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Science Advisory Board NOAA Strategic Plan Update

Science Advisory Board NOAA Strategic Plan Update. July 14, 2004 Mary M. Glackin Assistant Administrator for Program Planning and Integration. Outline. Challenges and Opportunities Planning Process Updated Strategic Plan NOAA Program Structure Annual Guidance Memorandum.

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Science Advisory Board NOAA Strategic Plan Update

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  1. Science Advisory BoardNOAA Strategic Plan Update July 14, 2004 Mary M. Glackin Assistant Administrator for Program Planning and Integration

  2. Outline • Challenges and Opportunities • Planning Process • Updated Strategic Plan • NOAA Program Structure • Annual Guidance Memorandum

  3. NOAA Challengesand Opportunities • U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Report • Climate Change Science Plan • NOAA Research Review Team Report • Western Drought in its Fifth Year • Global Observing • Tight Fiscal Climate • Etc.

  4. Annual Business Process FY FY/FY/FY/FY/FY PLANNING PROGRAMMING BUDGETING EXECUTION • Evaluate change in internal & external environment • Refine strategic approach based on: • Performance to date • National & int’l imperatives • Determine requirements to meet strategy • Assess progress in meeting goals • Set priorities • Execute according to plan • Assess performance and adjust as necessary • Document final performance • Develop NOAA Program • Provides programmatic linkage between strategic plan and budget • Uses validated requirements • Reduces excesses & deficiencies • Provides integrated end-to-end capabilities • Is fiscally balanced • Maximizes NOAA’s investment to produce optimal capabilities • Develop technical budget to support the NOAA Program • Represent the budget through reviews & respond to actions • Develop specific operating plans based on final appropriation

  5. PLANNING External Inputs Internal Inputs Strategic Plan Review Program Structure Goal Asmnts FY07 only NOAA Strategic Plan AGM Planning • Evaluate changes in internal & external environment • Refine strategic approach based on: • Performance to Date • National and International Imperatives • Determine requirements to meet strategy • Assess progress in meeting goals • Set priorities Mar - Aug

  6. NOAA Strategic Plan Review • Planned Changes • NOAA Vision Statement • Fifth Goal: Organizational Excellence and Mission Support • Cross-Cutting Priorities • Revised Outcomes, Strategies, Performance measures • Increased reliance on supporting documents (e.g., Research Strategic Plan, etc.)

  7. NOAA Vision Statement Proposed new NOAA Vision Statement: A vastly enhanced scientific understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts, and atmosphere in the global ecosystem available to society and national leadership as a basis for critical social and economic policy decisions NOAA’s Mission Statement is unchanged: To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our Nation’s economic, social, and environmental needs.

  8. Strategic Plan Proposed Strategic Plan Mission Goals: Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through an Ecosystem Approach to Management Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society’s Ability to Plan and Respond Serve Society’s Needs for Weather and Water Information Support the Nation’s Commerce with Information for Safe, Efficient, and Environmentally Sound Transportation Organizational Excellence and Mission Support Cross-cutting Priorities: Integrating Global Environmental Observation & Data Management Promoting Environmental Literacy Ensuring Sound, State-of-the-Art Research Exercising Global Leadership Developing, Valuing, and Sustaining a World-Class Workforce Current Strategic Plan Mission Goals: Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through an Ecosystem Approach to Management Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society’s Ability to Plan and Respond Serve Society’s Needs for Weather and Water Information Support the Nation’s Commerce with Information for Safe, Efficient, and Environmentally Sound Transportation Cross-cutting Priorities: Integrated Global Observations and Data Management System Environmental Literacy, Outreach, Education Sound, State-of-the-Art Research International Cooperation and Collaboration Homeland Security Organizational Excellence

  9. Strategic Plan – Next Steps • 45-day public and NOAA employee review period begins TODAY, July 14 • Final Strategic Plan – 30 Sept. 2004

  10. Implementing the Strategic Plan:NOAA Program Structure • NOAA reviewed and revised the Program Structure to: • improve alignment with and facilitate implementation of Strategic Plan Goals • clarify relationships among Programs • clarify relationship between the Program Structure and NOAA Budget PLANNING External Inputs Internal Inputs Strategic Plan Review Program Structure Goal Asmnts FY07 only NOAA Strategic Plan AGM MAR - AUG

  11. “push/pull” Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management Structure Strategies (draft) Outcomes (draft) Living Marine Resources • Manage by applying sound • observations, assessments, and • research findings • Engage with partners to achieve • regional objectives • Develop coordinated national and • regional outreach and education • Build ecosystem component of NOAA • global environmental observation • system • Improve resource management by • advancing our understanding of • ecosystems through better simulation • and predictive models • Engage technological and scientific • global partners Protected Species • 1. Healthy and • productive • coastal and • marine • ecosystems that • benefit society • 2. A well informed • public that acts • as a steward of • coastal and • marine • ecosystems Fisheries Management Enforcement Aquaculture Place-based Approaches to Ecosystem Management Corals Coastal & Marine Resource Management Habitat Ecosystem Observations Ecosystem Research

  12. Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society’s Ability to Plan and Respond Structure Strategies (draft) Outcomes (draft) • Improve the quality of climate observations, • analyses, interpretation, and archiving by • maintaining a consistent climate record • Improve the quantification and understanding • of the forces bringing about climate change • Advance sub-seasonal to inter-annual climate • predictions and climate change projections by improving analysis of the climate system, using Earth System and climate models. • Develop the ability to quantitatively predict the consequences of climate change on ecosystems • Deliver climate services and products to • customers involved in health, safety, • environmental, economic, and community • planning • Coordinate among NOAA Line Offices the • transition from investigator-driven research • projects to operations • Support educational efforts to create a more • climate-literate public • 1. A comprehensive understanding of the global climate system with quantified uncertainties sufficient for making informed and reasoned decisions on time scales of weeks to decades • 2. Climate-sensitive sectors and a climate-literate public effectively incorporating NOAA’s climate products into their plans and decisions Climate & Ecosystems Predictions & Projections Regional Decision Support “push/pull” Climate Forcing (Research) Observations & Analysis

  13. Serve Society’s Needs for Weather and Water Information Structure Strategies (draft) Outcomes (draft) • Improve the reliability, lead-time and understanding of weather and water information and services. • Integrate an end-to-end information enterprise • Develop and infuse research results and new technologies more efficiently. • Build a broad-based and coordinated education and outreach program through continuous learning • Employ scientific and emerging technological capabilities to advance decision support services and to educate stakeholders. • Work with universities, industry, and national and international agencies to create and leverage partnerships to foster effective information services. • 1. Reduced loss of life, injury, and damage to the economy • 2. Better, quicker, and more trusted weather and water information to support improved social and economic decisions • 3. Increased satisfaction with quality of weather and water information and services Local Forecasts & Warnings Hydrology Air Quality “push/pull” Space Weather Support all Missions Goals Environmental Modeling Coasts, Estuaries, and Oceans Connect: Eco Science, Technology, and Infusion Support C&T

  14. Support the Nation’s Commerce with Information for Safe, Efficient, and Environmentally Sound Transportation Structure Strategies (draft) Outcomes (draft) • Expand and enhance advanced technology monitoring and observing systems to provide accurate and up-to-date information • Develop and apply new technologies, techniques, and models to increase the capabilities, efficiencies, and accuracy of transportation-related products and services. • Develop and implement sophisticated assessment and prediction capabilities to support decisions on aviation, marine, and surface navigation efficiencies; coastal resource management; and transportation system management, operations, and planning. • Build public understanding of the technology involved and the role of the environment in commerce and transportation Marine Weather Science & Technology Support From W&W • Safe, secure, and seamless movement of goods and people in the U.S. transportation system • Environmentally sound development and use of the U.S. transportation system Aviation Weather Surface Weather Marine Transportation Sys Geodesy Comm. Remote Sensing Lic. Coordination With all Mission Goals Emergency Response

  15. Organizational Excellence and Mission Support Strategies (draft) Outcomes (draft) • Adopt a functional management model to deliver administrative and financial services that will establish direct lines of accountability from headquarters to field • Employ a planning, programming, budgeting, and execution system to enhance NOAA’s capabilities and to guarantee effective delivery of products and services • Improve the efficiency, accountability, and transparency of administrative programs and services through process optimization and customer satisfaction assessment • Plan, construct, and maintain facilities, including co-locating facilities among NOAA entities and external partners • Lead agency-wide efforts in education and outreach, public affairs, legislative affairs, international affairs, and legal affairs. • Formulate and maintain policies, procedures, plans, and processes, including inspections and training, to safely collect data using ships, boats, aircraft, and divers. • Use effective and efficient approaches to meet NOAA requirements for ship and aircraft support. • Provide systems-controlled acquisition and delivery of satellite-produced information • Develop and maintain a secure and reliable Information Technology Enterprise that fully supports the life cycle of NOAA’s programs • 1. A safe operating environment with efficient and effective financial, administrative, and support services • 2. Ship, aircraft, and satellite • programs that ensure continuous observation of critical environmental • conditions • A sustainable and strategic facilities master planning process with a 5 to 10 year planning horizon • Secure, reliable, and robust information flows within NOAA and out to the public

  16. Organizational Excellence and Mission Support Satellites Sub-goal* Fleet Services Sub-goal* Leadership Sub-goal* Mission Support Sub-goal* Satellite Services Program Aircraft Replacement Program NOAA Headquarters Program (USAO & Staff Offices) • Admin Services Program • CAO • Env. Compliance, Health & Safety • Civil Rights / EEO • Audits Fleet Replacement Program Line Office Headquarters Program (PPI, NWS, OAR, NESDIS, NMFS, NOS) Includes NOAA Central Library Polar Satellite Acquisitions Program • Financial Services Program • CFO • Budget • Finance Marine Ops & Maintenance Program Geostationary Satellite Acquisitions Program • Workforce Management Program • Personnel Services • Diversity Aircraft Services Program • Homeland Security Program • Air Dispersion Acquisition/Grants Pgm • IT Services Program • IT Security • CIO • NFA CIO 16 Programs 4 Sub-goals *Org. Excellence Sub-goal Lead responsibilities under PPBES are identical to Goal Lead Facilities Program matrix program

  17. Regional Decision Support Predictions & Projections Climate & Ecosystems Climate Forcing (Research) Observations & Analysis Protected Species Local Forecasts & Warnings Satellites Sub-goal Enforcement Fisheries Management Fleet Services Sub-goal Aquaculture Ecosystem Research Ecosystem Observations Science, Technology, and Infusion Coasts, Estuaries, and Oceans Environmental Modeling Hydrology Leadership Sub-goal Corals Coastal & Marine Resource Air Quality Mission Support Sub-goal Habitat Space Weather Marine Transportation Sys Observations Research Modeling Geodesy Marine Weather Commercial Remote Sensing Licensing Aviation Weather Surface Weather Emergency Response

  18. PLANNING Internal Inputs Strategic Plan Review Program Structure Goal Asmnts FY07 only NOAA Strategic Plan AGM MAR - AUG Annual Guidance Memorandum • Provides the specific strategic and tactical guidance for the programming phase • FY06 AGM • “NOAA as an honest broker” • Future directions • Contribute to an Integrated Global Observing System • Advance toward an Ecosystem Orientation • Expand Climate Services • Improve Water Resource Information • Facilitate Intermodal Transportation • Sustain Important National NOAA Programs • Help the Global Community • Available week of August 9 for rapid turnaround review External Inputs

  19. Summary • FY07 Planning designed to meet society’s needs • Programs to date as a result of broad agency efforts • SAB input is critical to: • Final Strategic Plan • Annual Guidance Memorandum

  20. Backup

  21. Program Matrix Program Sub-goal Overall Program Structure5 Goals, 4 Sub-goals, 44 Programs, 19 matrix Ecosystem Climate Weather & Water Comm. & Trans. Org. Excellence Eco. Research Obs. & Analysis LF&W MTS Satellites Geostationary Space Wx Eco. Obs. Aviation Wx Forcing Polar Sat. Services Hydrology Protected Sp. Marine Wx Fleet Services Predict. & Project. Air Quality Fish. Management Aircraft Repl. Geodesy Fleet Repl. Env. Modeling Climate & Eco. Aquaculture Marine Ops. Emerg. Response S, T, & I Aircraft Services Enforcement Reg. Dec. Support Comm. RS Lic. CEO Leadership C&M Resources NOAA HQ Surface Wx Line Office HQ Habitat Homeland Sec. Corals Mission Support Admin. Services Fiscal Services Workforce Mgmt. Acq./Grants IT Services Facilities

  22. Structure Revisions New Old Habitat Restoration Corals Protected Areas Coastal Resource Management Invasive Species** Undersea Research and Exploration** Protected Species Management Fisheries Management Aquaculture Enforcement Ecosystem Research Climate Observations and Analysis Climate Forcing Climate Predictions and Projections Climate and Ecosystems Regional Decision Support Local Forecasts and Warnings Tropical Storm Program** Space Weather Hydrology – Rivers, Lakes, and Floods Air Quality Environmental Modeling Weather and Water Science and Technology Infusion Marine Transportation Systems Aviation Weather Marine Weather Geodesy NOAA Emergency Response Commercial Remote Sensing Licensing Commerce and Transportation Science and Technology** Habitat Corals Coastal and Marine Resources* Protected Species Fisheries Management Aquaculture Enforcement Ecosystem Research Ecosystem Observations* Climate Observations and Analysis Climate Forcing Climate Predictions and Projections Climate and Ecosystems Regional Decision Support Local Forecasts and Warnings Space Weather Hydrology – Rivers, Lakes, and Floods Air Quality Environmental Modeling Weather and Water Science and Technology Infusion Coasts, Estuaries, and Oceans* Marine Transportation System Aviation Weather Marine Weather Geodesy NOAA Emergency Response Commercial Remote Sensing Licensing Surface Weather* Ecosystem Ecosystem Climate Climate W&W W&W C&T C&T * new** activities moved into another program

  23. Structure RevisionsOrganizational Excellence and Mission Support New Old Homeland Security NOAA Management Geostationary Satellite Acquisition Polar Satellite Acquisition Fleet Services and Acquisition Satellite Services Facilities Administrative Services Information Technology Services Homeland Security NOAA Headquarters* Line Office Headquarters* Geostationary Satellite Acquisition Polar Satellite Acquisition Fleet Replacement* Aircraft Replacement* Marine Operations and Services* Aircraft Services* Satellite Services Facilities Administrative Services Financial Services* Workforce Management* Acquisitions and Grants* Information Technology Services * new

  24. Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management Bold/Italic = Matrix

  25. The Process Conceptually NOAA Strategic Plan Stakeholders Users Constituents Partners Employees OUT- COMES NOAA Councils NOAA Line & Staff Offices • Ecosystems • Climate Mission Goal Teams • Weather & • Water • Commerce • & Trans. • Org. Excell.

  26. Planning Results Execution NOAA Strategic Plan Individual Performance Plans Appropriation AGM Programming Budgeting Goal and Goal-Wide Program Plans Program AOPs LO & SO AOPs Budget Operating Plan NOAA Program How Plans Connect within PPBES

  27. PPBES FY Timeline Business Report

  28. NOAA Plan NOAA Outcome NOAA Strategy 1 This is the focus of LO/SO Plans NOAA Goal Hi-level PM 1 Hi-level PM 2 Performance Measures reflected in PBAs Activity 1 • LO/SOs undertake activities that execute the Strategies in the NOAA Strategic Plan, and… Perf Meas 1A Perf Meas 1B Activity 2 Perf Meas 2A Perf Meas 2B Line/Staff Offices undertake activities that execute Strategies and achieve Outcomes of NOAA’s Strategic Plan NOAA Strategy 2 NOAA Strategy n • LO/SOs undertake “activities” which execute the Strategies in the NOAA Strategic Plan, and… • LO/SOs measure their progress via mid-level PMs (reflected in the PBAs), which track up to hi-level PMs in the NOAA Strategic Plan… • which measure progress toward meeting NOAA Strategic Plan outcomes • LO/SOs undertake “activities” which execute the Strategies in the NOAA Strategic Plan, and… • LO/SOs measure their progress via performance measures (reflected in the PBAs), which roll up to the performance measures in the NOAA Strategic Plan…

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