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Biology A Week 1 12 -8- 10

Biology A Week 1 12 -8- 10. Agenda. Books Vocab time Cell History and Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes T-Chart Exit Slip. Introduction to Cell Theory. History of Scientists:. 1655:. Robert Hooke coins the term "cell" to describe chambers in cork .

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Biology A Week 1 12 -8- 10

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  1. Biology AWeek 112-8-10

  2. Agenda • Books • Vocab time • Cell History and Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes • T-Chart • Exit Slip

  3. Introduction to Cell Theory History of Scientists: 1655: Robert Hooke coins the term "cell" to describe chambers in cork Anton Von Leeuwenhoek perfects techniques for grinding microscope lens to make the first microscope 1674: MathaisSchleiden concluded that plants are composed of cells 1838: Theodore Schwann concluded that animals are composed of cells 1839:

  4. All living things are made of one or more cells 1) Cells are the basic units of structure & function of living things 2) 3) All cells come from existing cells Cell Theory Those early scientists did experiments on living things and developed CELL THEORY Main Ideas of Cell Theory

  5. Two Basic Cell Types 1) Prokaryotes • “BACTERIA” • Simplest and oldest form of life • Lacks internal compartments. • No true nucleus. • Most are single-celled (unicellular) organisms.

  6. Prokaryote

  7. Two Basic Cell Types 2) Eukaryote • More complex cells • Have several internal structures (organelles). • True nucleus. • Either unicellular or multicellular. • unicellular example: yeast • multicellular examples: plants and animals

  8. Eukaryote

  9. Exit Slip • Name three differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells.

  10. Biology AWeek 112-9-10

  11. Agenda • Cell video • Organelles • Cell Models • Exit Slip

  12. Organelles • Organelle • Plasma membrane • Cell wall • Nucleus • Ribosome • Cytoplasm • Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) • Golgi apparatus (golgi body) • Vacuole • Lysosome • Chloroplast • Mitochondria • Centriole • DNA (Chromatin)

  13. Groups Per. 2 • 1 – Nucleus • 2 – Mitochondria • 3 – Ribosome, Vacuole • 4 – Golgi apparatus • 5 – Lysozome • 6 – Rough E.R. • 7 – Chloroplast • 8 – Cell Wall, DNA • 9 – Plasma Membrane • 10 - Cytoplasm, Centriole

  14. Groups Per. 5 • 1 – Nucleus, Centriole • 2 – Mitochondria, DNA • 3 – Ribosome, Vacuole • 4 – Golgi apparatus, Oganelle • 5 – Lysozome, Plasma Membrane • 6 – Rough E.R., Cell Wall • 7 – Chloroplast, Cytoplasm

  15. Inside the Animal Cell • Disc 1 • Label: Cytoplasm, cell membrane, centriole • Color • Disc 2 • Label: lysosome, cytoplasm, ribosome, RER, DNA, nucleus, cell membrane, mitochondria, Golgi body, vacuole • Color • Disc 3 • Write the function next to the structures labeled above • Color

  16. Biology AWeek 112-9-10

  17. Bio Warm-up 10/11 • The plasma membrane is semi-permeable, meaning it keeps some things out while allowing other things in. • Make a list of other semi-permeable things. (example: strainer)

  18. Semi-permeable • Strainer • Screen Door (Door) • Window (Screen) • Fishing Net • Cheese Cloth

  19. Homeo- “equal”Statis- "to stand" • "to stand equally“ • regulate internal environment so as to maintain a stable, constant condition • Maintaining balance • Dynamic equilibrium

  20. Homeostasis – Maintaining Balance • Cells must keep the proper concentration of nutrients and water and eliminate wastes. • The plasma membrane is selectively permeable – it allows some things to pass through, while blocking other things.

  21. Equilibrium • Balanced • No gradient • Can be dynamic

  22. Concentration gradient What is concentration? • How much of something is in there. What is a gradient? • The measurement of how the concentration of something changes from one place to another.

  23. No Gradient Low to High Gradient

  24. Warm-Up What is the organelle that has been colored orange, what is its function in the cell?

  25. Inside the Animal Cell • Disc 1 • Label: Cytoplasm, cell membrane, centriole • Color • Disc 2 • Label: lysosome, cytoplasm, ribosome, RER, DNA, nucleus, cell membrane, mitochondria, Golgi body, vacuole • Color • Disc 3 • Write the function next to the structures labeled above • Color

  26. Inside the Plant Cell • Disc 1 • Label: Chloroplast, Central Vacuole, Cell Wall • Write the function next to the structure • Color • Disc 2 • Label: lysosome, cytoplasm, ribosome, RER, DNA, nucleus, cell membrane, mitochondria, Golgi body, chloroplast, vacuole, cell wall • Color • Disc 3 • Write the function next to the structures labeled above • Color

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