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HEADTEACHERS’ UPDATES 27 th February 2013. AGENDA. Be The Best You can Be – Olympic legacy programme Private Fostering – the statutory obligations for schools HCC’s E-Market Music – Update from Ofsted General Ofsted Update HfL Update Changes to NQT funding
HEADTEACHERS’ UPDATES 27th February 2013
AGENDA • Be The Best You can Be – Olympic legacy programme • Private Fostering – the statutory obligations for schools • HCC’s E-Market • Music – Update from Ofsted • General Ofsted Update • HfL Update • Changes to NQT funding • National College of School Leadership and TDA update
Be The Best You can Be – Olympic legacy programme Tim McLachlan 21st Century Legacy
Private Fostering – the statutory obligations for schools Chris Cooper, June WhiteFriends and Family Service
HCC’s E-Market Irtiza QureshiSenior Policy Officer
Hertfordshire County Council’s Trading With Schools eMarket A single and consistent point of access for browsing all traded services available from HCC Ability to request and negotiate particular services online Ability to purchase services online Appropriate contractual arrangements in place when purchasing services/ products Ability to view purchasing history Ability to rate services/ products purchased and provide feedback
Music – Update from Ofsted James DickinsonHead of Hertfordshire Music Service
Music Education Hub Core & Extension Roles: • Ensure that every child aged 5-18 has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument (other than voice) through whole-class ensemble teaching programmes ideally for a year (but for a minimum of a term) of weekly tuition on the same instrument. 2 Provide opportunities to play in ensembles and to perform from an early stage. 3 Ensure that clear progression routes are available and affordable to all young people. • Develop a singing strategy to ensure that every pupil sings regularly and that choirs and other vocal ensembles are available in the area.
Music Education Hub Core & Extension Roles (contd.): • Offer CPD to school staff, particularly in supporting schools to deliver music in the curriculum. • Provide an instrument loan service with discounts or free provision for those on low incomes. • Provide access to large scale and / or high quality music experiences for pupils, working with professional musicians and / or venues. This may include undertaking work to publicise the opportunities available to schools, parents/carers and students. www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk Hertfordshire Music Service, the Lead Partner for the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub james.dickinson@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01438 843079
Music Subject Inspections: Ofsted has been giving considerable thought about how it can best follow up the findings of the 2012 reports (‘Wider still, and wider’ and ‘Sound Partnerships’)Ofsted has also been thinking about how inspectors can best monitor the early impact of the music hubs, which began operating on 1 September…so, between January 2013 and July 2013, Ofsted is going to make a series of short subject visits in music that will be sharply focussed on the effectiveness of music subject leadership by subject and senior leaders in schools, and the extent to which the leadership of the local music hub is supporting and augmenting musical teaching and learning in that school. Hertfordshire Music Service – How can we help?www.hertsmusicservice.org.ukSchools area with full Ofsted statements, links to both 2012 subject reports, guidance on how to respond and contact details for further support.
Music Subject Inspections (Contd): Our current work is key. We already trade and work with 77% of primary schools and 86% of secondary schools which in the new world of music hubs is substantial. The data survey, being submitted to the Arts Council / DfE also provides evidence of excellent work being undertaken by Hertfordshire Schools.(its not too late to provide your data – see the schools area on our web-site) A School Music Plan. Articulating existing provision within the context of a simple school-wide music plan is key and enabling partner organisation’s work to be reflected in it.Contact us for any musical query: EAST AREA: Rebecca Hughes 01438 351138 eastareaschools@hertfordshire.gov.uk WEST AREA: Angela Gilby 01727 860941 westareaschools@hertfordshire.gov.uk
HfL Update Gillian CawleyAssistant Director Standards and School Effectiveness
Thank you! 453 schools bought a share in HfL!
Development of Governance • Shadow Board been established since November 2012 • Nominations for full Board underway: • Can be anyone on a Gov Body of a shareholding school • Nominations close on Friday 1st March 2013 • Elections 18th – 29th March • Important body which will govern school improvement and business services • Please do exercise your vote – service users need to have their voices heard
What does this mean for schools? • Improvements in accountability, responsiveness and sustainability of services • Short term: • Contracts with SSE will move to new company, so please sign up to services as usual • Renting space at Robertson House, so core location will not change • New MD to be recruited in March
General Ofsted Update Patrick McAteerHead of Achievement - Primary
Overview of Inspections Autumn Term Total number of inspectionsacross all phases – 561 ESC42 Primary (incl. nursery schools) 10 Secondary 3 Special
Emerging Issues Achievement – RoL, school’s own tracking Quality of Teaching and Learning – pace, challenge, marking and feedback Behaviour and Safety – generally very strong areas Leadership and Management – performance management, governors Websites and Parent View Pupil Premium/ Year 7 catch Up
National College of School Leadership and TDA update Marina BreezeHead of Achievement - Strategic Partnership
National College and Teaching Agency Merger • Teaching Agency and National College to merge on 31st March 2013 • A single agency, focussed on promoting high-quality teaching and school leadership. • Best schools, best leaders and best teachers to lead improvement of the capability of the school workforce. • Includes teacher training, CPD, school improvement, tackling underperformance and developing system leaders • Teaching Schools and Academy chains at the heart of these changes, with outstanding head teachers working to create the best school system in the world • Mr Gove wants 500 teaching schools across the country
Teaching Schools • Hertfordshire has 4 teaching schools – 2 primary and 2 secondary • 2 more applications awaiting verification in March • The Big 6 – • train new entrants to the profession • lead peer-to-peer professional and leadership development • identify and develop leadership potential • provide support for other schools • designate and broker specialist leaders of education (SLEs) • Research and development • Next application round (cohort 4) opens 13 September 2013, closes 18 October 2013 • Cohort 4 is the last planned application round
School to school support workforce in Herts • SSE working in partnership with National College has secured £180,000 for Hertfordshire schools • 16 National Leaders of Education –current application round closes 22nd March • 28 Local Leaders of Education • 3 National Leaders of Governance (40 HLGs) • Specialist Leaders of Education – appointed and deployed by Teaching Schools http://education.gov.uk/nationalcollege/index/professionaldevelopment/application-round-dates.htm
Funding for NQT Induction • Teaching Schools, as well as Local Authorities, can act as the appropriate body to monitor and quality assure NQT induction. • Funding for NQT statutory induction, currently included in local government revenue funding, will move into the DSG • From April 2013 Local Authorities will no longer receive any funding to support the induction of NQTs. • Appropriate bodies, providing NQT services, will need to introduce charges for all NQTs registered for, or part way through, induction on April 1st 2013.
Funding for NQT Induction • Hertfordshire Local Authority is a recognised appropriate body providing NQT registration, monitoring and assessment services for schools. • An average of 800 NQTs are recruited by the LA each year of which over 10% (approximately 90) require support from the LA. • From September 2013 the service will be charged at £350 per NQT • Hertfordshire schools and academies will continue to be able to access our NQT training courses.