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Establishing Specific Objectives and Performance Standards for Employees

Establishing Specific Objectives and Performance Standards for Employees. Presented by: Cecelia Largo-Nez, Community Involvement Specialist Local Governance Support Center Fort Defiance Agency March 25,2 009 “Essential Tools to Enhance Leadership Skills” Chapter Officials Training.

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Establishing Specific Objectives and Performance Standards for Employees

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  1. Establishing Specific Objectives and Performance Standards for Employees Presented by: Cecelia Largo-Nez, Community Involvement Specialist Local Governance Support Center Fort Defiance Agency March 25,2 009 “Essential Tools to Enhance Leadership Skills” Chapter Officials Training

  2. Navajo Nation Personnel Policies Manual • Section XI-Employee Performance Appraisal • Policy: The policy of the Navajo Nation is to encourage and promote optimal employee performance using program management objectives. Every employee must receive a performance appraisal at least once a year. • Purpose: The purpose of the Employee Appraisal is to evaluate past job performance and set objectives for future performance. • Duties and Responsibilities • Supervisors shall be responsible for evaluating past performance pursuant to procedures issued by the Department of Personnel Management.

  3. At the beginning of each review period, supervisors will be responsible for establishing specific objectives and performance objectives consistent with program objectives and current job description. • Department of Personnel Management shall issue procedures regarding performance appraisals and establish periods and timelines for submission of appraisals.

  4. Objectives of a Performance Appraisal: • To give employees the opportunity to regularly discuss performance and performance objectives with their supervisor. • To provide the supervisor with a means of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an employee’s performance. • To provide a format enabling the supervisor to recommend a specific program designed to help an employee improve performance. • To provide a basis for salary or merit bonus pay recommendations.

  5. Performance Appraisal must meet certain Legal Requirements: • Performance ratings must be job-related. • Employees must be given a written copy of their job standards in advance of appraisals. • Managers who conduct the appraisal must be able to observe the behavior they are rating. • Supervisors should be trained to use the appraisal form correctly. • Appraisals should be discussed openly with employees and counseling or corrective guidance offered to help poor performers improve their performance. • An appeals procedures should be established to enable employees to express disagreement with the appraisal.

  6. Developing a Performance Objectives the “SMART” Way: There are many different methods used to gather information about the performances of employees; however, gathering information is only the first step in the appraisal process. • An example using “SMART”: (S) smart, (M) measureable, (A) achievable, (R) results-focused, and (T) time-bound. • To develop a standard using SMART, start with an action verb. 1. Answer “What will be done?” 2. How will it been done? 3. Why will it be done? 4. When will it be done?

  7. IV. Chart 1: Developing Objectives for Goals, Duties and Competencies:

  8. Question and Answers www.lgscftdefiance.org Thank you.

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