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An exploration of the sense of community of older persons in an economically deprived and culturally diverse residenti

This study explores the sense of community among older individuals in a diverse and challenged residential care facility in South Africa. Through a qualitative approach, the research delves into the experiences of residents to enhance their communal life.

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An exploration of the sense of community of older persons in an economically deprived and culturally diverse residenti

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  1. Elmarie van der Walt North West University VdwalE@health.gov.za An exploration of the sense of community of older persons in an economically deprived and culturally diverse residential care facility

  2. CONTENTS • Background • Purpose • Methodology • Results • Conclusion • Recommendations

  3. BACKGROUND • Ageing population

  4. BACKGROUND continue AGEING POPULATION POLICIES • Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) • Older persons & Development • Promoting health and wellbeing into olde age • Ensuring enabling & supportive envirments

  5. BACKGROUND continue Older Persons Act (No. 13 of 2006), DoSD MIPAA SA Older Persons Policy, 2005, DoSD

  6. BACKGROUND continue Residential Care Facilities Challenges: • Integration • Lack of financial resources • Lack of human resources

  7. PURPOSE • To explore the sense of community of older persons in a diverse and challenged facility in South Africa • To further explore ways of enhancing the sense of community of these older persons

  8. METHODOLOGY Theoretical framework Community Psychology Sense of Community Theories

  9. METHODOLOGY continue Qualitative approach To gain an in-depth understanding of the residents’ experience of community life in a typical residential facility in SA

  10. METHODOLOGY continue Purposive sample male, female, black, white, 65 - 75 years Participants Data collection method Mmogo-methodTM 26 participants Focus groups 8 participants




  14. CONCLUSION Legaslation Well-being Psychosocial interventions Facilities • Challenges • Diversity • Resources


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