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EMODNet Chemistry Pilot Project: Advancements and Achievements

Dive into the EMODNet Chemistry Pilot Project from its inception to the latest developments, including data collection, products, and workflows. Explore the regional leaders, expert workshops, new phase, and enhanced data access.

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EMODNet Chemistry Pilot Project: Advancements and Achievements

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  1. EMODNet Chemistry (MARE/2012/10) 1 st Expert Meeting introduction June 2014 Split, Croatia Matteo Vinci and Alessandra Giorgetti OGS, Trieste

  2. Emodnet Chemistry Pilot: • When • Where • What • Pilot Expert Workshop • New Phase: • Overview • What • Where/How • About data collection • Products • New architecture/workflow

  3. NORTH SEA BLACK SEA MEDITERRANEAN SEA The Pilot Project when and where: (June 2009 - June 2012) Regional Leaders: North Sea – NERI Black Sea– MHI Med Sea – HCMR

  4. The Pilot Project:what -Choice based on MSFD requirements; -Selected from 8 groups of compounds; -3 matrices: water, biota, sediment; -17 selected parameters for product generation.

  5. The Pilot Project: Expert WS Expert workshop, 20-21 September 2010, Venice. Topics: • General overview of EMODNET Chemistry objectives and results with demonstration of EMODNET Chemistry portal, • General overview of data distribution per region (including spots), • Review and discussion on EMODNET Chemical data and products availability, • how to move from data to products, what kind of products can be done with EMODNET Chemical data, • Keep feedback from the participants Participants were Coordinators (OGS, Maris), Gher Ulg, Regional Leaders plus:

  6. The New Phase • Enlarged partnership: 32 partners + 14 sub-contractors = total of 46 participants (about twice!); • New parameters; • The portal should cover all European waters; • New products: new tools to be developed for coastal visualization + proposal for assessment !!! • Specific focus on Coastal Data.

  7. The portal should collect the following groups of chemicals: - in 3 matrices: water column, biota, sediment. - in all European waters.

  8. Data Collection Data harvesting and products generation are organized at Regional level. 5 sea regions have been defined as: • Greater North Sea(including Norwegian Sea and Celtic Sea); • Atlantic Sea(including Atlantic Coast and Macaronesia); • Baltic Sea; • Black Sea; • Mediterranean Sea.

  9. Approach As for Pilot the methodology is based on SeaDataNet network of NODCs and infrastructure: • An efficient distributed Marine Data Management Infrastructure for large and diverse sets of data from in situ and remote observation of the seas and oceans. • Actively involved in standardsimplementation following INSPIRE; • A de-facto standard with: 44 partners and 14 subcontractors from 35 countries EU and not that are the network of National Oceanographic Data Centers (NODCs) involved in the data collection through the European Seas.

  10. WP1 Data collection and metadata compilation CDIs made available through the portal for European waters, at last progress report (m10): Total 581,300  increase of 39,279. After one month: Total 584,455  increase of 3,145. Of these 82 %are unrestricted (unrestricted and SeaDataNet license), while others 18% require negotiation. Positive feedback in data collection activity by partners!

  11. Progress: Data Collection Total: 519.123 stations Lat Long box: N80, W-30 ; N20, E45

  12. Progress: Data Collection Nutrients: 268.402 stations Parameter Groups (Nutrients - Nitrates, Phosphates... ) for MSFD Descriptor 5 «Eutrophication»

  13. Progress: Data Collection Contaminants: 35.161 stations Parameter Groups (Hydrocarbons, Metal and metalloid concentrations, PCBs and organic micropollutants...) for MSFD Descriptor 8 «Contaminants»

  14. Data Products generation Thanks also to the analysis of 1 st Expert Workshophighlighted2 main subsets of the available data: Homogeneous distribution In time and space (basins) Not homogeneous ditribution In time and space (basins) How to highlight data features? -DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) horizontal maps produced for parameters with homogeneous data coverage, measured on basin scale; -Time series plotsof measured data produced for not homogeneous data (coastal points repeated in time, datasets with fragmented coverage.) • Temporal resolution VS data availability • n.of products VS MSFD regions? • Finalization interactive Time Series plots from observed data

  15. Data Discovery and data access Improved search criteria in dedicated web portal : 2 linked parameter search criteria: -general (P03) more analytic (P02) Area selection: -Classic geobox -Selection by Sea Regions polygons Data can be downloaded in Odv format

  16. Products: DIVA interpolated maps

  17. Products:Time Series plots

  18. Time Series plots stations/plots per station

  19. From Data to Products – data workflow Aggregation, validation and units conversion Regional Buffer 1 Robot Harvester NODCs data collection Central Data Buffer Regional Buffer 2 ...

  20. From Data to Products – products workflow Products generation workflow: Products Validation Time Series Maps Regional QC Buffer Regional Validation Regional Buffers

  21. Time Series plots • Beside the static Time Series plots, much activity is ongoing to produce dynamic Time Series plots : • Definition of relevant sets of stations with long time series for the focus parameters (nutrients) • Setting of Robot Harvester for the Buffer generation • Development of technical aspects for the viewing services working on top of the Buffer • Integration of the resulting layer with Stations and Graphics into OceanBrowser.

  22. http://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu/ Alessandra Giorgetti : agiorgetti@ogs.trieste.it Matteo Vinci : mvinci@ogs.trieste.it

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