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One dies and ... is everything over? ... or we have a spirit that transcends death. This is the topic that we will develop next: Consciousness, Transcendence and Immortality - HOW THE EXPERIENCES NEAR DEATH PROVE THAT CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTS BEYOND THE PHYSICAL BODY
One dies and... is everything over? ... or we have a spirit that transcends death. This is the topic that we will explore next ... Consciousness, Transcendence and Immortality
The brain as a computer… “… I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers…” Stephen Hawking https://www.theguardian.com/science/2011/may/15/stephen-hawking-interview-there-is-no-heaven In an exclusive interview with the Guardian
The Relationship Between Brains, Consciousness and Intelligence British neurologist Dr. John Lorber studied many cases of hydrocephalus (“water on the brain”) and concluded that even when most of the brain’s cerebral cortex (the brain’s outer layer) is missing, patients can live normal lives. Science writer Roger Lewin quotes Lorber in his article: “There’s a young student at this university [Sheffield University] who has an IQ of 126, has gained a first-class honors degree in mathematics, and is socially completely normal. And yet the boy has virtually no brain…When we did a brain scan on him, we saw that instead of the normal 4.5 centimeter thickness of brain tissue between the ventricles and the cortical surface, there was just a thin layer of mantle measuring a millimeters or so. His cranium is filled mainly with cerebrospinal fluid.” John Lorber (1915-1996) Lewin, R. (1980). "Is Your Brain Really Necessary?" Science 210: 1232-1234.
The Relationship Between Brains, Consciousness and Intelligence "I can't say whether the mathematics student has a brain weighing 50 grams or 150 grams, but it's clear that it is nowhere near the normal 1.5 kilograms,” asserts Lorber Scans of normal and hydrocephalic brains John Lorber (1915-1996) Lewin, R. (1980). "Is Your Brain Really Necessary?" Science 210: 1232-1234.
Conciencia: ¿Qué es y dónde se encuentra? The supercomputer called the Spiking Neural Network Architecture or “SpiNNaker" created after more than a decade of research uses "a million processing cores and 1,200 interconnected circuit boards" that together help it operate like a human brain.
I'm most fascinated with the eye. Why the eye? The eye is the one sticking point that religious people use to discredit evolution. They use it as proof of an intelligent designer. - Intelligent designer? - God. ("I Origins" - 2014 American science fiction drama film)
RELIGION & SCIENCE What do you believe in? I'm a scientist. I believe in data... What kind of scientist? Molecular biology. I'm most fascinated with the eye. Why the eye? The eye is the one sticking point that religious people use to discredit evolution. They use it as proof of an intelligent designer. Intelligent designer? God. … I'm looking to end the debate once and for all with... clear, clean facts. Data points of every stage of eye-evolution. Why are you working so hard to disprove God? Disprove? Who proved that God was there in the first place? ("I Origins" - 2014 American science fiction drama film)
RELIGION & SCIENCE Dr. Gray, are you religious? Am I religious? I thought you researched me. I'm not religious. Why not? Religion is based on scripture written by men thousands of years ago. Those beliefs can't be changed or challenged. They're fixed. In science, great thinkers have written things very long ago... but every generation improves upon them. The words are not holy. Einstein is a brilliant man, but he is not our god. He's one step in the evolution of knowledge, but we always continue to step forward. ("I Origins" - 2014 American science fiction drama film)
RELIGION & SCIENCE You know a scientist once asked the Dalai Lama, "What would you do if something scientific disproved your religious beliefs?" And he said, after much thought, "I would look at all the papers. I'd take a look at all the research and really try to understand things. And in the end, if it was clear that the scientific evidence disproved my spiritual beliefs, I would change my beliefs." That's a good answer. Ian... what would you do if something spiritual disproved your scientific beliefs? ("I Origins" - 2014 American science fiction drama film)
Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science http://opensciences.org/about/manifesto-for-a-post-materialist-science 100 Notable Scientists Call for Open Study of Consciousness We are a group of internationally known scientists, from a variety of scientific fields (biology, neuroscience, psychology, medicine, psychiatry), who participated in an international summit on post-materialist science, spirituality and society. “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” - Nikola Tesla
Rupert Sheldrake - Ten Dogmas of Modern Science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TbirTswmNU 1. Nature is Mechanical 2. Matter is Unconscious 3. The Laws of Nature are Fixed 4. The Amount of Matter and Energy is Fixed 5. Nature is Purposeless 6. Biological Inheritance is Material 7. Memories are Stored in the Brain 8. The Mind is Inside the Head 9. Psychic Phenomena Do Not Exist 10. Mechanistic Medicine is the Only Kind that Works
Morphic Resonance and Morphic fields Rupert Sheldrake The minds of all individuals of a species, including man, are united and are part of the same planetary mental field
SCIENCE: three main parts "The word "Science" has been defined in the dictionary as, ordered and intelligently directed, the search of the truth. Under this definition all science can be divided, with the purpose of discussing and acquiring a greater degree of understanding, in three main parts. The three main parts can be defined as follows: The material or physical science The social sciences The spiritual sciences (Del libro del Dr. Daniel Fry, “El Incidente de White Sands”)
SCIENCE: three main parts The material or physical science that is related to the needs and desires of the human body and the nature of the physical universe that surrounds it and in which it develops. In this division are topics such as physics, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, etc. as well as the manufacture and distribution of an infinite number of material products necessary for the comfort and pleasure of man. (Del libro del Dr. Daniel Fry, “El Incidente de White Sands”)
SCIENCE: three main parts The social sciencesthat have to do with the relationship of man with his peers, and the means by which this relationship can be made successful, productive and progressive. In this division are the studies of sociology, government, psychology, non-material aspects of the economy, etc. (Del libro del Dr. Daniel Fry, “El Incidente de White Sands”)
SCIENCE: three main parts The spiritual sciences that deal with the relationships between man and the great creative power and the infinite intelligence that penetrates and controls all of nature. This is the power and intelligence that your people refer to as God. (Del libro del Dr. Daniel Fry, “El Incidente de White Sands”)
http://www.eternea.org/ "Through the work of Eternea, we can begin the wedding of science and religion, reason and intuition, the physical and the spiritual. This union will ensure that science comes to comprehend the non-material aspects of reality as well as it knows the material aspects, enabling it to approach omniscience. Then knowledge will become wisdom and love of power will become the power of love, and the universal man of cosmic consciousness will finally emerge, all none too soon." - Dr. Edgar D. Mitchell - 1930 - 2016
Common Elements of Many of the Near Death Experiences A Strange Sound Peace and Painlessness Out-of-Body Experience The Tunnel Experience Rising Rapidly into the Heavens People of Light The Being of Light The Life Review Reluctance to Return The sensation of rising up and floating above their own body LIFE AFTER LIFE - by Raymond A. Moody, Jr. M.D., 1975
"On November 2008, I woke up with a terrible headache that in just two hours resulted in a stroke. I fell into a deep coma, and for seven days I remained in that state, during which I experienced an incredible and out of this world experience. The place where I was is a wonderful place, comforting and full of love. I'm not afraid to die because now I know it's not the end.” Dr. Eben Alexander - http://ebenalexander.com/ “Dr. Eben Alexander’s near-death experience is the most astounding I have heard in more than four decades of studying this phenomenon,” reads a review from Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D., author of “Life Beyond Life.” He goes on to say that the “circumstances of [Eben’s] illness and his impeccable credentials make it very hard to formulate a mundane explanation for his case.”
AWARE STUDY INITIAL RESULTS ARE PUBLISHED! https://iands.org/news/news/front-page-news/1060-aware-study-initial-results-are-published.html The AWARE study(AWAreness during REsuscitation) is a multi-hospital clinical study of the brain and consciousness during cardiac arrest, including testing the validity of perceptions during the out-of-body part of near-death experiences (NDEs). Dr. Sam Parniais the principal investigator. The initial results, from the first four years of the study, were published last Decemberin the medical journal Resuscitation (PDF). Of the 2,060 cardiac arrests during the study, 140 patients survived and could be interviewed for the study. Of these, 101 patients had detailed interviews, which identified 9 patients who had an NDE. Of the 9 NDErs, two had detailed memories with awareness of the physical environment. One NDEr's experience was verified as accurate; the other was too ill for an in-depth interview. Dr. Sam Parnia director of the Human Consciousness Project at the University of Southampton
Consciousness: What is it, and Where is it Found? In my book ‘Consciousness beyond Life’, it has indeed been scientifically proven that, during NDE, enhanced consciousness was experienced independently of brain function… Our enhanced consciousness resides not in our brain and is not limited to our brain, because our consciousness is nonlocal, and our brain has a facilitating function, and not a producing function to experience consciousness PIM VAN LOMMEL
Dr. Pim van Lommel, cardiologist, researches Near-Death Experiences (EDM) Dr. PIM VAN LOMMEL "A patient tells how in his NDE (Near-Death Experience) he had seen an unknown gentleman smiling at him. Ten years later, his dying mother revealed to him that he was the son of an extramarital affair and showed him a photograph of his biological father, murdered in a concentration camp: it was that smiling man." Entrevista de Lluis Amiguet en La Contra de La Vanguardia 05-06-12 https://www.lavanguardia.com/lacontra/20120605/54303448302/pim-van-lommel.html
Pim van Lommel on Endless Consciousness “… I strongly believe that consciousness cannot be located in a particular time and place. This is known as nonlocality. Complete and endless consciousness is everywhere in a dimension that is not tied to time or place, where past, present, and future all exist and are accessible at the same time. This endless consciousness is always in and around us... Our brain may be compared both to a television set, receiving information from electromagnetic fields and decoding this into sound and vision, and to a television camera, converting or encoding sound and vision into electromagnetic waves. Our consciousness transmits information to the brain and via the brain receives information from the body and senses. The function of the brain can be compared to a transceiver; our brain has a facilitating rather than a producing role; it enables the experience of consciousness. …” Dr. PIM VAN LOMMEL “Consciousness Beyond Life ”
Consciousness: What is it, and Where is it Found? P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., Ph.D. (Hon.)(born Phyllis Marie DeKeyser, September 19, 1937) survived three death events that produced three different near-death experiences in 1977. She is one of the original researchers of the near-death phenomenon, having begun her work in 1978. Today, her contribution to the field of near-death studies is considered on par with those of Raymond Moody and Ken Ring. Her first two books, Coming Back to Life and Beyond the Light, are considered the "Bibles" of the NDE.
Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Bruce Greyson, Dr. Jeffrey Long – Elements of NDEs http://the-formula.org/moody-greyson-long-elements-of-ndes/ Out-of-body experience (OBE): Separation of consciousness from the physical body – 75.4 percent Heightened senses – 74.4 percent Intense and generally positive emotions or feelings – 76.2 percent Passing into or through a tunnel – 33.8 percent Encountering a mystical or brilliant light – 64.6 percent Encountering other beings, either mystical beings or deceased relatives or friends – 57.3 percent A sense of alteration of time and space – 60.5 percent Life review – 22.2 percent Encountering unworldly (“heavenly”) realms – 40.6 percent Encountering or learning special knowledge – 56 percent (31.5 percent answered that they felt they understood everything “about the universe”; 31.3 percent felt they understood everything “about myself and others”) Encountering a boundary or barrier – 31 percent Return to the body, either voluntary or involuntary – 58.5 percent
Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Jeffrey Long – Elements of NDEs http://the-formula.org/moody-greyson-long-elements-of-ndes/ Greyson NDE Scale Dr. Bruce Greyson http://iands.org/research/nde-research/important-research-articles/698-greyson-nde-scale.html Professor & Psychiatrist Bruce Greyson developed this scale to measure the depth of an individual’s near-death experience. The following is a copy of the scale (with 16 parameters) as presented in an article entitled “Altered States” by Lee Graves in the Summer 2007 edition of the University of Virginia Magazine. http://iands.org/research/nde-research/important-research-articles/698-greyson-nde-scale.html
THE CASE OF PAM REYNOLDS: SHAKING THE FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN OFFICIAL NEUROSCIENCE Pam Reynolds (1956 - 2010) was a 35 years old prestigious American singer and composer. In 1991 she became very ill. He started suffering from severe dizziness, losing his speech and having mobility problems. They did a Brain CAT (Computed Axial Tomography) that revealed that he had a severe aneurysm in a basilar artery of the brain.He went to a neurologist who gave her little or almost no hope of life. Due to the seriousness of her condition she was urgently transferred by ambulance from Atlanta (Georgia, USA) to the Barrow Neurological Institute, in Phoenix (Arizona, USA)
THE CASE OF PAM REYNOLDS: SHAKING THE FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN OFFICIAL NEUROSCIENCE There she placed herself in the hands of a specialized medical team, led by Dr. Robert Spetzler, a world-renowned neurosurgeon, to treat her illness. A general anesthetic was applied to the patient before entering the operating room. Once lying on the table and completely asleep (TECHNICALLY UNCONSCIOUS), they lowered the body temperature from 37 to 15 degrees Celsius (TECHNICALLY HIBERNATED), they artificially caused a cardiac arrest (flat ECG), lung function and respiratory function stopped completely, the brain-cortical waves were flat (flat EEG) and his head was emptied of blood (cerebral perfusion). The team of Dr. Robert Spetzler performed a neurosurgical operation known as hypothermic cardiac arrest with extracorporeal circulation
THE CASE OF PAM REYNOLDS: SHAKING THE FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN OFFICIAL NEUROSCIENCE The operation lasted 7 hours, being at least clinically dead for one hour. The medical notes corroborated that the patient was OBJECTIVELY AND TECHNICALLY DEAD for more than an hour based on all the devices that monitored the vital functions of the patient.Pam experiences an of abandonment of her body ... she is able to hear the conversations between the cardiovascular surgeons during a phase of the operation ... able to listen to the songs of the musical thread ... In a phase of her operation she feels a presence. He turns and watches a long tunnel of light. ... When the light goes out, he states that he observes many people he knew (people who had already died)
THE CASE OF PAM REYNOLDS: SHAKING THE FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN OFFICIAL NEUROSCIENCE Pam meets her deceased grandmother and uncle ... she was filled with an ineffable feeling of love, peace and happiness. During a moment of her experience, his deceased uncle makes her see that it is not her time to leave, but that she has to return to her body. She contemplates the scene of her body on the stretcher of the operating room and is frightened. She is reluctant to return to physical life, until her uncle pushes her and gets her into the body ...Chronologically, during the paranormal phase –an extracorporeal experience- as in the mystical-eschatological phase (the tunnel, the light, the sky, her grandmother and deceased uncle) of her experience corresponds to a phase of the operation in which she was CLINICALLY DEAD .
THE CASE OF PAM REYNOLDS: SHAKING THE FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN OFFICIAL NEUROSCIENCE Pam was aware during that state, which decisively refutes the materialistic and reductionist worldview that consciousness is simply an epiphenomenon of the brain, proposing a dualistic neuroscientific model (the brain as a simple receptor, not as a creator of consciousness) so the conscious mind would survive physical death ...
THE CASE OF PAM REYNOLDS: SHAKING THE FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN OFFICIAL NEUROSCIENCE The American cardiologist Michael Sabom collected her testimony in a book entitled "Light and Death: One Doctor's Fascinating Account of Near-Death Experiences".Dr. Sabom states that Pam Reynolds' NDE is extremely important because she experienced an NDE while being subjected during her operation to extremely designed control conditions in order to check the patient's vital functions with all the latest technology. The fact that she experienced an NDE during brain "death" constitutes irrefutable and decisive proof to conclude that there is life beyond death, especially if we take into account the exact description of the surgical material used, the "textual" comments between the cardiovascular surgeons while she was being operated on.
George Rodonaia Near Death Experience Dr. Rodonaia underwent one of the most extended cases of a “clinical near death experience” ever recorded. Pronounced dead immediately after he was hit by a car in 1976, he was left for three days in a morgue. He did not “return to life” until a doctor began to make an incision in his abdomen as part of an autopsy.
Forrest J. Ackerman - AN ATHEIST IN HEAVEN http://www.lifeafterdeathproject.com/ What happens when a steadfast atheist dies and discovers he was wrong about life after death? Although he was a world famous futurist and a pioneering promoter of science fiction books and films, Forrest J. Ackerman never believed in an afterlife of the soul, the spirit or the mind; nonetheless, he promised a few respected colleagues that if it were to turn out that he was mistaken (which he sincerely doubted), then if it were possible he would try to send messages from the beyond. In An Atheist in Heaven, Paul Davids and Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D., describe in hair-raising detail more than 100 incidents of Ackerman's unusual and uncanny messages and phenomena.
Messages from the ‘OTHER SIDE’ My son's suicide became a catalyst that thrust me, and him, on a remarkable journey, …It's a journey that began with shock, confusion, and anguish, but ended in discovery, reconciliation, hope, and joy … Along this journey, I experienced more fully the realization that life is spiritual at its core. We are eternal beings, and this life is a natural process of preparation for the next one, the one that begins when the physical body dies. I now see death as nothing to be feared, but as a normal part of our existence as natural and as exciting as a butterfly leaving behind the empty shell of its cocoon to spread out its wings and fly. …A father and a son, separated by death, reunited by love. Ron Pappalardo His book, Reconciled by the Light: the After-Death Letters from a Teen Suicide, is required reading for all ministers prior to their certification by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches
Messages from the ‘OTHER SIDE’ A mystic is one who discovers truth not by studying it, but by experiencing it. A mystic is not so much interested in believing, but knowing. When the famous psychologist Carl Jung was asked by a BBC interviewer if he believed in God, Jung replied, I don't need to believe; I know. The mystic practices techniques that create an altered state of consciousness that opens a doorway into the world of spirit. Through that doorway, the mystic is able to experience the Transcendent truth, beauty, and love that philosophers and theologians only talk about. Ron Pappalardo His book, Reconciled by the Light: the After-Death Letters from a Teen Suicide, is required reading for all ministers prior to their certification by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches
“I don’t need to believe, I know.” John Freeman: ”And did you believe in God?” Carl Gustav Jung: ”Oh, yes” JF: ”And do you now believe in God?” CGJ: ”Now? Difficult to answer. I know. I don’t need to believe, I know. (…) JF: And do you believe that death is the end? CGJ: Well, I can’t say..You see, the word belief is a difficult thing for me. I don’t believe. I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. Either I know a thing, and then I know it. I don’t need to believe it. If I, I don’t allow myself, for instance, to believe a thing just for the sake of believing it. I can’t believe it. But when there are sufficient reasons to form a certain hypothesis, I shall accept these reasons naturally, and I should say: “We have to reckon with the possibility of so and so,” you know.” CARL JUNG Carl Gustav Jung in the BBC interview, October 1959 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJD9smeA-HA
Helen Keller - passing to the “other side” "Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see." - Helen Keller. Helen Keller meeting President Dwight Eisenhower on November 3, 1953
WHERE IS THE ‘OTHER SIDE‘? "It is the invisible and inaudible side of the world in which you live. You are as much now in the world of spirit as ever you will be. You will not go there when you pass from your world; YOU ARE IN THE SPIRIT WORLD NOW! You cannot register it unless you have developed the gifts of the spirit so that you can tune in to all its vibrations and frequencies, or whatever word you care to use. It is not another world. It is an integral part of the universe of which earth is but one aspect. (Light fromSilverBirch'84 Ed. p.44).
WHAT REALLY HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE? "One day after 'death' you will be the same individual as you were one day before it, except that you will have discarded your physical body. You will express yourself through your etheric body, which is a replica of the physical one. It does not, however, reproduce any of its imperfections. All disease and infirmities will be left behind. The deaf will hear. The dumb will speak. The blind will see. The cripple will be a cripple no longer. They Shall Be Comforted by Maurice Barbanell and Silver Birch Maurice Barbanell
WHAT REALLY HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE? You must try and understand that life in the spirit world is not dreamy or nebulous. It is full of activity. It is just as real as the life that each one of us lives here. We are accustomed to thinking of the material world as being real and solid, although actually, this is not so, as the science of physics proves. The things of the mind, or the spirit, seem to us shadowy and vague, but to those who live on the Other Side, the mental is the real and the physical is the shadow." They Shall Be Comforted by Maurice Barbanell and Silver Birch Maurice Barbanell
SpiritReleaseTherapy - Carl August Wickland - (1861 – 1945)Swedish-American psychiatrist and psychical researcher
SpiritReleaseTherapy - Carl August Wickland - (1861 – 1945)Swedish-American psychiatrist and psychical researcher
SpiritReleaseTherapy – Edith Fiore Dr. Edith Fiore