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For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology. FIRST Scholarship Program. FIRST Scholarship Program Overview. 2013 Offerings for students on FRC Teams Over $16 Million in college scholarships Over 875 available scholarship opportunities Over 160 Scholarship Providers
For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology FIRST Scholarship Program
FIRST Scholarship Program Overview 2013 Offerings for students on FRC Teams • Over $16 Million in college scholarships • Over 875 available scholarship opportunities • Over 160 Scholarship Providers 2013 Offerings for students on FTC Teams* • Over $11 Million in college scholarships • Over 600 available scholarship opportunities • Over 120 Scholarship Providers * The FTC Scholarships are a subset of the FRC Scholarships
Who Offers these Scholarships to FIRST Students? FIRST Scholarships are funded and offered by: • Colleges • Universities • Corporations • Professional Associations FIRST Scholarships are not funded or administered by FIRST
Why are Scholarships Offered to FIRST Students? Because many colleges and universities recognize that: • FIRST students are passionate about science and technology. • FIRST students have experienced what it is like to do engineering and are often more focused in their educational and career goals • FIRST helps students develop critical life skills including project management, teamwork, problem solving, presentation skills and appreciation of diversity. • FIRST builds self-esteem and self-confidence. • In short, students with FIRST experience are better equipped to succeed in college (as reported in our evaluation studies). • Offering a scholarship is a great recruitment tool to attract these exceptional students.
Why are Scholarships Offered to FIRST Students? Because many corporations and associations recognize that: • FIRST teaches skills that are valued in employees. • FIRST students will contribute to the technical workforce of tomorrow. • FIRST students are future members of professional associations.
Colleges and Universities Value FIRST Students “Over the years, we have been thrilled with the quality and success of our FIRST-alumni students. Our FIRST scholarship recipients in particular have proven to be excellent investments into our student body. From our point of view, the scholarship program is win-win – good for the students, great for WPI !” --- Ken Stafford, Director of Robotics Resource Center, Worcester Polytechnic Institute WPI FIRST Scholarship Winners
What Kinds of Scholarships are Available? Specific Majors • 60% are for special majors such as engineering, math, science, computer science or technology • 40% are for any course of study
What Kinds of Scholarships are Available? Scholarship Amount • Varies from $500 to full tuition for all four years (valued at $160,000). • Is typically renewable annually if the student maintains an acceptable academic average.
What Kinds of Scholarships are Available? Scholarship Type • Most are merit-based • Some consider both merit and financial need • A few are just for participating in FIRST
What Kinds of Scholarships are Available? Where Can the Scholarships be Used? • Most are for enrollment at the Scholarship Provider’s school, • A few are provided by corporations and professional associations and can be used at any school.
Who Can Apply? • High school students participating on FRC and FTC teams • Most scholarships are for seniors, but there are a few for juniors and a few for college students.
When Do Students Apply? • Application deadlines range from late fall to mid summer. • Most applications are due during January through April (the build and competition season for FRC). • Students must pay attention to application deadline dates and plan ahead! • Seniors should NOT wait until regional competitions to inquire about FIRST Scholarships. It is usually too late! • Seniors should NOT wait until they have been accepted at a college before looking to see if the school offers a FIRST Scholarship.
Where do Students Find Out About FIRST Scholarships? All information that students need to know to find and apply for FIRST Scholarships is on the FIRST Scholarship Webpage www.usfirst.org/scholarships
How to Find Information About Scholarships 1. Visit the FIRST Scholarship Webpage www.usfirst.org/scholarships
How to Find Information About Scholarships 2. Display the “FIRST Scholarship Opportunities”. Click on “FIRST Scholarship Opportunities” or the “Scholarship List” Quick Link to display the current list of all FIRST scholarships.
How to Find Information About Scholarships 3. View the list of individual FIRST Scholarships Use the scroll bar to view the complete list.
How to Find Information About Scholarships 4. Refine your search Use the filter box controls to refine your search. Then click Update.
How to Find Information About Scholarships 5. View summary information • Deadline date • Quantity Available • Program (FRC or FTC) • Grade (Jr, Sr, or College) • Date Posted • Scholarship Provider • Location • Brief description of the scholarship, • any restriction in terms of planned major or special qualifications.
How to Find Information About Scholarships 6. View the details Follow the “More details…” and “View Application…” links to display detailed information about an individual scholarship, including eligibility criteria and how to apply.
How To Apply for a FIRST Scholarship • Each scholarship has its own unique application submission process. • Scholarship descriptions include instructions on how to apply. • Many scholarship descriptions include application forms. • You may need to write an essay. • You may need a letter of recommendation from a FIRST mentor. • You will send your application directly to the school or organization (not to FIRST). • Contact the school (scholarship provider) if you have questions.
What are the Chances of Winning a Scholarship? • A few FIRST Scholarships are quite competitive and may have over a hundred applicants. But many FIRST Scholarships have only a handful of applicants, so the chance of winning a scholarship is very high. Go for it! • Last year, nearly one out of every four students who applied for a FIRST scholarship was offered a scholarship. These are incredible odds! • What have you got to lose?
What do FIRST Scholarship Winners have to say? "Not too often in your life are you able to completely uproot your future and improve it forever - for me, this started with FIRST Robotics in 9th grade and ended with applying for a scholarship in 12th. Two months later I earned a scholarship that changed my life forever. Now I'm attending the college of my dreams, making every day better than the last, and working towards someday changing the world. I could have never made it to WPI without FIRST. Thank you.“ -- Troy Hughes, Team 27, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Class of 2016, Robotics Engineering, Winner of the WPI Design Innovation Scholarship
What do FIRST Scholarship Winners have to say? "My FIRST experience and scholarship affected my choice of college and my area of study. I wouldn’t have even considered the University of Rochester if I hadn’t seen its name on the list of schools offering the scholarship. Now that I am here, I know that it was definitely the right school for me. Though my FIRST experience was mostly focused around the business and project management aspect of the team, it inspired me to try my hand at engineering. I am now a Computer Science and Physics major!“ -- Becky Everson, Team 245, University of Rochester, Class of 2016, Computer Science and Physics
What do FIRST Scholarship Winners have to say? "FIRST has truly inspired me to think outside the box of what I want to do with my life. As there are many components that come together to allow a team and robot to function, there are also many avenues of life from which a person can choose. My time as a FIRST participant has shown me that the most important part of FIRST is not building the robot or writing the awards, but impacting the lives of others. FIRST inspired me to actively pursue a career that will improve the lives of others like myself, and this scholarship has been immensely helpful in assisting me to do so.“ -- Carolyn Michener, Team 2836, Boston University, Class of 2016, Speech Language Pathology, Winner of a United Technologies Corporation CT FIRST Alumni Association Scholarship