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Spirits and Slave REbellions. Brandon Clayton. Background. Slaves had a culture in which some customs originated from the homeland of Africa, while other customs were picked up in North America when they were forced to assimilate
Spirits and Slave REbellions Brandon Clayton
Background • Slaves had a culture in which some customs originated from the homeland of Africa, while other customs were picked up in North America when they were forced to assimilate • Constantly from the beginning of their captivity, they would sing and tell stories about how they would eventually get free and how the slaveholders would receive the ultimate judgment • The new culture held by slaves resulted in spirit of rebellion and resistance that was adhered to up until the emancipation in 1865
Background • The abolition of slavery in the north came long before the south (1804) • South became entrenched so slaves had to find some way to resist • Some ways included full scale rebellions • These were very rare, but slave owners constantly feared it • Others were just small things that gave the some sense of control where they practically had none • Included feigning sickness, breaking or damaging tools • This also slowed down the production process and therefore decreasing a master’s profits • Obeye is the practicing of harnessing the supernatural forces and spirits for one’s own use • Obeye-men used it to help in slave rebellions and bind slaves to their secrecy • Obeye-men had better medicine practices than the Europeans at that time period • Would poison their masters or heal the sick
Background(Cont) • Between the years of 1600 up until 1865, there was an estimated 200 or more slave results that occurred • About 1,000 slaves escaped every year in the 1850’s • More common to escape than to plan insurrection • Nat Turner’s slave rebellion is most famous and successful • Turner was a slave preacher who inspired his fellow slaves of an apocalyptic view of white and black angels fighting • Him along with 7 original followers killed his owner’s family • Followers maxed at about 80, going around killing white owners in Virginia
Relation to Piano Lesson • Willie Boy was told to carve only himself and his mother into the leg of the piano but instead he carved his whole family • The spirit of rebellion could be seen in the piano because of the spirits linked to it • Berniece calling on the spirits would be considered Obeye • Oppose Sutter who is the master • Represents the life of their grandmother
Relation to Piano Lesson • The spirit is also related to Boy Willie and his goals for life • Rebellious nature • Even though many believe that it was the Ghosts of Yellow dog that was pushing people in the well, it is much easier to see it as a form of slave rebellion
Bibliography • http://www.americaslibrary.gov/assets/jb/colonial/jb_colonial_stono_2_m.jpg • http://www.google.com/search?q=when+was+slavery+abolished+in+north&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a • http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/zinnslaem10.html • http://scholar.library.miami.edu/slaves/Religion/religion.html