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Type Systems for Region-based Memory Management

Type Systems for Region-based Memory Management. Matthew Fluet Greg Morrisett & Amal Ahmed Harvard University. Memory Management. Dynamic allocation pervasive in computation. Memory Management. Dynamic allocation pervasive in computation Range of methods for managing memory.

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Type Systems for Region-based Memory Management

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  1. Type Systems for Region-based Memory Management Matthew Fluet Greg Morrisett & Amal Ahmed Harvard University

  2. Memory Management • Dynamic allocation pervasive in computation

  3. Memory Management • Dynamic allocation pervasive in computation • Range of methods for managing memory

  4. Memory Management • Dynamic allocation pervasive in computation • Range of methods for managing memory • malloc/free • efficient, but tedious and error prone

  5. Memory Management • Dynamic allocation pervasive in computation • Range of methods for managing memory • malloc/free • efficient, but tedious and error prone • garbage collection • transparent and safe, but (can be) inefficient

  6. Memory Management • Dynamic allocation pervasive in computation • Range of methods for managing memory • malloc/free • efficient, but tedious and error prone • regions • garbage collection • transparent and safe, but (can be) inefficient

  7. Region-based Memory Management • Operationally • Memory is divided regions (denoted by r, r, …) • Objects are individually allocated in a region • All objects in a region are deallocated together

  8. Region-based Memory Management • Runtime Organization • Regions are linked lists of pages • Arbitrary intra- and inter-region references • Similar to arena-style allocators r1 Region handles r2 r3

  9. Application: Cyclone • Cyclone Safe-C Project • type-safety • with the “virtues” of C • low-level interface with manifest cost model

  10. Application: Cyclone • Cyclone Safe-C Project • type-safety • with the “virtues” of C • low-level interface with manifest cost model • range of memory management options • regions are an organizing principle

  11. Application: Cyclone • MediaNET • TCP benchmark (packet forwarding) • Cyclone v.0.1 • High water mark: 840 KB • 130 collections • Basic throughput: 50 MB/s • Cyclone v.0.5 • High water mark: 8 KB • 0 collections • Basic throughput: 74MB/s

  12. Cyclone: Regions

  13. Cyclone: Regions Meta-theory of Cyclone is a nightmare!!

  14. Cyclone: Regions Ultimate Goal: simple model where we can easily encode the key features of Cyclone in a target language with simpler meta-theory

  15. Cyclone: Regions Today’s Goal: Three type systems for region-based languages,culminating with a fairly good approximation of Cyclone’s features

  16. Outline • Introduction • Type-and-Effect System (Tofte-Talpin) • Monadic Type System (FRGN) • Translation Sketch • Substructural Type System (lrgnURAL) • Translation Sketch • Conclusion

  17. Type Systems for Regions • Memory is divided into regions • type of handle for region r hnd r

  18. Type Systems for Regions • Memory is divided into regions • type of handle for region r hnd r • Objects are individually allocated in a region • operations: new, read, write • type of object of type t allocated in region r ref r t

  19. Tofte-Talpin Region Calculus [’94] • Regions are created and destroyedwith a lexically scoped construct: letregionr,h in e • All objects in region r are deallocated together at the end of r’s scope

  20. Tofte-Talpin Region Calculus [’94] • Regions are created and destroyedwith a lexically scoped construct: letregionr,h in e • All objects in region r are deallocated together at the end of r’s scope • Regions have LIFO lifetimes • Live regions can be organized as a stack

  21. Tofte-Talpin Region Calculus [’94] • Regions are created and destroyedwith a lexically scoped construct

  22. Tofte-Talpin Region Calculus [’94] • Regions are created and destroyedwith a lexically scoped construct letregionr1,h1in let a = new h1 1 in let c = letregionr2,h2in let b = new h2 7 in new h1 (read a + read b) in … c … r1

  23. Tofte-Talpin Region Calculus [’94] • Regions are created and destroyedwith a lexically scoped construct letregionr1,h1in let a = new h1 1in let c = letregionr2,h2in let b = new h2 7 in new h1 (read a + read b) in … c … r1 a : 1 input allocated in first region

  24. Tofte-Talpin Region Calculus [’94] • Regions are created and destroyedwith a lexically scoped construct letregionr1,h1in let a = new h1 1 in let c = letregionr2,h2in let b = new h2 7 in new h1 (read a + read b) in … c … r2 r1 a : 1 input allocated in first region

  25. Tofte-Talpin Region Calculus [’94] • Regions are created and destroyedwith a lexically scoped construct letregionr1,h1in let a = new h1 1 in let c = letregionr2,h2in let b = new h2 7in new h1 (read a + read b) in … c … r2 b : 7 temporary allocated in second region r1 a : 1 inputallocated in first region

  26. Tofte-Talpin Region Calculus [’94] • Regions are created and destroyedwith a lexically scoped construct letregionr1,h1in let a = new h1 1 in let c = letregionr2,h2in let b = new h2 7 in new h1 (read a + read b)in … c … r2 b : 7 temporary allocated in second region r1 a : 1 c : 8 input and outputallocated in first region

  27. Tofte-Talpin Region Calculus [’94] • Regions are created and destroyedwith a lexically scoped construct letregionr1,h1in let a = new h1 1 in let c = letregionr2,h2in let b = new h2 7 in new h1 (read a + read b) in … c … temporary allocated in second region r1 a : 1 c : 8 input and outputallocated in first region

  28. Type-and-Effect System • Track the set f of regions accessed by a computation: G` e : t, f • Function types include a latent effect: t1!t2 • The role of f is to tell us when it is not safe to deallocate a region f

  29. Type-and-Effect System • Typing rule for letregion is subtle: G,h:hndr` e : t, fr∉ frv(G,t) G`letregionr,h in e : t, f \ {r}

  30. Type-and-Effect System • Typing rule for letregion is subtle: G,h:hndr` e : t, fr∉ frv(G,t) G`letregionr,h in e : t, f \ {r} • Typing rule for effect weakening: G` e : t, ffµf’ G` e : t, f’

  31. Type-and-Effect System • Effects are pervasive in typing rules: G` e1 : int, f1G` e2 : int, f2 G` e1 + e2 : int, f1[f2 G` eh : hndr, fhG` e : t, f G`new eh e : refrt, fh[f[ {r}

  32. Type-and-Effect System • Type-and-effects system ensures safety

  33. Type-and-Effect System • Type-and-effects system ensures safety • But adds complications: • Typing rule for letregion is subtle(due to the interplay of dangling pointers and effects) • Effect weakening and region subtyping • Effects correspond to sets of regions (term equality no longer suffices for type checking)

  34. Monadic Type Systems • Monadic encapsulation of effects [L-PJ 94] • Embed imperative features in pure languages

  35. Monadic Type Systems • Monadic encapsulation of effects [L-PJ 94] • Embed imperative features in pure languages • Types ST s aSTRef s a • Operations returnST :: 8s,a. a!ST s a thenST :: 8s,a,b.ST s a!(a!ST s b)!ST s b newSTRef :: 8s,a. a!ST s (STRef s a) readSTRef :: 8s,a. STRef s a!ST s a writeSTRef :: 8s,a. STRef s a!a!ST s 1

  36. Monadic Type Systems • Monadic encapsulation of effects [L-PJ 94] • Embed imperative features in pure languages runST :: 8a. (8s. ST s a) !a • Polymorphism over store index type ensures that the computation (and the result) are independent of the initial (and final) store

  37. Monadic Type Systems • Monadic encapsulation of effects [L-PJ 94] • Embed imperative features in pure languages • Polymorphic type system ensures safety • Well understood meta-theory • Simplicity of System F type system

  38. FRGN = System F + RGN monad • System F • Monadic sub-language

  39. RGN monad: Types • Monadic types

  40. RGN monad: Types • Monadic types RGNst – computations in stack of regions s returning values of type t; a “stack” transformer

  41. RGN monad: Types • Monadic types Hnds – handles for the region at the top of the stack of regions s

  42. RGN monad: Types • Monadic types Refst – values of type t allocated in region at the top of the stack of regions s

  43. RGN monad: Operations • Monadic unit and bind returnRGN :: 8s,a. a!RGNsa thenRGN :: 8s,a,b. RGNsa! (a!RGNsb) !RGNsb

  44. RGN monad: Operations • Monadic unit and bind returnRGN :: 8s,a. a!RGNsa thenRGN :: 8s,a,b. RGNsa! (a!RGNsb) !RGNsb

  45. RGN monad: Operations • Monadic unit and bind returnRGN :: 8s,a. a!RGNsa thenRGN :: 8s,a,b. RGNsa! (a!RGNsb) !RGNsb

  46. RGN monad: Operations • Create and read region allocated values new :: 8s,a. Hnds!a!RGNs (Refsa) read :: 8s,a. Refsa!RGNsa

  47. RGN monad: Operations • Create and read region allocated values new :: 8s,a. Hnds!a!RGNs (Refsa) read :: 8s,a. Refsa!RGNsa

  48. RGN monad: Encapsulation • Encapsulate and run a monadic computation runRGN :: 8a. (8s. RGNsa) !a

  49. RGN monad: Encapsulation • Encapsulate and run a monadic computation runRGN :: 8a. (8s. RGNsa) !a

  50. RGN monad: Encapsulation • Encapsulate and run a monadic computation runRGN :: 8a. (8s. RGNsa) !a “for all stacks” )no assumptions about stack of regions

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