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Genealogy Classroom Ideas

Genealogy Classroom Ideas. Stanley A Lucero Madera, CA www.lucerito.net stanley.lucero@comcast.net. Goals. Each of us needs to know about our ancestors . What are their names? Where were they born? What can we learn about their language, culture, and history?

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Genealogy Classroom Ideas

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  1. Genealogy Classroom Ideas Stanley A Lucero Madera, CA www.lucerito.net stanley.lucero@comcast.net

  2. Goals • Each of us needs to know about our ancestors. • What are their names? • Where were they born? • What can we learn about their language, culture, and history? • What countries do the ancestors of the students represent?

  3. Send a lettertoyourparents We are going to start a family unit for the next four weeks. Your children will be asking you for the names of your parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, and aunts and uncles. They will also be asking you where each person was born. They will not ask you for specific dates – approximate year only and only for those family members who have passed away. Please don’t send privateinformation about living persons. We will complete a variety of family (genealogy) forms, doing family trees, making up family books, doing collages of family pictures, maps of where our family members were born, and many more activities where the students can be creative.. Please help your children to make this a positive, learning experience where they can learn about themselves and their family. The goal of this unit is for the students to become more aware of who they are, where they come from and to develop a positive, self esteem. Please come to the classroom and share interesting family stories with the students in our room. Come and help us at one of the classroom centers where you can help all of the students with one of their assignments. We need classroom volunteers! If there is information about your family that needs to remain private, remind your children not to share that information at school. Sincerely yours, Mr. Lucero

  4. A Fan Chart of my ancestors

  5. Use pictures of yourancestors Maria Dolores Quintana Great greatgrandmother 1846 toafter 1920 MariaRumalda Quintana Great grandmother 1889 to 1946

  6. Yolanda’sancestors

  7. Use FamilyGroupSheets

  8. Use a PedigreeChart

  9. Interviews • Talktoyouroldest living relatives • Be respectful • Use theirnativelanguage • Ask permissionto use a tape recorder • Ask permissiontotakepictures of theirpictures • Listen • SayThankYou

  10. Prepare somequestions • Pleasetell me aboutwhereyouwereborn. • Pleasetell me howyoumetyourspouse. • Pleasetell me somestoriesaboutyourchildren. • Pleasetell me aboutyouraunts, uncles, and cousins. • Pleasetell me somestoriesaboutyourparents and grandparents.

  11. Visitcemeteries

  12. Close up of Alvareztombstone

  13. My Grandparents Buriedsidebysidefacing La Jicarita in Llano de San Juan Nepomusino New Mexico 8500 feetabove sea level

  14. Find art activities • FamilyTreeusingconstructionpaper • Picture collage • Use webs for extended families • Make a memory box [shoebox]

  15. Draw a familytree

  16. Draw a familyflower

  17. Familypictures

  18. Locatesomegenealogybooks

  19. FindCertificates

  20. For classroom activities EnchantedLearning.comFamily Theme PageInformation, Quizzes, and Printouts to Color

  21. For more indepthgenealogy • Use Personal Ancestral File software toorganizeyourinformation • Findothergenealogy software • Organizeinformationbyfamilies • Use www.familysearch.org • Use www.ancestry.com [feebased] • Goto local Genealogy Library Room • Writeletters [emails] torelativestogather and exchangeinformation

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