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Textbook Learning. Textbook Learning. 為何要學英語?. Why do I have to learn English?. Textbook Learning. 除了英語,還需要什麼?. Except English, what do we need more?. Textbook Learning. 教科書的定位?. 學習的起點?終點? 學習的部分?全部?. Textbook Learning. 教科書有什麼 好玩的?. Textbook Learning. 先備能力 對學生的要求 從基測談教學
Textbook Learning 為何要學英語? Why do I have to learn English?
Textbook Learning 除了英語,還需要什麼? Except English, what do we need more?
Textbook Learning 教科書的定位? 學習的起點?終點? 學習的部分?全部?
Textbook Learning 教科書有什麼好玩的?
Textbook Learning • 先備能力 • 對學生的要求 • 從基測談教學 • 常用的教學策略
Textbook Learning Do your students have good study habits?
Textbook Learning • 先備能力 1 Phonics 字母拼讀法 -- 學生自製字母卡 -- 認識字母 & 字母拼讀 2 字母卡 音標卡,練習更多組合的拼音
Textbook Learning • 對學生的要求 1 紙本字典 2 螢光筆/筆記本/N次貼/出頁紙 3 上課鐘響進教室做練習、或跟著CD朗讀 4 下課鐘響前五分鐘自我檢核 5 課外單字背起來加分 6 *固定電腦座位
Textbook Learning • 對學生的要求 1 紙本字典 A dictionary teaches a lot! -- 練習查字典,字母順序能力加強 -- 練習拼音 -- 看例句、用字 -- 瀏覽到其他相關字 電子字典不符人體工學,也不利正確語 用,出門方便而已。
Textbook Learning • 對學生的要求 2 螢光筆 -- key words -- 代名詞、代動詞 -- 介系詞 -- 片語、子句
Textbook Learning 不要小看五分鐘!
Textbook Learning • 對學生的要求 3 上課鐘響進教室寫練習卷、或跟著CD朗讀 -- 老師來教室前的等待時間做些小練習 -- 老師進教室馬上檢討 -- 安定秩序、節省時間
Textbook Learning • 對學生的要求 4 下課鐘響前五分鐘自我檢核 -- metacognition 省思一節課的學習 -- 教師教室走動 90基測調查: 教師過度講述,不如多給學生練習,再予以檢討。
Textbook Learning • 對學生的要求 5 課外單字背起來加分 -- 鼓勵多背單字、 搭配phonics策略背 -- 搭配閱讀、字典、情境故事 從上下文學習單字 contextualization
Textbook Learning • 對學生的要求 6 *固定電腦座位 -- 電腦教室內的經營管理 -- 每節紀錄上機情形 -- 下課三件事:螢幕、滑鼠、椅子
IT Seat 表格規劃上課紀錄
Grammar Teaching Pedagogy • 從基測談教學 1 答對率偏低的題型 2 教學改進
Pedagogy • Reading Strategies • Teaching Strategies
Reading Strategies • Previewing • Predicting • Skimming and scanning • Guessing from context • Paraphrasing
Reading Strategies • Previewing Previewing titles, section headings, and photo captions to get a sense of the structure and content of a reading selection
Reading Strategies • Previewing Previewing: -- titles -- section headings -- photo captions to get: -- a sense of the structure -- content of a reading selection
Reading Strategies • Predicting 1 Using knowledge of the subject matter to make predictions about content and vocabulary and check comprehension; 2 Using knowledge of the text type and purpose to make predictions about discourse structure; 3 Using knowledge about the author to make predictions about writing style, vocabulary, and content
Reading Strategies • Predicting 1 Using knowledge of the subject matter to make predictions 2 Using knowledge of the text type and purpose to make predictions 3 Using knowledge about the author to make predictions
Reading Strategies • Predicting 1 Using knowledge of the subject matter to make predictions about: -- content -- vocabulary -- check comprehension
Reading Strategies • Predicting 2 Using knowledge of the text type and purpose to make predictions about: -- discourse structure
Reading Strategies • Predicting 3 Using knowledge about the author to make predictions about: -- writing style -- vocabulary -- content
課名頁大掛圖 「預測策略」--提供學生預測課文內容 What do you see? 6 W Who What When Where Why How
a cook a clerk a reporter a candidate a police officer a worker
Reading Strategies • Skimming and scanning Using a quick survey of the text to get the main idea, identify text structure, confirm or question predictions
Reading Strategies • Skimming and scanning Using a quick survey of the text: -- to get the main idea, -- to identify text structure, -- to confirm or question predictions
Reading Strategies • Skimming and scanning Speed reading / Rapid reading for quick understanding skimming -- particular piece of information scanning -- main idea
Reading Strategies • Guessing from context Using prior knowledge of the subject and the ideas in the text as clues to the meanings of unknown words, instead of stopping to look them up
Reading Strategies • Paraphrasing Stopping at the end of a section to check comprehension by restating the information and ideas in the text try to express by students themselves
Teaching Strategies • Bottom-up Strategies • Top-down Strategies • Interactive Strategies • Graphic Organization • Scaffolding
Teaching Strategies • Bottom-up Strategies Ç 林淑媛 Chere
Teaching Strategies • Bottom-up Strategies Bottom-up models view comprehension as proceeding linearly from the isolated units in the lower levels (e.g. letters, words) to higher levels of comprehension.
Teaching Strategies • Bottom-up Strategies Bottom-up models view comprehension as proceeding linearly: -- from the isolated units in the lower levels (e.g. letters, words) -- tohigher levels of comprehension.
Teaching Strategies • Bottom-up Strategy 1 Traditional way Text translation Grammar Sentences Words 林淑媛 Chere
Teaching Strategies • Bottom-up Strategy 2 Innovation By using cloze (fill in the blank) exercises to review vocabulary items. This helps students learn to guess meaning from context.
Teaching Strategies • Bottom-up Strategy 2 Innovation-- integrate four skills Words Listen to the CD What did they talk about? (respond) Read aloud Translation / Grammar--Mark the key words & sentences Repeat after the CD Fill blanks 林淑媛 Chere
課文默寫舉例 (recite & write) “All right, Mom,” Peter answered, and he went to Paul’s house on his bicycle. There were a lot of children at the party. (宴會上有許多小孩) They played together for an hour, and then Paul’s mother gave them some food; but she forgot to give Peter any. He waited politely for a few minutes(他有禮貌地等了幾分鐘), and then he held his plate up in the air and said loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”
Recite & Write + Listen “All right, Mom,” Peter answered, and he went to Paul’s house on his bicycle. There were a lot of children at the party. They played together for an hour, and then Paul’s mother gave them some food; but she forgot to give Peter any. He waited politely for a few minutes, and then he held his plate up in the air and said loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”
Teaching Strategies • Top-down Strategies 林淑媛 Chere
Teaching Strategies • Top-down Strategies Top-down models stress the influence of the higher levels (e.g. the message which is comprehended) on the processing of words and letters. See enough of the text in order to be able to guess the meanings of the words or phrases.
Teaching Strategies • Top-down Strategy 林淑媛 Chere
Graphic Organizer Teaching Strategies • Graphic Organization 1 Constructivism 2 Simplify the learning content
Teaching Strategies • Scaffolding 1 Constructivism 2 Integrate 4 skills 3 Develop learning ability
Yalden 三階段均衡系統(1987) 初級 中級 高級 語言形式 溝通功能 Surpass Grammar Learning • Communicative Function 林淑媛 Chere
Expanding Activities • Oral Test • Creative Drama • Integrating Multimedia • Integrative Learning • Logical Thinking