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Self-Directed learning is a diverse style of learning that provides the opportunity to learners that they can be more thoughtful, creative, and motivated to take their decision with some or no guidance. The learning style is distinct and effective and its implications are not limited to school lie but is more likely to benefit the learners in their professional lives. The learners have a better chance of attracting the employers as they can offer unexpected benefits to the business. For this a detailed analysis of Self-Directed Learning is required that would help to increase the awareness and usefulness of the specified learning technique.
What is Self-Directed Learning? In general learning is considered as an activity of an individual to acquire, modify, and reinforce skills, behaviours, preferences, and values that can help to change an individual’s behaviour and attitude with respect to different experiences. Learning in humans may arise in a form of education, personal development, trainings, and/or schooling. Traditionally, people believed that schooling is the main source of guiding students to become respective and respectable citizens and also can have a broad GK (general knowledge). The belief is criticized by many scholars and professionals with the point of view that not all the students have the same needs with respect to learning, age, and subjects of interest. The idea evolved and led to an increase in debate between scholars and gradually the debate extended and new ways and approaches to learning circulated in the society. The idea generation process entered the execution phase and led to the creation of different Democratic Free Schools and Sudbury Model Schools in which different models and approaches to learning are utilized. Introduction Self-Directed Learning
Among many other types of learning Self-Directed Learning is a broad term which specifically illustrates the procedure or process that help individuals to initiate with or without the help of others to diagnose and identify the learning needs and wants. Individuals formulate their objectives and specify their goals, determine the resources both human and material that are required to entertain their learning, and implements different learning strategies in order to devise specific evaluation measures. The major difference related to Self-Directed Learning and other forms of learning is the diversified role of teachers. In the case of Self-Directed Learning the teachers act as the guide that leads the students and does not have the role of “a sage on stage”. It is commonly accepted that the learners that adopt the approach are more likely to become empowered, act more reasonably, and show greater responsibility. The concept of isolation is totally the opposite of self-directed learning since it is carried out with other learners and there are a number of Democratic Schools. The prime instructional models adopted by the Democratic Schools for self-directed learning are the problem-based knowledge that involves skillset development involving the ability to resolve problems and adds to knowledge and skills, writing to learn to include engaging students in writing activities, and finally the inquiry-based learning that includes used of project-oriented approach that is based on the socio-constructivist and constructivist paradigms. These models are implemented and the students are guided to undertake the activity of note taking, journal writing and reflections, e-portfolio learning, learning maps, and learning contracts. Comparison of Different Approaches to Learning The self-directed learning is different from Directed Learning in which teachers are in the dominating role and the students are asked to follow the instructions of the teacher to improve their educational and learning levels. The freedom allocated to the learners is the main source of differentiation between the two learning
styles. Interest Led Learning is another style of learning that evolved due to criticism in traditional learning methods and techniques. Interest led learning approach allows the students to experiment and keep on trying different tactics for learning until they come to know their interests. The most beneficial part Interest Led Learning is that students are considered to be more thoughtful and good decision makers. On the contrary Self-Directed Learning is far more beneficial than Interest Led Learning for the learners as they are suitably guided by their teachers towards achieving the learning needs. After that the learners are guided and provided with the initial guidelines and support that help them to engage in activities like setting goals, identifying and maintaining the resources, implementing strategies, and finally, carrying out the evaluations to know the achievements. The learning style provides the learners with the freedom once they are known to the learning needs. The schooling systems not only provide simple classroom learning but also offer different other learning opportunities out of which Free Activities for Kids is ranked on top. These activities allow the students to be free to choose the best possible means of teaching style that fit their physical and psychological needs. Implications for Self-Directed Learning Self-Directed learning is not only linked to children and schools but has a broad implication. Businesses also require self-directed learning to enhance the performance and quality of the internal environment. Employees working in the organisation are in need to learn and adopt concepts, changes in technology, economic conditions and others that require consistent learning. Such learning is required in order to stay competitive in the market and also not be become obsolete. It can take a form of non-formal, formal, or informal learning but requires the passion of an employee who is willing to know the market trends and other important features of the market that can allow remaining competitive. Such employees are more valued within organisations that are ready to initiate knowledge search without any external factors. Employees who are passionate to learn are of no major benefit to the organisation since they require external sources such as training and development to enhance their skills. On the other hand, an employee with the capacity to learn has the
motivation and determination to identify the learning or knowledge sources and also can evaluate the learning has an upper edge over other employees. Since such an employee does not require external factors to initiate the learning process, and therefore, the organisation has an opportunity to devise strategies based on the knowledge and outcomes gathered by an individual employee. The knowledge of the employee can also help the organisation to improve the learning facilities to other employees since the business can utilise specific training and development programs for other employees. Based on the analysis it can be stated that adoption of self-directed learning with activities including setting goals, identifying and devising a plan, learning, showing and evaluating the outcomes, and reflecting the outcomes can help children in the early life to be more willing to identify the needs and they have a better understanding of the possible means to accomplish the needs in an effective and efficient manner. The learning can help improve the lives of the children as they would have a better chance to enhance their worth in their professional lives with providing effective and efficient ways to improve the performance of the business. Such learners also have the capability of devising their business ideas and model(s) which can help them to become successful within their lives. Therefore, a detailed analysis must be carried out for learning styles such as interest based learning and self-directed learning so that proper justification can be provided to the real world for increasing the demand for Democratic Schools and Democratic Free School can be raised due to the benefits. Benefits and Cons of Self-Directed Learning The major benefits associated with the learning method are that the learning can be provided with the help of digital tools and techniques. Secondly, the students, as well as the employees, have the opportunity to work in accordance to their own preference. Finally, the cost effectiveness, easy management, confidence development, and repeated use are the other vital benefits linked to Self-Directed Leaning. On the other hand, there are some specific cons out of which the dependence of the initiation on the learner or the employee is one of the most highly rated cons of the learning approach. In the case of employees ones who are already engaged in their work are more likely to initiate the learning compared to disengaged employees. The employees who are disengaged can make up reasons to avoid efforts, and therefore, the need to spread awareness regarding self-directed learning is essential and the analysts, teachers, and scholars are asked to take the initiative to enhance awareness among common people and the higher authorities that can help promote the learning in a better and effective manner. Visit Makario Community School for more about democratic education.