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Sperm Production: Spermatogenesis http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter28/animation__spermatogenesis__quiz_1_.html. Spermatogenesis Sperm produced in testes which are located outside the body in order to help in temperature regulation (~3° lower temperature)
Sperm Production: Spermatogenesishttp://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter28/animation__spermatogenesis__quiz_1_.html
Spermatogenesis • Sperm produced in testes which are located outside the body in order to help in temperature regulation (~3° lower temperature) • In each testis are seminiferous tubules; near outer wall of tubules are germinal epithelial cells (cells of an organism whose function is to reproduce its kind) called spermatogonia Note: It takes 64-74 days for sperm to develop and every day ~100 million sperm are produced
Spermatogonia either go through mitosis to replace cells becoming sperm (type A) or go through meiosis to form 4 spermatozoa (type B)
Leydig cells – found in-between the tubules; after pituitary gland secretes LH, these cells respond by producing testosterone (key to sperm production) Sertoli cells – cells in the seminiferous tubules that assist in the development of sperm cells (Nurse cells)
Pseudo-colored scanning electron micrograph of seminiferous tubule
Process of Making Sperm: Spermatogenesis 1. Mitosis of Type A spermatogonia takes place to form a Type B spermatogonia 2. Type B spermatogonia then grows and becomes a primary spermatocyte 3. Primary spermatocyte undergos Meiosis I (forming the secondary spermatocyte) and Meiosis II (forming spermatids); both result in haploid cells 4. The spermatids then differentiate into spermatozoa (flagellum/acrosome)
Function of Hormones in spermatogenesis: • LH – produced by pituitary gland; stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone • Testosterone – produced by Leydig cells; promotes spermiogenesis (maturation of spermatids into spermatozoa) • FSH – produced by pituitary gland; stimulates sperm production in seminiferous tubules; stimulates division and maturation of Sertoli cells
Head: Acrosome (organelle that contains enzymes necessary to penetrate the egg); Nucleus (haploid) Midpiece: Mitochondria (provide ATP for swimming) Tail: Flagellum (movement)