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Performance Programs and Evaluations for CSEA employees. Purpose and Benefits of a Performance Evaluation System. Set expectations and measure performance What employees are expected to do for their organization in return for pay and benefits
Purpose and Benefits of a Performance Evaluation System • Set expectations and measure performance • What employees are expected to do for their organization in return for pay and benefits • Allows employees to understand what is required for advancement (i.e. what are those measures of quality, and what do employees need to do to be successful?) • Establishes a standard of performance • Document employee performance • Shows what areas need improvements and what they are doing right • Promote employee growth and development • How the organization can help employees develop their skills to meet expectations • Enhance employee performance • Motivate employees • Shows what role the employee plays in adding value to the campus • Promote increased communication • Increases feedback of needed change • Expresses appreciation of good performance • Strengthens relationship between employee and supervisor • Assists in evaluating supervisor’s own performance
Performance Evaluation Process • Prepare tasks and standards to support performance expectations, and meet with the employee to review and discuss the tasks and standards, clarifying any unclear items. With the employee build the employee’s development plan. • Regularly observe and assess employee performance against the tasks and standards. • Establish checkpoints to provide on-going feedback (positive and corrective) to the employee. • Periodically review the tasks and standards and the development plan, making necessary adjustments if changes are needed to keep them current. • Review with the employee. • Rate the employee at the rating point(s) of the process. • Begin the process again, making adjustments (if necessary) to the tasks and standards or the employee development plan.
Difference between Performance Evaluation and Performance Rating The terms performance evaluation and performance rating are sometimes used interchangeably. However, the are notthe same thing.
Task Statements Task statements are descriptions of an employee’s actual work. They include what the work is. They do not include “how to do” or “how well to do” the work. Information contained in task statements must include: • What work is to be done (verb and noun) Task statements may also include: • What the output or products are • Where it is done • How often it is done • For whom it is done Tasks should: • Clearly define, and specifically describe actual work to be done • Account for a significant amount of the employee’s time • Reflect the actions taken to meet the overall responsibilities of the employee • Relate to a position, not the individual in that position • Be distinguished from one another • Be important in relation to the objectives of the job, unit, or agency Task statements should be specific, but not so narrow that there are too many to list, nor so broad that one or two sums up the whole job.
Steps in Identifying Task of Employees • Think about the entire job of the employee. • Talk with the employee and review all available information about the job. • Turn “responsibilities” (broad statements) into tasks (action statements). • Discuss task formulation with other supervisors, if practical. • With the employee, draft a list of tasks/activities and condense it where appropriate. Task lists generally range in size from three to seven key tasks. • Ensure that tasks are consistent with agency goals and objectives, the objectives of other units and an up-to-date duties description. • Rank the tasks in order of descending importance, considering such factors as urgency, amount of time devoted to each task, importance of the work to the unit, etc. • Modify so that the final task statements are clear, complete, specific, and behavioral. Remember: The supervisor has the final responsibility for identifying the employee’s key tasks.
Sources to Assist Supervisors in Identifying Tasks of Employees If you need assistance in developing a set of tasks for a particular employee, consider the following resources: • Already existing tasks and standards within the agency – employees in similar positions • Job description, (www.cs.state.ny.us), classification standards, Civil Service standards • Tasks generated in discussions with peers or higher level supervisors • Production reports/work assignments sheets • Past work practices within the agency • Earlier performance evaluation reports • Observation of the work the employee performs
Comparison of Tasks and Standards Tasks are descriptions of the employee’s actual work. Standards are written descriptions of how well work must be performed. Standards provide supervisors and employees: • A clear picture about the quality of work that is expected (performance expectations); • An objective, reliable way to evaluate performance; and • Specific benchmarks to compare actual performance with desired performance.
Well Written Standards are SMART • Specific – clear and complete • Measurable – objective, not subjective • Attainable – for the typical incumbent • Relevant – directly related to job output • Time bound – to be completed within a specified timeframe
Suggestions for Effective Performance Documentation The annual appraisal should be an accurate reflection of work done throughout the year. It is recommended that supervisors keep documentation to help them write an accurate appraisal that addresses a year’s worth of performance. Here are some suggested sources of information to use for performance appraisal documentation: • Supervisor’s notes, including observation of behavioral competencies: • Customer service • Teamwork • Business acumen • Leadership • Examples of work • Time and attendance records • Training/certificates records • Congratulation letters and/or emails • Surveys or reports
10 Tips for Conducting Effective Performance Evaluations • Base employee’s evaluation on a current and accurate job description. • Provide the employee with a written list of up-to-date, clear and measurable tasks and standards. • Provide constructive feedback on performance on an on-going basis. • Focus on behaviors. • Give an accurate, fair, and individualized assessment of performance to each employee. • Prepare for and facilitate constructive performance evaluation meetings. • Listen and ask questions. • Review and follow agency performance evaluation and rating procedures. • Promote employee growth and development. • Focus on this process regularly and continually.
Steps in Performance Evaluation for CSEA-Represented Employees • At the start of the evaluation period, the supervisor completes Section 1, “Employee Identification” and Section 2A, the “Performance Program” portion of the evaluation form, listing the important tasks and objectives of the job and the standards by which the employee’s performance will be evaluated. • The supervisor arranges a meeting with the employee to discuss the performance program. At the meeting the supervisor provides a copy of the performance program for review, and may consider the employee’s comments or suggestions regarding the performance program. • The supervisor observes and informally reviews the employee’s performance throughout the evaluation period, providing feedback and/or counseling when appropriate. • Mid-pint Six-Month Review: Although optional, it is recommended that the six-month review be completed by the supervisor. At this time, the supervisor meets with the employee for an interim appraisal and informs the employee of how performance has compared with expectations. The supervisor also articulates the employee's strengths, and if there are any improvement opportunities, the supervisor should propose suggestions on how the employee can improve before the final evaluation.
Steps in Performance Evaluation for CSEA-Represented Employees Cont’d • Near the end of the evaluation period (one month before is recommended), the supervisor completes sections 2B, 4, 5, and 6, describing the employee’s performance in accomplishing the tasks specified in Section 2A, and whether the employee has met, exceeded, or failed to meet expectations. • The supervisor conducts an appraisal interview with the employee. The meeting should take place approximately two weeks before the end of the evaluation period to allow time for the supervisor to recommend a rating and forward the recommendation to the designated reviewer for approval. • The supervisor completes the performance appraisal and recommends a rating, including documentation to support any “Unsatisfactory” rating. The appraisal is forwarded to the reviewer. • The reviewer reviews the appraisal and approves it, modifies it, or requires additional documentation. The reviewer should consult the supervisor regarding any changes to the proposed evaluation. • The supervisor discusses the approved appraisal and rating with the employee and gives the employee a copy. At this time both the supervisor and employee sign and date the evaluation form. The supervisor gives the employee a copy of the Performance Evaluation and the original is forwarded to the employee’s personnel file. Ideally, all steps should be completed by the employee’s performance evaluation anniversary date. • The supervisor begins the process again for the next rating period.