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Controlling Your Blood Sugar A Guide

If youu2019re diabetic by nature then you are already facing a big problem of insulin malfunction. This malfunction can lead to improper production of insulin in the pancreas in the case of Type 2 Diabetes or the inhibition of insulin production that is the case of type 1 diabetes.<br>

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Controlling Your Blood Sugar A Guide

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  1. Controlling Your Blood Sugar: A Guide If you’re diabetic by nature then you are already facing a big problem of insulin malfunction. This malfunction can lead to improper production of insulin in the pancreas in the case of Type 2 Diabetes or the inhibition of insulin production that is the case of type 1 diabetes. Now, insulin is an important hormone that helps break down glucose to allow its entry in the cells. With the levels of insulin down, glucose often does not enter the bloodstream leading to creating high blood sugar. This can often cause dehydration, fatigue, frequent urination and blurry vision that can impact livelihood uncontrollably. Thus, if you feel your blood sugar level is spiking in the past few days then it’s time to control it via making some necessary lifestyle changes. Today, this blog will help elucidate a few notable tips to control blood sugar levels when insulin production isn’t optimal. Let’s Start with Diet: 1. Eat Smaller Meals in Intervals To help regulate your blood sugar level it’s vital to consume smaller meals with limited carbohydrate consumption. Avoid instances that might require you to fast as this can mess up your blood sugar like none other. Additionally, try not to consume more than 60 gm. carbs a day for men, while women should limit their carb intake to 40 gm. per day. 2. Consume More Beans If you're Type 2 diabetes then it’s best to consume a cup of beans every day as these are not digested quickly. Firstly, this help in keeping the body full, secondly since these are not easily digestible it prevents the chances of blood sugar rising. 3. Consume Foods with Low Glycemic Index The task of the body’s Glycemic Index is to understand and analyze the body’s blood sugar levels in response to carbs consumed. Now, it’s shown that those who consume foods that have lower levels of Glycemic Index suffer from limited blood sugar levels. Hence, try and consume seafood, oats, lentils, meat and starchy vegetables for best results. aor.us

  2. 4. Resistant Starch is the Key Resistant starch is ideal for diabetic patients as these metabolizes in the blood due to good bacteria and acts as dietary fiber for facilitating good digestion. As a result, this helps to balance out blood sugar while taming it down. Good source of resistant starch is beans, unripe bananas, whole grains, lentils, and potatoes. Now, Comes Lifestyle 5. Combat Stress Stress is one of the leading causes of high blood sugar in diabetic patients. When in stress the body creates energy and breaks it down into fat and glucose. This is done to ensure that the body can use this energy when in need. Now, in diabetic patients, the stored glucose cannot enter the cells and hence leads to high blood sugar levels. Thus, to combat stress various steps should be taken, like Tai Chi, cultivating a hobby, relaxation in the form of recreation, meditation, and supplements. For reducing the stress you can try supplements from AOR like Holy Basil, Gandha-600 etc. to reduce symptoms of chronic stress. 6. Sleep More As per the advice of numerous doctors, for maintaining blood sugar level it’s vital to get proper sleep. Lack of sleep often results in an increase in fatty acid levels in the body. This leads to inhibited insulin production and affects the level of glucose breakdown in the body. Thus, try and opt for a minimum of 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep to ensure that blood sugar levels are maintained. 7. Do Not Skip Breakfast When it comes to diabetic patients, breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. Food in the morning helps to control and regulate levels of blood sugar after a body fasts for 10-12 hours. Further, it also helps to balance out the insulin injected into a body of diabetic patients. For an ideal breakfast opt for consuming 39gms of protein as this helps lower the level of glucose accumulation and reduce blood sugar. 8. Workout Regular Obesity never works in favor of diabetic patients as these lead to increased blood sugar. Thus, workout on a regular basis to ensure insulin resistance, as this will help to balance out blood sugar levels. For the best results combine aerobics with strength training activities for optimal health including weight loss. If you’re too busy to work out then opt for walking briskly for 30-60 minutes a day for boosting health. aor.us

  3. 9. Hydration is Necessary Another way to keep blood sugar levels within correct limits is to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day. Water helps flush out extra toxins along with blood sugar which can reduce its levels. Further, water helps in promoting optimal kidney health while rehydrates the blood and revitalizes the body. In conclusion, a change in lifestyle is all that is needed to contribute to lessening blood sugar levels. So, take the correct supplements and administer the following changes into your life to prevent your insulin levels from going haywire. Now, control blood sugar the smart way! If you're looking for more information on Natural Health Supplements, read http://aor.us blog and various individual product pages to reach about specific supplement. aor.us

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