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Local File Inclusion

Local File Inclusion. Types, exploitation, and prevention. The following presentation is for Educational Purposes Only. We do not condone the use of the contents of this talk for nefarious or illegal purposes. PHP Basics. What is PHP? Hypertext Preprocessor What does that really mean?

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Local File Inclusion

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  1. Local File Inclusion Types, exploitation, and prevention

  2. The following presentation is for Educational Purposes Only We do not condone the use of the contents of this talk for nefarious or illegal purposes.

  3. PHP Basics • What is PHP? Hypertext Preprocessor • What does that really mean? • Code is executed server side at runtime • HTML is the output • Can be configured without the use of .phpurls

  4. PHP Basics Example PHP script: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"    "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html>    <head>        <title>Example</title>    </head>    <body>        <?php $msg = “Hi, I’m a PHP script!”; echo $msg;        ?>    </body></html>

  5. PHP Include • What is the PHP include function? The include statement includes and evaluates the specified file.

  6. PHP Include/Eval • What is the PHP include function? The include statement includes and evaluates the specified file. Evaluates means executes the file as PHP code. This is important to understand for later. Similar to eval function eval — Evaluate a string as PHP code

  7. PHP Include/ Eval • Example: <?php //include html doctype,header,css,etc include(“../header.php”); echo “this text should be in the body”; //close body tags and html, with logos require(“../footer.php”); ?>

  8. PHP Superglobals • Several predefined variables in PHP are "superglobals", which means they are available in all scopes throughout a script. There is no need to do global $variable; to access them within functions or methods. • These superglobal variables are: • $GLOBALS • $_SERVER • $_GET • $_POST • $_FILES • $_COOKIE • $_SESSION • $_REQUEST • $_ENV

  9. PHP Request Parameters • $_GET An associative array of variables passed to the current script via the URL parameters. http://www.google.com/search?q=banana Requests made in this manner are typically logged intact with url query • $_POST An associative array of variables passed to the current script via the HTTP POST method. Requests made in this manner are logged, but only that a POST occurs to the script, not the included parameters. (usually)

  10. PHP Request Parameters • $_REQUEST An associative array that by default contains the contents of $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE. Using the $_REQUEST[“variable”] syntax the application does not care whether the variable is filled from GET or POST. • Using the $_GET or $_POST arrays will only be filled if the variables are posted or retrieved via GET or POST respectively. Choose carefully based on the purpose of the app

  11. Local File Inclusion • Local file inclusion is when a php app is written to include files on the local filesytem. (Remember include() from before?) • LFI exploits LFI exploitation is typically due to poor user input sanitization.

  12. On the subject of User Input… Just listen to Agent Mulder, and Trust NO ONE

  13. Poorly designed LFI 1: <?php include($_REQUEST[“file”]); ?> 2: <?php if isset($_REQUEST[“file”]) { $file = $_REQUEST[“file”]; include(“$file.php”); }

  14. Better LFI design 3: <?php if isset($_GET[“file”]) { //remove any attempts at directory traversal $file = str_replace(‘../’, ‘’, $_GET[‘file’]); include(“$file.php”); } ?>

  15. LFI detection bypasses • Even our “Better” design has flaws. • Bypassed by encoding characters into hexadecimal http://example.com/index.php?file=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd • “.php” can be stripped off the request via Poison null byte %00 http://example.com/index.php?file=..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fetc%2Fpasswd%00

  16. Most secure LFI - Whitelisting Allow user input, but only from select choices Protect your code!

  17. What now? • So, we can execute local files as php code, what can this get us? • If we can get files uploaded to the server, even in /tmp, we can include them as executable php • Can you think of typical ways to get files on a system?

  18. Typical Apache Log file Green = source IP address Yellow = Requested URL and GET Parameters Pink = HTTP Server return code Blue = User agent of browser

  19. LFI Exploit- Access Log • Include apache Access Log • Via telnet HTTP request • Via curl/wget • Using a regular browser will likely not work as the browser makes automatic substitutions before actually making the request. • Via modifying User agent to contain PHP

  20. Log Injection • 3 stage attack • Seed logfile with appropriate PHP code • Locate logfile on system • Include logfile to execute PHP code

  21. LFI Exploit – PHP Input • Execute PHP code using the php://input file and posting PHP code/commands • Hackbar Firefox extension makes this very easy • https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/hackbar/

  22. So easy we almost didn’t need a talk…

  23. LFI Exploit - /proc/self/environ • Include /proc/self/environ • If apache has rights to view, including will list current processes, including things like the HTTP_USER_AGENT • If you have previously modified your useragent to contain php code (say “<?phpinfo();?>” instead of “Mozilla/5.0”) it will execute as php code when environ is executed. • Don’t run into this one very often, most systems do not allow apache to have read permissions to environ

  24. LFI Exploit – PHP Session • Include your php session file • Determine your sessionid from browser cookies • The trick to this one is identifying where your session file is stored and if the admin has configured unique settings may prove difficult. • Try to include in the normal session storage locations • /tmp/sess_mysessionid%00 • /var/lib/php5/sess_mysessionid%00

  25. LFI Exploit – Allowed Uploads • Some websites allow users to upload files as part of the use of the app. • Typically an avatar or picture upload. • Edit an image file, and place plaintext php code somewhere in the middle of the image file. The image should still pass filetype validation due to the appropriate header. • Include the picture using the LFI and voila.

  26. Gibson Powering Up… Demo time… Hack the planet!

  27. LFI Exploit – Read Files • Read any file on the filesystem • Since all included files that contain php are executed upon include we can never read any of the php files, they instead execute. • PHP Filters will bypass this.

  28. PHP Filters LFI Use • index.php?page=php://filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=config • This code will base64 the resource “config” (like if it was index.php?page=config, but with base64′d) with that, your code won’t be executed, and you’ll can base64_decode() it after to take the original config.php file. This method won’t need magic quotes but you’ll need to have a PHP Version higher or equal to PHP5.

  29. LFI Reconnaissance • Does a folder exist? • Simply attempt to directory traverse in and out of the directory. If it exists the include will work. • index.php?page=../../../../../../var/www/doiexist/../../../../../etc/passwd%00

  30. LFI -> Root Steps • Recon the application / locate LFI injection point • Use LFI to gather as much data about the system as you can • Drop file upload script into /tmp • Use file upload script to add additional files to system • Use shell to LPE to root, copy php shell into suitable web directory to use for further exploitation

  31. So, we have many ways to get PHP level access Now it’s time for LPE!

  32. Local Privilege Escalation • Now that we have valid PHP / httpd access on the box can we get root? • Local privilege escalations are vulnerabilities that allow a non-privileged user to become root. • Use user level access to determine system information, version, packages, etc. • Head to exploit-db.com (or elsewhere)

  33. Root. It does a body good. Nothing quite like the feel of a freshly popped box

  34. LFI Protections • Activate magic quotes • Configure open_basedir to only read into the web folder and /tmp • Sanitize User input by parsing out ‘/’, ‘.’, and ‘%00’ for starters • Remove apache read permissions on access.log • Monitor /tmp for file additions (/tmp is read/write to everyone) • Use static includes instead of dynamic ones if possible • If ($_GET[‘file’] == ‘mypage’){include(‘mypage.php’);};

  35. Questions? • Q&A Time

  36. Join us in #exploit206 on freenode Capture the flag, polish your skills, stay up all night! #exploit206 internot CTF writeup http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18949146/Exploit206_HaxMe05_WriteUp_2.pdf

  37. Thanks! • Thanks for listening  • Get Involved with CTF Challenges #exploit206 on freenode • Resources: • http://ddxhunter.wordpress.com/2010/03/10/lfis-exploitation-techniques/ • Glibc LPE http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1810291 • http://zentrixplus.net/blog/lfi-tutorial-phpinput/ • www.sh3ll.org for php shells

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