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This study explores the sense of community among older individuals in a diverse and challenged residential care facility in South Africa. Through a qualitative approach, the research delves into the experiences of residents to enhance their communal life.
Elmarie van der Walt North West University VdwalE@health.gov.za An exploration of the sense of community of older persons in an economically deprived and culturally diverse residential care facility
CONTENTS • Background • Purpose • Methodology • Results • Conclusion • Recommendations
BACKGROUND • Ageing population
BACKGROUND continue AGEING POPULATION POLICIES • Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) • Older persons & Development • Promoting health and wellbeing into olde age • Ensuring enabling & supportive envirments
BACKGROUND continue Older Persons Act (No. 13 of 2006), DoSD MIPAA SA Older Persons Policy, 2005, DoSD
BACKGROUND continue Residential Care Facilities Challenges: • Integration • Lack of financial resources • Lack of human resources
PURPOSE • To explore the sense of community of older persons in a diverse and challenged facility in South Africa • To further explore ways of enhancing the sense of community of these older persons
METHODOLOGY Theoretical framework Community Psychology Sense of Community Theories
METHODOLOGY continue Qualitative approach To gain an in-depth understanding of the residents’ experience of community life in a typical residential facility in SA
METHODOLOGY continue Purposive sample male, female, black, white, 65 - 75 years Participants Data collection method Mmogo-methodTM 26 participants Focus groups 8 participants
CONCLUSION Legaslation Well-being Psychosocial interventions Facilities • Challenges • Diversity • Resources
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