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WVU MBA. Team Decision Making. Assets of Team Decision Making. Greater Total Knowledge Greater # of Approaches to a problem Participation Increases Acceptance and Comprehension. Liabilities of Team Decision Making. Social Loafing/Process Losses

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WVU MBA Team Decision Making

  2. Assets of Team Decision Making Greater Total Knowledge Greater # of Approaches to a problem Participation Increases Acceptance and Comprehension

  3. Liabilities of Team Decision Making Social Loafing/Process Losses Individual Domination Risky Shift Group Think

  4. Janis/Brightman Techniques Critical Thinking Uber Alles Don’t Preach Use the Devil’s Advocate Everyone Participates Reality-test Ideas Second-chance Meetings Group, Know Thyself

  5. Hints for Consensus Decision Making No majority rules or horse trading! Do not dominate the team! Do not let others dominate the team! Protect quieter members - make sure they participate! A little conflict may be good - but don’t let it get out of hand!

  6. JANIS’ MODEL OF GROUPTHINK Group Leadership and Structural Problems -Group Insulated -Ineffective Leadership -Wrong Group Structure -Group Members are Similar -Lack of Rigorous Methods Compulsive Need for Agreement or GroupThink Tight-knit and Cohesive Group Situational Factors -High Stress -Low Hope of Better Solutions -Recent Team Setbacks -Very Tough Problem

  7. Nominal Group Technique Phase I Each member analyzes problem without outside interference and writes down recommendations. Phase II Each member presents (leader last). Get ideas on the table. No questions except for clarification. Also members turn in written list. Get everyone’s #1, then # 2, etc.. Phase III Idea Structuring. If many ideas, cluster them into a few mega-ideas. Then assign sub-groups to further develop ideas prior to discussion. Phase IV Discussion and synthesis. Strive for synthesis that incorporates best ideas of each. Insure everyone participates. Use devil’s advocate. Reality test. Group members are to challenge and compare assumptions and ask questions; challenge the group to reject wrong arguments. Phase V Closure. Consensus. If unattainable, have group rank order (by secret ballot).

  8. Delphi Technique • Step 1 Enlist the cooperation of group members or experts. • Step 2 Present the problem. Don’t allow any group interaction! • Step 3 Group members record solutions, recommendations. Group members may know one another, but communications between members are anonymous. • Step 4 Responses are compiled and reproduced. • Step 5 Responses are shared with other members. • Step 6 Group members comment on others’ ideas and propose a solution. • Step 7 Solutions are compiled. • Step 8 If no consensus is reached, go back to Step 5.

  9. Social Judgment Analysis • Very simple technique which may be used in conjunction with one of other techniques. • Premise is that the fundamental problem is that individuals use different criteria for making decisions. • People have hidden agendas • People think different aspects of the problem are important • People see the world differently • SJA technique is to get the criteria by which the decisions will be made out in public and on the table. If consensus can be reached, so much the better!

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