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Explore the formation of governments and different government systems, such as unitary and federal systems, constitutional governments, and the significance of constitutions in setting limits on government power. Dive into the complexities of constitutional law, politics, special interest groups, and the impact of industrialized nations and global interdependence.

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  2. GOVERNMENTS • Each government developed from its own unique situations. • Most governments include smaller divisions of that government. • Ex) provinces, states, counteis, cities, towns and villages.

  3. Government Systems • Unitary system gives all key powers to the national, or central government. • Ex) Great Britain, France and Italy

  4. Federal System • Government divides powers between national and state (or provincial governments). • Ex) United States, Canada, Switzerland, Mexico, Australia, India, and Russia.

  5. Our Federal System in the Courts

  6. Confederacy • Loose union of independent states.

  7. Constitution • A plan that provides rule for government. • 1) Sets out ideals that the people bound by the constitution believe in and share. • 2) establishes the basic structure of government and defines the government’s powers and duties.

  8. Constitutional Government • A government in which a constitution has authority to place clearly recognized limits on the power of those who govern. The constitution in such a government LIMITS the government’s power. US Constitution 1787 replaced Articles of Confederation.

  9. Be careful! • Just because a government has a constitution does not mean it limits their power! • Ex) China

  10. Incomplete Guides • Constitutions are incomplete guides. • State’s rights, individuals freedoms are still fought over today. • Always does not reflect acutal practice.

  11. All men are created equal??

  12. Preamble • The beginning of a constitutions • “We, the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

  13. Constitutional Law • Trying to figure out what means what. • “Interpretation and application of the constitution.” • Courts, judges, lawyers.

  14. Politics • An effort to control or influence the conduct and policies of government.

  15. Politics • An effort to control or influence the conduct and policies of government.

  16. Special Interest Groups • For or against the “general” welfare. • Special Interest Groups push political parties towards new legislation or awareness. • Some believe they cause bribery and corruption.

  17. PETA, NRA, MADD, Fire Brigades, Greenpeace

  18. Industrialized Nations • Large industries and advanced technology that provide a more comfortable way of life than developing nations do.

  19. G8 • Group of 8 refers to the eight highly industrialized nations: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Great Britain, United States, Canada and Russia. • Much ambiguity, but they are there!

  20. Global Interdependence • Globalizations, technology, and the World Wide Web bringing people closer to one another. • Growing dependent on one another for money, goods, technology, medicine, financial investments, military aid etc. • NAFTA!!!!

  21. Nonstate, International Groups • Corporations, terrorist organizations etc. • Al-Qaeda, IRA, PLO • Sony, WTO, General Motors, Mitsubishi

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