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Understanding Authority. Understanding Authority Will Cause You to Operate Victoriously [Matthew 8:5-9]. A. God gave authority to man 1. God-given [Genesis 1:26] 2. Subdue (Control) [Genesis 1:28]
Understanding Authority Understanding Authority Will Cause You to Operate Victoriously [Matthew 8:5-9]. A. God gave authority to man 1. God-given [Genesis 1:26] 2. Subdue (Control) [Genesis 1:28] B. Because we are made in His image and likeness, we have authority like God and operate as He does. 1. Lower than angels [Hebrews 2:5-8] 2. “Angels” translated is “Elohim” [Psalm 8:3-5] 3. Psalm 82:1, 2, 6 4. John 10:30-36 5. 1 Peter 2:9
Understanding Authority C. Earth was entrusted to us, but Adam gave it away. 1. The earth was leased out to us as property [Psalm 115:13-16] 2. Leased from God [Psalm 24:1] 3. Adam gave authority to satan and now he is the “god” of the earth (over the unsaved) [2 Corinthians 4:4] 4. Parable of the lease given to man by God [Mark 12:1-9]. Notice that satan’s authority came from Adam through sin. D. Earth – Original Creation 1. God did not create this world in darkness, it became dark [Genesis 1:1-2]. 2. Isaiah 45:18 3. Genesis 1:10 E. Satan lost his authority Satan was an original creation. In the Garden of God, he was perfect, but he was cast to the Garden of Eden in a fallen state. On earth, he is a fallen angel [Ezekiel 28:12-17].
Understanding Authority F. Satan’s fall 1. Isaiah 14:12-17 2. Satan is now the “god” of the earth because of the lease Adam gave up [2 Corinthians 4:4]. II. Jesus Operated in His Authority as a Man (Humanity) Anointed of God. There was no Use of His Divine Power as God (Deity). A. Jesus did not heal to prove He was the Son of God [1 John 3:8]. B. Jesus healed as a Man (Word made Flesh)! C. Jesus did not operate as God in the earth. D. Jesus was as any other man in the earth – spirit, soul and body [Luke 3:21]. E. Jesus was as much the Son of God in the cradle [Colossians 1:12-17]. F. Jesus did not do any miracles until He was full of the Holy Ghost. Prior to being filled with the Holy Ghost, He prepared Himself [Luke 2:44-52]. G. Jesus did not have the ability before He was filled with the HG, but He had the authority.
Understanding Authority III. The Technical Reason for Authority A. Jesus is the Son of God, manifest in flesh. He left His Divinity in Heaven, and came to earth as a Man, clothed in flesh. 1. Philippians 2:6-8 2. Why would God anoint Jesus if He were here as God? a. Luke 4:8 b. Acts 10:38 3. The man Adam gave this earth to satan, and it took the Man Jesus to get it back for us [Romans 5:17-20]. 4. God could legally anoint Jesus because He was a Man and came to earth legally (natural childbirth)! 5. Satan came to this earth illegally! B. Spirit beings are limited on earth without a body. Spirit beings need a body to operate fully on earth. 1. Satan borrowed the body of a serpent because he doesn’t have one [Genesis 3].
Understanding Authority 2. Without a body, you cannot function on this earth legally! 3. The same way you need a special suit if your are going into space, you need a body to function in this earth! 4. If you lose your body, you have to leave this earth! C. The Gospel According to John 10:1-10 1. John 10:1 – Satan and demon spirits climbed up other ways. 2. Sheepfold in this verse refers to the earth. 3. Door in this verse refers to having legal entry, which is being born into this earth. 4. You cannot get to Heaven any way other than by Jesus. He is the Door to Heaven! 5. All who enter by legal entry are not shepherds, but all who enter legally (all who are born into the earth) have the right (authority) to be here [John 10:2]. 6. Jesus gives two legal entries: a. Born of Flesh: Earth b. Born of Spirit: Heaven
Understanding Authority 7. Jesus will eventually lead us out of this world [John 10:3]. 8. Jesus went before us to the Cross [John 10:4]. 9. Jesus entered by the door [verse 2], and after that He paid for sin and defeated the devil. He is the door that all must pass through to get to Heaven! 10. YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS YOUR LEGAL DOCUMENT AND RIGHT TO EXERCISE AUTHORITY IN THIS EARTH! 11. Bible Example A: Why did the demon mentioned in Luke 4:32-34 testify that Jesus was the Son of God? a. Because he did not know that Jesus was operating as a Man because the demon did not know about the Virgin Birth. b. The demon thought he could challenge Jesus’ authority to operate in the earth. It was illegal for God to operate without a body! 12. Bible Example B: The demons mentioned in Matthew 8:28-29 knew there was a lease on earth. a. Therefore, they knew they could not be forced by God to leave before their time was up. b. Satan thought Jesus was operating as God.
Understanding Authority IV. Your Body Gives You Authority. The Anointing Comes From the Holy Ghost! A. Jesus had the legal right as the Son of Manto do what He did [John 5:26-27]. 1. Your body gives you authority. 2. The anointing comes from the baptism of the Holy Ghost [Acts 10:38]. 3. Jesus received all power in three worlds – Heaven, Earth, and Hell! [Matthew 28:19]. 4. Authority in the Name of Jesus only! [Philippians 2:9-11]. 5. Gave us the Name of Jesus for authority and the Holy Ghost for power!
Understanding Authority B. Jesus told us that we had the keys of Binding and Loosing on this earth, and to go and do His works! [Matthew 16:18-19] 1. The vehicle for our authority is the Word of God [Ephesians 6:14-17]. 2. Upholding all things [Hebrews 1:1-3] 3. God released His power in His Word – creatingand sustaining ability in words! 4. Everything was created by words! [Hebrews 11:3]. 5. The Word of God is settled forever! [Psalm 119:89] 6. After Jesus rose from the dead, He received His status as God. He was glorified and so He cannot legally operate on the earth. THE ONLY WAY HIS WORKS WILL BE DONE IS THROUGH YOU!!!
Understanding Authority V. The Five “I-Will’s” of Satan [Isaiah 14:13-14] 1. “I will ascend to Heaven.” Lucifer dwelt in the second heaven and desired to ascend to the abode or dwelling place of God in the third Heaven. 2. “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.” Lucifer was saying, “I will usurp God’s authority over the angelic (stars) creation.” Lucifer’s authority was delegated authority be- cause the right to rule belongs to God alone! 3. “I will sit upon the mount of the assembly in the uttermost north.” Lucifer wanted to become the sole administrator over all of the affairs of the angelic hosts, without submitting himself to the authority of the Creator. 4. “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.” Again, Lucifer wanted God’s right to rule. 5. “I will make myself like the Most High.” Lucifer wanted to be God
Understanding Authority VI. The Five “I-Will’s” of God [Ezekiel 28:16-18] 1. “I will cast thee as profane out of the Mountain of God: and I will destroy thee.” 2. “I will cast thee to the ground.” 3. “I will lay thee before kings.” 4. “I will bring forth a fire from the mist of thee, it shall devour thee.” 5. “I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.” Ultimately, God promises to destroysatan and to make a public mockery out of him!
Understanding Authority VII. Satan’s Rebellion – I will, I will… A. His I will was contrary to the authority he was under and his I will caused his downfall. B. Satan is irate at God for pronouncing judgment on him and to get back at God he is trying to lead those whom God loves down the same rebellious path that he chose… C. All who follow him reap the same judgment and condemnation. [1 Tim. 3:6] AMP Spiritual Authority I. Satan’s revolt against God is all about spiritual authority. He hates authority, but loves chaos and confusion.
Understanding Authority II. 3 Facts about Spiritual Authority A. Everything God does he do through spiritual authority (Home, church, community, government) B. You are either under authority or you are resisting authority. Fall on stone, or stone will fall on you. 1. A wife is either submitted to her husband or she is trying to control him. If she controls him, she is practicing witchcraft. 2. The congregation must be submitted to the Pastor/Leaders or they are resisting authority. C. Authority is always given, never assumed 1. An example would be Police Officers, they are given authority. 2. You’re not to operate independent of the authority that you are under [John 5:41-44, 7:17-19] AMP
Understanding Authority God as Supreme Authority I. If God ordains all authorities, then He must be supreme authority, yet He will always work within the guidelines o His word. [Eph. 1:20-23] A. We are to move to a higher authority to settle any issue or conflict that we face in life, be it natural or spiritual. B. When there is a conflict between persons in authority, the only solution is for the people involved to look to a higher authority. There are two levels of authority: A. The higher level: which no man has the right to violate. 1. God – Supreme Authority over all creation 2. Truth – Scriptural Authority 3. Conscience of man Everything in the Bible is truly stated, but not everything in the Bible is a truth. [Job 1:21]
Understanding Authority B. The lower level: [Heb. 13:17] Those who have rule over you (authority/responsibility) Authority never exceeds responsibility. For example, Do you just go and spank your neighbors children? Why? That’s not your responsibility, you have no authority. Submission and Obedience Submission and Obedience are not the same. However, both are important when exercising authority! If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: [Isaiah 1:19]
Understanding Authority I. Submission is an Act of Your Will – you must be willing. Obedience can be against or in accordance with your will. A. Six Things to Remember 1. Submission is an attitude of the heart. 2. Obedience is an action. 3. Submission is not a blind response to any order. 4. Submission is not weakness. It is power under control. 5. Submission is a willingness to follow leadership as long as it does not violate God’s Word. 6. Submission is not unquestioned obedience to authority.
Understanding Authority B. We Need to Ask Questions 1. There will be times when you will have a check in your spirit. This is the Holy Spirit. 2. We must recognize the level of authority that is Supreme. If you violate your heart, you will be violating the principles of God. 3. Spiritual leadership and authority are often misunderstood. 4. Because of its misuse, we stimulate rebellion rather than response. Submission vs. Obedience– [Romans 13:1-3] I. God will not impose His will upon us; therefore, no man has the right to impose his will. There are conditions to submission [Rom. 13:3]; it cannot produce terror or fear. Anything that produces terror or fear is not from God [Isa. 54:14,15]
Understanding Authority Examples: • In Daniel 3:14-18 – the king’s order violated the word of God! Verse 19-25 they chose to serve God rather than worship an idol, and Jesus delivered them [Acts 4:1-3, Acts 4:18-21, 23-30]. • [Mark 16:15-18 and Acts 5:12-20]. It is a bible principle that we are to obey God as Supreme authority. Then we are to obey and submit to man as long as his direction is in line with God [Judges 8:22, 23]. Power vs. Authority • There are two different words in the Greek for power: A. Authority – Delegated Power B. Power – Ability to Act
Understanding Authority • Luke 10:19 • Police officers that direct traffic do not have the physical power to stop vehicles; they are not using their own strength to stop traffic. • There’s authority that’s vested in us by the Lord Jesus Christ. That means we can step out in front of the devil, hold our hand up and tell him to stop. Use your Authority! [1 Peter 5:8, 9 and Romans 5:17; Matt. 28:18] – all power is literally all authority. • In Col. 2:15 – Jesus triumphed over demonic powers, and these are the same demonic powers we wrestle with in Eph. 6:12. • When Christ ascended, He transferred His authority to His church. Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father – the place of authority – and we are seated with him [Eph. 1:18-23]. • The source of our authority is found in the resurrection and exalting of Christ by God [Eph. 1:18]. We must get spiritual revelation of the authority of the believer. We must believe it by faith.
Understanding Authority 7. The act of God that raised Christ from the dead also raised His body [Eph. 2:17]. The head and body were raised together . . . His authority was conferred not only upon the head, but also upon the body, because the head and the body are one. . . 8. We were raised with him and made to sit with him, without a revelation of being Christ body in the earth; we will never rise up and do the works of Christ! [2 Cor. 12:12-14, 27 and 1 Cor. 6:17]. II. Three Ways Jesus Got His name and Authority: • He inherited it. • He earned it by conquest. • It was bestowed upon Him.
Understanding Authority • Authority By Inheritance 1. Jesus inherited a more excellent Name than any other being. a. He is the Heir of all things! b. He is the expressed image of God the Father. c. He is the Brightness of the Father. d. He is God speaking to us! 2. When did he inherited it? The day He was begotten [Hebrews 1:4-5]. 3. Was this the day of His birth? NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! He always preexisted with the Father [Hebrews 10:5]. 4. Thou art My Son, this day have I begotten Thee, is not talking about the day He took upon Himself a body. 5. Then what day was it? When was it that Jesus was begotten and qualified to receive an inheritance? On the morning of His Resurrection [Acts 13:33].
Understanding Authority B. Authority by Conquest . . . Far above all principalities, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named. Eph. 1:20-21 • By His conquest, Jesus obtained that Name! [Colossians 2:15] a. He put to naught. . . b. He paralyzed. . . 2. We have dominion over: . . .principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places [Ep. 6:12]. 3. We have been delivered from: The power of darkness [Colossians 1:13]. C. Authority by Bestowal 1. Philippians 2:9-11 2. E. W. Kenyon
Understanding Authority Paul’s View on Authority But we will not boast of things without measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you. 2 Corinthians 10:13 • Paul refuses to be intimidated and had confidence in his authority. • Three Points of Authority Authority of the Believer • We as members of Christ body have authority on the earth that we have never yet realized, authority that we are not using. • Are we just going to reign when we get to heaven? No! In this life by Jesus Christ and His authority! John 14:12
Understanding Authority Reigning as Kings Lucifer (or Satan’s) Authority • God’s Creation of Lucifer • Lucifer’s Fall • What Satan is NOT and What Satan IS NOTE: There are three (3) known intelligent sources of power in the realm of knowledge: 1. God’s power 2. Man’s power 3. Satan’s power IV. Satan’s Ultimate Fate is Found in: a. Ezekiel 28:19 b. Revelation 20:10
Understanding Authority The First Adam’s Fall Adam had the greatest responsibility of any man that has ever lived outside of Jesus Christ. • The threewayssatan presented his strategy of temptation are: 1. Casting doubt on God’s Word [Genesis 3:1, 4]. 2. The first lie [Genesis 3:1-4]. 3. Appealing to Eve’s pride (becoming as God) [Genesis 3:5]. B. When Adam sinned, they became blinded spiritually. C. God did not want them to eat of the tree in the midst of the Garden (Tree of Life). If they had, man would have remained in a fallen or evil state throughout eternity. D. Man was made to live forever. Death was result of the Fall. Man was not made to be a slave. We can rate man’s dominion through the ages of humanity’s history.
Understanding Authority E. Five people who used their authority (over the laws of nature) in the Old Testament: 1. Moses – parted the Red Sea 2. Joshua – parted the Jordan River. 3. Elijah – called fire down from Heaven and burned the idols. 4. Three Hebrew Boys – in the fiery furnace. 5. David – slayed Goliath with a slingshot. F. The effects of Adam’s high treason: 1. The thwarting of God’s plan (the plan changed). 2. Separation of God and man. 3. Complete bondage of humanity to satan (Adamic nature). 4. Satan was given universal dominion over God’s creation. 5. The animal and vegetable kingdoms were destroyed.
Understanding Authority Three Points of Authority: • We use the Name of Jesus to break satan’s influence over others. • A man with authority to use the name of Jesus is one of the most powerful individuals on earth. c. Jesus delegated His authority first to the twelve disciples.