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Chapter 3 Physical Activity and Fitness

Chapter 3 Physical Activity and Fitness. Lesson 4 Creating Your Fitness Plan. Click for:. >> Main Menu. >> Chapter 3 Assessment. Teacher’s notes are available in the notes section of this presentation. Next >>.

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Chapter 3 Physical Activity and Fitness

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  1. Chapter 3 Physical Activityand Fitness Lesson 4 Creating YourFitness Plan Click for: >> Main Menu >> Chapter 3 Assessment Teacher’s notes are available in the notes section of this presentation. Next >>

  2. Gentle exercises that get heart muscles ready for moderate-to-vigorous activity • warm-up Gentle exercises that let the body adjust to ending a workout • cooldown • frequency The number of days you work out each week

  3. intensity How much energy you use when you work out The number of heartbeats per minute that you should aim for during moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity to help your circulatory system the most • target heartrate

  4. In this lesson, you will be able to • listfactors to consider when developing a personal fitness plan. • identifythe keys to a good workout. • calculateyour progress in meeting fitness goals. • assessyour progress in meeting fitness goals.

  5. Drawing Conclusions List some factors that you think might be important to developing a personal fitness program. After you read this lesson, look back at your list to see if these factors were covered.

  6. Setting and Reaching Your Fitness Goals Setting personal fitness goals will help you focus and stick with your plan. A coach or physical education teacher can help you get started by measuring your fitness level and suggesting ways to improve it.

  7. Setting and Reaching Your Fitness Goals Try to work out for an hour each day. Spend about 30 minutes doing moderate activities and, on most days, do 30 more minutes of harder activities.

  8. Making Time for Fitness List the activities you already do. List the activities you would like to do. Create a weekly plan that includes all your activities. Keep a calendar to remind you of your schedule. Keep a log to track what exercises you do, and how long each sessions lasts. Vary your schedule to make it interesting. Be willing to make changes if your schedule is not realistic.

  9. Working Out Safely For most activities, loose-fitting clothes are the best. Make sure your running or walking shoes do not cause blisters. After dark, wear light colors and reflective gear. Wear layers of clothing in the winter. Wear light clothing in hot weather. Drink plenty of water in hot weather and consider specialty sports drinks.

  10. Working Out Safely Wear sunscreen and sunglasses. Wear protective equipment made for the activity. Work out with a friend. If you are jogging or running, stick to a path with a soft, even surface. Be careful when working out at night or in an out-of-the-way place. If you are using an exercise machine, be sure you know how to use it.

  11. Keys to a Good Workout Two keys to a good workout are practicing the warm-up and cooldown. warm-up Gentle exercises that get heart and muscles ready for moderate-to-vigorous activity cooldown Gentle exercises that let the body adjust to ending a workout

  12. Get Fit with F.I.T.T. F Frequency I Intensity T Time T Type of Activity

  13. Frequency Frequency depends on your fitness goals, your schedule, and your current fitness level. frequency The number of days you work out each week As your fitness level improves, increase the frequency of your workouts.

  14. Intensity If you are able to talk while working out, you’re probably at the right intensity level. intensity How much energy you use when you work out If you are out of breath and can’t talk while you work out, slow down.

  15. Time Slowly increase how much time you spend at each workout session. Work toward being able to exercise comfortably for at least 30 minutes.

  16. Type The type of exercise you do depends on the benefits you want to gain. You will get the best benefits if you mix aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

  17. Target Heart Rate When you know your target heart rate range, you can adjust your workout to get the best results. target heart rate The number of heartbeats per minute that you should aim for during moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity to help your circulatory system the most

  18. Target Heart Rate

  19. Tracking Your Progress After you have followed your weekly schedule for a while, check your fitness log and compare early entries with later ones. If you feel you haven’t made progress, you may not be following your schedule or perhaps you set your goal too high.

  20. Reading for Inspiration Check out a library book abouta sports or fitness figure, suchas Tiger Woods. Find out howthe person became interestedin his or her chosen activity.

  21. Lesson 4 Review What I Learned VocabularyDefine warm-up and cooldown.

  22. Lesson 4 Review What I Learned DescribeWhy is it a good idea to see a health careprovider before beginning a fitness program?

  23. Lesson 4 Review What I Learned RestateHow should you dress for working out incold weather?

  24. Lesson 4 Review What I Learned ExplainName and briefly describe each element of the F.I.T.T. formula.

  25. Lesson 4 Review What I Learned IdentifyWhat are the keys to a good workout?

  26. Lesson 4 Review Thinking Critically ApplyKeiko is 12 years old and has begun an aerobicclass. She wants to find out what her target heart raterange should be. What would you tell her to do?

  27. Lesson 4 Review Thinking Critically JustifyWhy is it important to be flexible when planninga workout schedule?

  28. End of Chapter 3 Physical Activityand Fitness Lesson 4 Creating YourFitness Plan Click for: >> Main Menu >> Chapter 3 Assessment

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