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Funding Vehicles (for scholarship and non-scholarship purposes). A How -To Guide. Comptroller/ Accounting M. Ellinger. SCC Association. SCC Foundation M. Areano/ J. Dreyer Board of Directors. Fees/Revenue (non tuition). SCC Board of Trustees President Pippens. Gifts.
Funding Vehicles (for scholarship and non-scholarship purposes) A How -To Guide
Comptroller/ Accounting M. Ellinger SCC Association SCC Foundation M. Areano/ J. Dreyer Board of Directors Fees/Revenue (non tuition) SCC Board of Trustees President Pippens Gifts Scholarship Committee N. Dunnagan Trust Fund R G A
Different Funding Vehicles • Vehicle A) Endowed Scholarships ($5,000.00 and above) ….seeking/applying/awarding donor funds to create major endowed and multi-year funded scholarships exceeding 5000.00 (requiring formal agreement) • Vehicle B) Non-Endowed or Pass thru Scholarships… seeking/applying/awarding donor funds to annually funded (pass thru) scholarships and/or special purpose or special project accounts (simple letter stipulation) • Vehicle C) Obtaining grant funds from the SCC foundation and other grant sources for support to college/faculty/student needs (simple letter stipulation)
Vehicle A Endowed and Other major scholarships (5,000.00 and above) Formal agreement required For discussion/information only
Vehicle B Non-Endowed or Pass Thru Scholarships (initial or supplemental giving)
Non-Endowed (pre- or annuallyfunded) Supplementary Scholarships • Scholarships and/or Supplementary Scholarships can be set up following the same procedures. • For the purpose at hand it is more relevant to consider setting up a Supplementary Scholarship Vehicle
Steps Involved • Lets consider an example of setting up a scholarship fund • Where does one go from here ?
Steps Involved • The Eligibility Criteria for the scholarship is to be determined • Eligibility Criteria should generally be specified by the donor in letterform as part of their giving or by the actions of a deliberating body or both jointly • The Eligibility Criteria must be fair, legal, and may vary greatly depending on the particular scholarship in question.
Steps Involved • Typical criteria include grade point average and credits completed.. • May require a specific academic program.. • Or…residence in a limited geographic area….. • Or ..community service.. • Or ..co-curricular activities.
Steps Involved • Other factors which may be considered include essays…. • Faculty Recommendations…. • Personal Reference (s) • And… Interviews
College Administrative Offices THE DANIEL B. DEPONTE AMMERMAN CAMPUS STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD NOMINATION FORM Ammerman Campus students may either apply or be nominated for this award. The recipient will receive a monetary stipend and will be asked to speak at the commencement ceremony. The minimum criteria for a candidate to be considered are: • a minimum earned GPA of 3.2 • successful completion of at least 30 credits at the Ammerman Campus at the time of nomination • evidence of community involvement • evidence of strong campus involvement Any member of the Ammerman Campus community may nominate students by returning the nomination form below. Nominees will then be contacted by the Student Liaison Committee of the Faculty Senate to provide additional paperwork. The deadline for submission of nominations is 12 noon, February 16, 2006. Nomination forms must be hand-delivered to: Naomi Phelps, Associate Dean of Student Services Ammerman Building -A200 Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I wish to nominate: Candidate’s Name: ____________________________________________ Student ID# ____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ Your Name: ____________________________________ Title: ________________________________ Briefly describe your reasons for nominating this individual: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Steps Involved • These are only some of the eligibility criteria.. • Eligibility criteria are not limited to the criteria listed in the preceding. • For example, This committee could consider establishing a “Supplemental Scholarship Award” conforming to an existing scholarship which would increase the number of awards in that category
“Supplemental Scholarship Award” • Example (for specificity) • suppose that you are a deliberating body that presides over a particular scholarship. • You’ve carried out your duties and studied the applications • You’ve rated the applicants and tallied the results…
“Supplemental Scholarship Award” • The winner is selected…. • …but…what about the other candidates ? • Often it is a close race with many good candidates… • A sentiment often expressed is “gee…I wish I could provide an award to some of the other candidates, but where do we find the money?” • What if a supplemental award could be disbursed from a discretionary scholarship fund?
“Supplemental Scholarship Award” • The evaluation effort is already complete! • The data on the remaining applicants is readily at hand…no extra evaluation work is needed ! • No extra distribution of forms or collecting of information is needed ! • A supplemental award is given to other applicants as well….. • ….By what means you ask ???
“Supplemental Scholarship Award” • By means of funding a supplemental scholarship award … • whose eligibility criteria (as well as its existence) was established beforehand… • By the deliberating body itself ! • Let’s leave this example for a moment and consider the genesis of the supplemental award
Supplemental Award: the How-To’s • Once eligibility Criteria are established by the deliberating body and/or the donor’s letter…. • they are sent for review to the College Scholarship Committee and the Foundation • This is so that approvals can be obtained, the fairness of the criteria can be discerned, and all proper steps in terms of managing and disbursing the funds are followed.
Supplemental Award: the How-To’s • Important note: • While not a guarantee, of course… • The approval rate of such endeavors is typically very high when “college-friendly” endeavors are under consideration by these groups…. • This is particularly true for efforts which are “enhancements” to exiting efforts
The How –To’ s … continued(issues of policy) • One may ask why the award of the scholarship should return to the original deliberating body for presentation. • This can be for a number of reasons.. • …It may be the wish of the donor • …The charge of the deliberating body may be best suited to the task • …By direct request from the Senate • …Or for other reasons that one may conceive.
Vehicle C Support of a Non-Scholarship Issue/Cause or Special Project/Purpose
Support of an Issue/Cause • Consider the Bus Scheduling issue. • At the request of the Senate at large .. the Student Liaison Committee initiated a draft of a letter to Suffolk County Legislator Vivian Fisher • This was with regard to the scheduling of bus transportation by Suffolk Transit
Support of an Issue/Cause • Suppose the committee resolved to further raise awareness of this issue • The committee could then “engage” in friend-raising in support of the transportation issue… • Funds could be raised directly or via a walk-a-thon • Perhaps funds could be used to offset mailing costs, advertising costs (to promote the issue), • A video, DVD, or power point presentation could be produced using these funds in order to promote interest in the cause (i.e. distribute and play at joint officer meetings for clubs for example)
Support of an Issue/Cause • Another example of this involves the “Broken” Vehicle display to promote safe driving
Follow Up • Or …instead of directing funds directly to DePonte... • As friend-raising efforts continue (..how ?..see next slide) • And funds are deposited into a foundation account… • Some of the funds that are generated by friend-raising efforts by this committee can also fund a scholarship which is a companion to the DePonte Scholarship (Referring back to our earlier example circa slide 13 of this presentation )
Specific Resolution #1 (Vehicle C, with simplicity in mind) • As an immediate exercise of this capability… • We could resolve to draft a letter to friend-raise in order to collect funds to be distributed into the DePonte Scholarship in order to amplify its holdings and ensure its longivety • Special note: found funds exist to be used for just such a purpose
Specific Resolution #2 (Vehicle B) • As an immediate exercise of this capability • We could resolve to request that a foundation account be opened • We could resolve to draft a letter to friend-raise in order to collect funds to be placed into this foundation account • We could resolve to distribute the funds in this account to the DePonte Scholarship in order to amplify its holdings or… • The finds could be left In the account and an alternate purpose agreeable to both the donor and all other parties concerned sought out (i.e. a supplementary pass thru scholarship which offers additional awards in connection with the DePonte award process…next academic year?) • Special note: found funds exist to be used for just such a purpose
Reflection • One may ask …”Why should the committee be involved in simply writing a letter to a prospective donor in order to donate funds to amplify the DePonte Scholarship?” • A good question…. • …..A good thing to do • …..A simple beginning activity (lays the groundwork of follow up activities) • …..Within the charge of the committee related to students • …..unique opportunity since funding source is readily at hand
Follow Up • Or …instead of directing funds directly to DePonte... • As friend-raising efforts continue (..how ?..see next slide) • And funds are deposited into a foundation account… • Some of the funds that are generated by friend-raising efforts by this committee can also fund a scholarship which is a companion to the DePonte Scholarship (Referring back to our earlier example circa slide 13 of this presentation )
Continuation of Friend-raising effort • ….How..? • One may ask “how could friend-raising continue?” • One way is to create a standing subcommittee whose charge is to carry out this function…. • Or one could simply proceed in a more ad- hoc fashion.
Specific Resolution #1 (Vehicle C, with simplicity in mind) • As an immediate exercise of this capability… • We could resolve to draft a letter to friend-raise in order to collect funds to be distributed into the DePonte Scholarship in order to amplify its holdings and ensure its longivety • Special note: found funds exist to be used for just such a purpose
Specific Resolution #2 (Vehicle B) • As an immediate exercise of this capability • We could resolve to request that a foundation account be opened • We could resolve to draft a letter to friend-raise in order to collect funds to be placed into this foundation account • We could resolve to distribute the funds in this account to the DePonte Scholarship in order to amplify its holdings or… • The finds could be left In the account and an alternate purpose agreeable to both the donor and all other parties concerned sought out (i.e. a supplementary pass thru scholarship which offers additional awards in connection with the DePonte award process…next academic year?) • Special note: found funds exist to be used for just such a purpose
Specific Resolution #3 (Vehicle C) • As an immediate exercise of this capability • We could resolve to request that a foundation account be opened • We could resolve to draft a letter to friend-raise in order to collect funds to be placed into this foundation account • We could resolve to distribute the funds in this account , as would be agreeable to both the donor and all other parties concerned, to be used for a special project/ purpose/ cause/ issue • Special note: found funds exist to be used for just such a purpose
Follow-up Activities • We could resolve to consider the funding of a special project like the safe driving display • We could resolve to friend-raise in support of the transportation issue…perhaps funds could be used to offset mailing costs, advertising costs (to promote the issue), produce a video or DVD or power point presentation in order to promote interest in the cause (distribute and play at joint officer meetings for clubs) • The limit????
Summing up • Information is presented herein for consideration by the committee either presently or for possible consideration by the leadership that will be in place at the start of the next academic year. • Follow up discussion is available with those who have greater expertise as questions may arise.
Some Experiences • Vehicle C was employed by me to fund a revision of a capstone course • Vehicle B was employed by the automotive department to provide scholarships from GM funds
SF 20056 SUFFOLK COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION, INC. The Cottage, 533 College Road, Selden, New York 11784 SCHOLARSHIP AGREEMENT Name of Scholarship: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Background Information (reason scholarship created, information about individual/organization, etc) – add attachment if necessary: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Donor/Contributor or Contact Person: Name(s) ______________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ State ______________________ Zip Code ____________ Phone _______________________ Fax ___________________________ E-Mail ______________________________________________________ Financial Considerations (type of scholarship – endowed, annual, pass-thru, initial funding source and amount, annual amount(s), etc.): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Scholarship Eligibility Criteria: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Special Provisions/Procedures (if applicable): ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Changes of Scholarship Fund Circumstances: The Foundation agrees to use this gift for the purpose specified above. However, in the future, should the Directors of the Foundation determine that circumstances have changed and the purpose for which the scholarship fund was established is no longer possible, or necessary, or conflicts with the administrative or academic policies of the College, or would negatively impact the tax-exempt status of the College, the Directors may designate a related alternative purpose for the principle and earned income of the Fund. The wishes of the donor as expressed above will receive maximum consideration in such designation. As agreed to by: Donor/Contributor Date Chair, College Scholarship Committee Date Executive Director, SCC Foundation, Inc. Date
Dear MaryAnne, I am writing this letter to inform you that I am approving a grant award of $1,200.00 to the Suffolk Community College Association (account designation: “DEPT 834”) on behalf of Frederick J. Winter, Ph. D. , Faculty Member Suffolk Community College. This grant award is in response to earlier discussions that I have had with Dr. Winter regarding his attached proposal relating his efforts in connection with one of the courses in his department. The grant award will be issued on an installment basis. The first installment of $400.00 is contained herein. Remaining installments will be issued as per the needs of Dr. Winter. I am also supporting Dr. Winter’s efforts as it relates to the publication of manuals of notes that he is developing for other courses in his department. This amount will be forwarded in installments as needed by Dr. Winter. I am eager to partner with Dr. Winter in this way. Supporting his and efforts like his serves his students and further supports the growth of Communication Power Corporation. Thank You, Sincerely, To: MaryAnne Ellinger, Director Business Affairs, Suffolk Community College Association, Inc. Subject: CPC Grant Award 8 August 2005Dan Myer. President Communication Power Corporation 80 Davids Drive, Suite 3 Hauppauge, New York 11788 Dan Myer, President CPC