and special Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 1378)
Advertising in newspapers grabs attention more It was larger and as there were much less adverts it stood out. In Elle mag there were too many adverts and they all start to blend in together % of women marking ad with Post-it note page ad 66% dps* 44% * Ad for Estée Lauder Bold Volume lifting mascara Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08 (Women 142)
Standout higher in newspapers than magazines …You don't expect to see cosmetic advertising in newspapers % of women marking ad with Post-it note 25x4 ad 61% page ad 44% Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08 (Women 142)
Standout in newspapers almost 3 times higher The magazine is full of fashion adverts but the newspaper isn't. It's a full page in the newspaper so it’s bigger % of women marking ad with Post-it note page ad 39% page ad 14% Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08 (Women 142)
Newspapers generate higher unprompted recall Evening Standard Elle The Times Grazia 16% 16% 15% 14% 12% 11% 10% 9% 7% 7% 3% Estée Lauder recalled Harrodsmentioned Mascaramentioned Mangorecalled Mangorecalled Lancôme recalled Lancôme recalled Estée Lauder recalled Mascaramentioned* Mascaramentioned Mascaramentioned* * Mascara mentions in magazines do not refer solely to the “test” ads Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08 (Women 149)
Category prompt delivers higher recall for newspaper ads % mentioning test brands following category prompt Lancôme Mango Estée Lauder 27% 24% 23% 11% 11% 2% Evening Standard Elle The Times Grazia Evening Standard Elle Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08 (Women : Times 128, Grazia 147, Standard 128, Elle 149)
Stronger ad recognition in newspapers % recognising Estée Lauder Lancôme 79% 72% 68% 65% Evening Standard Elle The Times Grazia Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08 (Women : Times 128, Grazia 147, Standard 128, Elle 149)
Newspaper advertising surprises and delights Full page colour ad on the "typical" news page. Big picture of the product and huge eyelashes on the model Whole page ad, nice eyes/eyelashes, nice black/gold mascara tube It was a full page advert. You could really tell it was an Estée Lauder product advert It was a full page advert. You could really tell it was an Estée Lauder product advert I love mascara and normally take time to read ads. Woman's lashes looked great It’s huge! It stands out against the whole look of the articles. It’s unexpected. The model's face is bright clear and beautiful. Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08
Brands can benefit from ‘positivity effect’ in papers It’s mascara in a newspaper The fact that it's in a newspaper makes it stand out more. I noticed the info on the 'new' mascara, it seemed interesting The size of the ad, the fact that it was on the right hand page. I didn't notice the same ad in Grazia The colour advert is very striking against the newspaper print. The picture of the girl with beautiful lashes is very striking Large advert for mascara which is something I wear The model's eyes. It took up 3/4 of the page as well in colour. Made it stand out against the writing Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08
Newspaper ads convey status , authority and universal appeal Main messages from using a newspaper to advertise mascara (open-ended) Universal appeal High quality/premium, product The manufacturers wish to reach a wider audience with these adverts. They seem to be bold and confident in featuring full-length ads in the newspapers For women who care about fashion but don’tread magazines For business/professional people Exclusive, high profile, important I’m new buy/try me That they are more serious products, possibly more for professional women who would be more likely to read the paper than a fashion magazine Targeting a more sophisticated clientele Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08 (Women 149)
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers Main advantages of advertising in a newspaper (open-ended) Wider range ofpotential customers Wider readership Fewer adverts tocompete against Advertising in a newspaper provides a "day to day" instead of a once a month/or week hit, reaching a much bigger market (including men that want to treat their ladies with a quality gift!) Newspapers seen every day More people readnewspapers There are not as many adverts so yours might stand out more. The magazines are full of adverts and I tend to skip past them as there are just too many to take in. Gives people gift/new product ideas Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08 (Women 149)
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers The reader of a newspaperis more likely to be a professional and may therefore be willing to purchase more expensive beauty products, such as Estée Lauder, because it is important for their career to look their best. It makes it more noticeable. I stopped to read the mascara adverts in the newspapers but didn't bother with the magazine ones Not just targeting readers of fashion magazines. You're not vying with a lot of other mascaras in the fashion magazines Women may make an impulse purchase after work / lunch break More exposure and less adverts in the newspaper so would be more noticeable People read the papers more and believe in newspapers more than mags credibility Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Impact study,Sep08
Women like to see their interests reflected in editorial and ads 70%felt that seeing cosmetics and toiletries adverts in their newspapers made the paper more relevant to them
Brand recognition Many women’s toiletries and cosmetics press ads appear to use similar ‘formula’, eg Hair care – model/celebrity head shot, shiny hair often spread out, pack Eye make-up – model/celebrity head shot, eyes highlighted, pack Depilatory/body care – model leg/body shot, pack Does format similarity cause confusion? 61% agree it’s often hard to tell which toiletry or cosmetic is being advertised as the ads looks so similar To further understand levels of potential confusion and identify how well brands convey brand identity by other means, 15 ads were shown with the brand names removed
Strong identities for tophaircare brands Published ad De-branded ad Correct brand % 73 71 61 53 Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 107, 211, 212)
Brand confusion potential for less familiar brands Published ad De-branded ad Correct brand % 20 5 Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 107, 211, 212)
Branding challenge for mascara brands Published ad De-branded ad Correct brand % 65 59 30 24 Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 107, 211, 212)
Innovations benefit from clear logos Published ad De-branded ad Correct brand % Branding score in main study% 23 77 Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Women 107, 211, 212)
High interest category but big difference in individual ad performance Average response across 6 Branding & Response Metrics Boots Soltan Once Face sun cream Pantene Pro-V Average single ads (75) Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Average 1378, Boots Soltan 107, Pantene 108) )
Women’s Cosmetics and Toiletries – Top and Bottom Ads Branding is strong Gives me enough information to decide whether brand is for me I would stop and look rather than turning the page Gives me a reason to go out and buy this brand Surprising and gets me to think differently about the brand Average response – 75 single ads Boots Soltan Once Face Pantene Pro-V Haircare 25 x 4 Helps me connect and identify more strongly with the brand Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Average 1378, Boots Soltan 107, Pantene 108) )
+/- Women’s Cosmetics and Toiletries – Top and Bottom Ads % +27 +19 +32 Average response – 75 single ads Boots Soltan Once Face Pantene Pro-V Haircare 25 x 4 Difference top vs bottom -47 -43 -35 Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Average 1378, Boots Soltan 107, Pantene 108) )
+/- Women’s Cosmetics and Toiletries – Highest & lowest active engagement % +49 +48 +41 Average response –75 single ads Estée Lauder Turbolash Mascara Estée Lauder Re-Nutriv Skincare 25 x 4 -44 -47 Difference highest vs lowest -46 Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Average 1378, Estée Lauder Turbolash 104, Re-Nutriv 102) )
Larger ad sizes perform more strongly but …. Average response across 6 branding & response metrics by size of ad % Full Page Av (50 ads) Half Page Av (14 ads) 25 x 4 Av (11 ads) Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Average 1378) )
Creative strengthmakes a bigger difference Branding & response average for top and bottom ads in each size Full Page Half Page 25 x 4 Highest scoring ad Lowest scoring ad Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Average 1378) )
Bigger ads generate stronger responses Branding is strong It reminds me of TV ads for this manufacturer I would stop and look rather than turning the page Placing the ad next to this type of article makes it seem more interesting and relevant Surprising and gets me to think differently about the brand Gives me enough information to decide whether brand is for me Helps me connect and identify more strongly with the brand Average response – 75 single ads Gives me a reason to go out and buy this brand Boots No7 Instant Radiance full page Boots No7 Instant Radiance ½ page Boots No7 Instant Radiance 25 x 4 Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Average 1378, Boots each ad 108) )
Bigger ads are more actively engaging % Average response – 75 single ads Boots No7 Instant Radiance full page Boots No7 Instant Radiance ½ page Boots No7 Instant Radiance 25 x 4 Source: BMRB/Cosmetics & Toiletries Sep08 (Average 1378, Boots each ad 108) )