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History from below Mathematics, instruments and archaeology Stephen Johnston Museum of the History of Science University of Oxford. Astrolabe by Erasmus Habermel, Prague, 1590s?. Inch scale, with numerals from 1 to 9 (almost) decipherable.
History from below Mathematics, instruments and archaeology Stephen Johnston Museum of the History of Science University of Oxford
Timber with a square cross-section (b = c), and for which the volume is to be determined
Longport rule Square root table Product 4 x 15 5 x 12 6 x 10 Root 7,14 7,15 7,15 Product 5 x 16 8 x 10 Root 8,18 8,19 Product 6 x 16 8 x 12 Root 9,16 9,15 Square roots expressed in inches and twentieths
Samuel Sturmy, The mariners magazine, or, Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts (1669)
One foot carpenter’s rule Whipple Museum of the History of Science University of Cambridge
Rule with board scale and timber and board tables, 1648 Whipple Museum