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At the Gate: Boaz's Wise Move

In Ruth 4:1-6 (ESV), Boaz goes to the gate seeking the nearer kinsman for a legal transaction. The elders witness the conversation as Boaz informs the kinsman about Naomi selling Elimelech's land, including Ruth the Moabite widow. Boaz's integrity shines as he navigates delicate matters to fulfill the duty of a kinsman redeemer.

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At the Gate: Boaz's Wise Move

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  1. Ruth 4:1-6 (ESV) Now Boaz had gone up to the gate and sat down there. And behold, the redeemer, of whom Boaz had spoken, came by. So Boaz said, “Turn aside, friend; sit down here.” And he turned aside and sat down.

  2. And he took ten men of the elders of the city and said, “Sit down here.” So they sat down.

  3. Then he said to the redeemer, “Naomi, who has come back from the country of Moab, is selling the parcel of land that belonged to our relative Elimelech.

  4. So I thought I would tell you of it and say, ‘Buy it in the presence of those sitting here and in the presence of the elders of my people.’ If you will redeem it, redeem it. But if you will not, tell me, that I may know, for there is no one besides you to redeem it, and I come after you.” And he said, “I will redeem it.”

  5. Then Boaz said, “The day you buy the field from the hand of Naomi, you also acquire Ruth the Moabite, the widow of the dead, in order to perpetuate the name of the dead in his inheritance.”

  6. Then the redeemer said, “I cannot redeem it for myself, lest I impair my own inheritance. Take my right of redemption yourself, for I cannot redeem it.”

  7. Now Boaz had gone up to the gate and sat down there. And behold, the redeemer, of whom Boaz had spoken, came by. So Boaz said, “Turn aside, friend; sit down here.” And he turned aside and sat down. Ruth 4:1, ESV

  8. At the Gate Boaz goes to the gate This would hold the highest probability of finding the nearer kinsman Likewise the gate acted a townhall By sitting Boaz is making it known he intends to bring about a court of law Unexpectedly, the kinsman appears right away There is surprise the kinsman would be spotted so soon Likewise it shifts focus from Boaz to the nearer kinsman It reminds us that God’s hand is moving in the story Boaz has the man sit with him He does not call the man by name, but “Hey you” or “Mr. So and So” This is likely to contrast the new comer with Boaz

  9. And he took ten men of the elders of the city and said, “Sit down here.” So they sat down. Ruth 4:2, ESV

  10. The Elders Boaz calls for ten elders to come sit They would act as witnesses to the legal transaction that is taking place

  11. Then he said to the redeemer, “Naomi, who has come back from the country of Moab, is selling the parcel of land that belonged to our relative Elimelech. Ruth 4:3, ESV

  12. Transcript I We learn Naomi is selling land During the period widows would not inherit their deceased husbands lands (their descendant would, or closest male kin) Selling? The word translated as selling can mean figurative selling (God “sold” Israel to their enemies) It can also mean to give or hand over Such as in the case for handing oneself over to pay a debt, or to hand over land to repay a debt The land Elimelech likely sold the land before they left to someone outside of the clan Naomi is allowing a redeemer to redeem the land and then use it for themselves and bring it back to the clan

  13. So I thought I would tell you of it and say, ‘Buy it in the presence of those sitting here and in the presence of the elders of my people.’ If you will redeem it, redeem it. But if you will not, tell me, that I may know, for there is no one besides you to redeem it, and I come after you.” And he said, “I will redeem it.” Ruth 4:4, ESV

  14. Transcript II Boaz wanted to inform the nearer kinsman It reminds us of his integrity, and it shows he has the interest of the nearer kinsman He wants the nearer kinsman to redeem it in front of the elders The elders may represent the ten, or others who have also come to observe But, Boaz is willing if the nearer kinsman is not Boaz does not expressly state that he would like to, but it is obvious in context Will the kinsman redeem? The kinsmans response is that he will What about Ruth?

  15. Then Boaz said, “The day you buy the field from the hand of Naomi, you also acquire Ruth the Moabite, the widow of the dead, in order to perpetuate the name of the dead in his inheritance.” Ruth 4:5, ESV

  16. Transcript III Boaz informs the nearer kinsman he will need to acquire Ruth as well, and from this we notice a few things First: Ruth the Moabite Boaz may be using her heritage as a way to get the kinsman to look unfavorably upon the deal Second: Boaz does not inform whose widow she is We wont find out whose widow she is until verse 9 We see the goal is to provide two things: First redemption for the land, second redemption for the dead The worst curse one could call on someone was for their name to disappear/die out This is not a requirement for a kinsman redeemer (go’el), but it does reflect the Levarite law which required a brother to marry a deceased brothers wife to carry on his name

  17. Transcript III (2) This was not the letter of the law Neither of these men were brothers of Elimelech, and obviously not a brother of Elimelechs sons So while not in the letter of the law, it was within the spirit of the law There was a moral grounding which would cause this to happen Boaz is willing to take this extra moral step, but is the kinsman? While within the story Naomi and Boaz are concerned with Ruth, the narrator is just as, if not more concerned, with the line of Elimelech We will see why this is the case at the end of the book

  18. Then the redeemer said, “I cannot redeem it for myself, lest I impair my own inheritance. Take my right of redemption yourself, for I cannot redeem it.”Ruth 4:6, ESV

  19. The Kinsman's Decision The redeemer is unable to redeem the land with this new information at hand We see a contrast between Boaz and the nearer redeemer, Boaz is focused on others and the redeemer is focused on himself/his inheritance The redeemer had four options First: He could take both land and Ruth This would be the most honorable choice Second: He could take the land and say he will take Ruth but then not This would cause him to lose esteem among the populace

  20. The Kinsman's Decision (2) Third: He could reject both proposals This would allow Boaz to both Fourth: He could take the land and choose outright not to marry Ruth This, again, would cause him to lose esteem among the population Likewise he would have had some problems later if Boaz and Ruth had a child, as that child would be allowed to claim the land

  21. The Kinsman's Decision (3) We can’t be 100% sure why he feels his inheritance would be in jeopardy, but there are a few reasons First: The caring for Naomi, the cost of the land, and the cost to marry Ruth, might be too much for him Second: If the man had a son with Ruth, then his own line might end up in Elimelechs Third: When we consider Ruth the Moabite, his xenophobia might not want his ancestors to have Moabite blood Regardless, the man forfeits his right to the land and Ruth, allowing Boaz to make the claim

  22. Main Point This is a legal record of what happened between Boaz and Mr. So and So The nearer kinsman rescinds his rights to the land and the moral responsibility to Elimelech This allows Boaz to fulfill the role of Redeemer for the land, Ruth, and possibly the line of Elimelech

  23. Application Points Alternate Roads This week focused on two individuals (Boaz and Mr. So and So) What is interesting is not their similarities but their differences Boaz is considered and has shown himself to be a worthy man He is faithful to Yahweh Likewise he has been a generous benefactor to Ruth and Naomi In these things we see his character, chesed, and devout faith

  24. Application Points Alternate Roads (2) Mr. So and So is the other We don’t know his name, or line All we know is that he is a nearer relative He cares a great deal about his own inheritance and progeny We see a dichotomy between the two Mr. So and So takes the road well travelled, making sure his inheritance is intact Boaz takes the road less travelled, the unsure path instead

  25. Application Points Alternate Roads (3) This actually reminds us of two other individuals as well In chapter 1, both Orpah and Ruth are both told to return to Moab Orpah, she chooses the more sensible thing, to go home Ruth chooses the less sensible thing, continuing on with Naomi Ruth and Boaz correlate, while Orpah and the kinsman correlate Neither Orpah or the kinsman are chastised for their decision One can argue they are making the more logical decision at the time

  26. Application Points Alternate Roads (4) It is interesting to consider those who did not take the normal road Like Abraham and Sarah, who went by faith in the one who called Sometimes in life we may be required to take an alternate route Part of following Christ is to take the Narrow road (Matthew 7) In life it requires us to make the choice between the normal route, or another route which is altogether other

  27. Application Points Alternate Roads (5) Don’t waste your life following the whims of the safe course Don’t waste your life on the world considers most reasonable In I Corinthians we are told that the foolishness and weakness of God is greater than the wisdom and strength of man Who will accept the call to follow Christ, to live a life of faith? Not of blind faith…it was not blind for Ruth because she knew Naomi, nor blind for Boaz because he knows Ruth and God It was reasonable because of their experience It was still faith, but it is a reasonable faith

  28. Application Points Alternate Roads (6) Again, be encouraged to follow this reasonable faith We know the God who is there, the God who has revealed Himself and made Himself known Follow the God of all things Give all things over to the Lordship of Christ Christ who gives us the other road Who redeems us from the grave

  29. Application Points Following the Law One way Boaz has shown himself to be worthy is how he is handling this situation He does not skirt the law, but instead does what the law requires This concept of justice, following the law, is important for us to consider We can just as easily be tempted to handle our businesses in an unlawful way, or handle our Churches in a way which is against our constitution Technically they are similar Our Church constitution holds our beliefs and how we conduct ourselves This is like the law which informs society how we should conduct ourselves and informs our beliefs as a society

  30. Application Points Following the Law (2) Boaz is an example to be lawful We aren’t to follow laws which go against the Gospel, but we should make sure not to cheat on our taxes etc. Again that does not mean we are to go against the Gospel The first century Christians were martyred because they went against sociological norms They were called to declare Caesar as lord, but they declared Jesus as Lord For that they paid the penalty of the law of the land which was death We should be thankful that we have not needed to face such persecution, though if it does arise, see point 1

  31. Application Points Following the Law (3) This reflects our own constitutions Within Christian institutions there is a tendency to bypass constitutions and beliefs This has occurred especially within the universities Universities which are most liberal today were founded on Christian principles This change occurred because the universities were lax in their constitutional statements They had professors who were nice and well liked, and because of that they decided to keep them even though they didn’t adhere to the constitutional statements Now, those same universities are controlled by liberal scholarship

  32. Application Points Following the Law (4) This same thing happens in pastoral ministries and church membership All too often pastors and new members are accepted despite having different doctrinal views, because how important are those doctrinal statements anyway? This will eventually lead to the congregation turning in ways different than the founders had originated

  33. Application Points Following the Law (5) The point? We need to be lawful in two ways The first is at society at large (assuming the laws/society does not go against the Gospel/the Scriptures) The second is within our own congregational make up through our constitution We need to know both the law of the land, and our own constitutions Maybe it is an encouragement to also look over our constitution every year Make sure to take notes, ask questions, make sure we’re all on the same page and in unity in our definitions The constitution itself is an encouragement, as it reminds us of the shoulders on which we stand, and the beliefs by which we are unified

  34. Application Points Not by Chance Everything has been led by God to a particular end God is the cause of these events, and brings them about to His end This leads us to providence There are a lot of themes in the book of Ruth, and providence is a key one So it is wise of us to consider in Ruth and when it happens So we notice it in two areas in today’s text The first is the kinsman arriving at the gate It begs us to recognize providence in his coming

  35. Application Points Not by Chance (2) The second is the kinsman's response His decision not to redeem is, itself, an act of providence It reflects the providence of Boaz’s response at the threshing floor in chapter 3 Providence steps in both instances, positively for Boaz, and negatively here This reminds us of the providence of God in miniscule ways Many believe God is too busy with the cosmos to worry about us in our lives As though God is not interested in us, or is too busy for us

  36. Application Points Not by Chance (3) In the book of Ruth nothing could be further from the truth Here we find God does bless individually Whether with food, financially, healing, or helping God is not only an eternal God, but an imminent God who is with us Just as with Boaz, Ruth, and Naomi, God blesses us as well He is our provider, caring for us in times of need He loves us as His children and blesses us according to His will for His glory

  37. Application Points Not by Chance (4) Doesn’t the providence of God fill you with awe, peace, and joy? Doesn’t it give joy knowing that the one who holds the cosmos by the power of His Word loves you, hears you, as His child if you are in Christ? As Christians there is nothing which can give us greater peace than knowing the providence of God Be encouraged to know you can face the day, knowing you are not alone no matter what this life may say

  38. Application Points The Gospel We see the Gospel in all these things This Gospel which shows us our need and provides for our need The Gospel begins with our origins God brought all things ex nihilo (out of nothing) by the power of His Word Last of all He created humanity to be His Image Bearers Because God is a God of love, reason, knows, can be known, has personhood, and shows Chesed, we can as well It is here we find the sanctity, dignity, and worth to human life

  39. Application Points The Gospel (2) Like God, however, we were able to choose We could choose obedience to God and life, or disobedience in sin and death, we chose and continue to choose the latter Because of this our relationships with God, within ourselves, each other, and the world are broken It is also because of this we accrue a greater moral guilt before our God which makes us worthy of judgment This is true human sorrow to live in this darkness without hope from within Thankfully, God is there and not silent, instead He sent His Light and spoke His Word into the darkness, that is Jesus Christ His Son

  40. Application Points The Gospel (3) Jesus lived, died, and rose again in time, space, history, and flesh By His wounds we are healed His blood justifies us We are no longer guilty before God, instead we are redeemed in righteousness His victory becomes our victory over sin and lastly death

  41. Application Points The Gospel (4) All that is required of us is obedience in two things The first is repentance, we are to turn away from sin and turn toward God We are to live a lifestyle to the glory of God We are to walk in step with the Spirit of God according to the Scriptures The second is faith in Christ We recognize our dependence upon Christ for our salvation We need to place our faith in Christ for our justification We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to the Scriptures alone, for the glory of God alone

  42. Application Points The Gospel (5) For those who are disobedient in these things there is only judgment None can stand before God with only their deeds because even their greatest deeds are stained by sin Therefore there is only condemnation for those who are outside of Christ For those who are obedient there is no longer condemnation We experience the love of God reserved for His Son We inherit an eternal kingdom of peace with our God forever

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