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AEU Information Session. Recruitment and Selection Draft DECS Policy and Procedures 2011. Removal of ten year tenure. Teachers completing 10-year tenure will remain in their school Ongoing vacancies will not have an end date
AEU Information Session Recruitment and Selection Draft DECS Policy and Procedures 2011
Removal of ten year tenure Teachers completing 10-year tenure will remain in their school Ongoing vacancies will not have an end date Teachers on a “sunset” clause will be subject to the same arrangements as PATs as they are currently in a “B” vacancy at their school All permanent teachers in temporary positions (PATS) will be appointed to ongoing positions in schools. This will be centrally managed No teachers should remain in temporary (PAT) positions for more than 12 months After ten years at a school, teachers in the metropolitan area will be able to access a voluntary “T” transfer process.
Open Advertisement of positions All permanent (ongoing) vacancies that have been declared by schools in the initial stage will be advertised All teachers, both permanent and temporary (contract),will be able to apply for these positions and will be considered equally in the selection process Teachers who are eligible to apply for advertised positions: • Teachers who meet minimum DECS requirements by the start of the appointment • Teachers in at least their second year of permanency • Country scholarship PATs in their first year can only apply for country positions
Country Guarantees New country guarantees G = eligible permanent country teachers guaranteed right of return to the metropolitan area. If, however, no ongoing position is available, then in the first instance this will be to a temporary position (schools of choice considered but not guaranteed) I = Eligible permanent country teachers guaranteed right of return to metro in a nominated school of choice. Or, teachers can put in a “T” transfer but this is contingent on vacancies arising “T” transfer option is also available for country teachers who wish to relocate to a different country region
Leadership positions: right of return • Substantive teachers who win a tenured leadership/seconded teacher position of 12 months or less will hold right of return to previous position • If greater than 12 months, then they will lose right of return unless otherwise negotiated with Superintendent of Site HR. • At the end of tenure, if appointment is required, then they enter the PTR for placement as a teacher. This would be an ongoing or temporary position within 45km of their residence. Or if the leadership position was in the country, they may be placed in the metro area if the position was won from a metro school.
Outline of the process STEP 1 Central placement exercise – ongoing positions identified by DECS Permanent teachers in temporary positions (PATS) placed into ongoing positions STEP 2 Ongoing vacancies advertised with a local selection process (as per current process) STEP 3 Consequential and unfilled ongoing positions are filled from PTR • Country guarantees • T transfers STEP 4 Conversion to permanency Step 5 Temporary vacancies
Step 1 Placement of PATs • (for 2011-12) All permanent teachers who are in temporary teaching positions or who do not hold right of return to a school and require placement for 2012 will be appointed to ongoing positions in schools through a centrally managed process. • From 2012, at the start of each school year, all permanent teachers who are in temporary teaching positions will be appointed to ongoing positions in schools through a centrally managed placement process. • This will include teachers who may have returned from the country as part of a guarantee and who have been appointed to a temporary position in the first instance. • There is currently no grievance process outlined by DECS for PATS who are “aggrieved” by their placement and or the process • (DECS statement- Senior HR consultants will assess the capacity of schools to be able to accept permanent appointees – on a fair and equitable basis)
Step 2 advertised positions Please note: Following consultation with the PAC and with reference to the site’s HR plan, the Principal will identify and describe a new vacancy as either ongoing or temporary. Permanent (ongoing) vacancies • Do not have end dates • Can be described when no permanent teacher holds right of return or a new vacancy is created • Any declared ongoing vacancies submitted in a first round are then advertised to an open field • Applications are lodged on line and appointments will be made through the Local Selection Panel process • The Local Selection Panel consists of the Principal (or nominee) AEU an AEU representative elected by financial AEU members on the staff. • It is expected that schools will declare ongoing vacancies
3 Sequential stages Advertising will be in 3 sequential stages • Aboriginal, Anangu and SNAP schools • Country and Category 1-2 schools • All other schools All vacancies in this round are advertised on DECSjobs, within published DECS timelines. If at the end of the entire process, a vacancy remains unfilled, then schools may re-advertise the position if there is sufficient time. Otherwise the vacancy will be filled as a temporary position and become an ongoing vacancy the following year.
Consequential vacancies Will include: • All consequential vacancies resulting from advertised positions (e.g.: teachers winning a position in another school) • Ongoing vacancies declared after the first rounds of advertising (e.g.: vacancies resulting from teachers winning advertised leadership positions or by teachers resigning, retiring. Etc) • Any unfilled advertised positions
Step 3 Permanent Teacher Register Teachers who must be placed • Permanent teachers with a guaranteed right of return to the metro area from the country (old I, J, G transaction) • Permanent teachers who qualify for the new guarantee to the metro area (G, I) refer to appendix 4 for criteria • Permanent teachers who do not hold right of return to a school including seconded teachers, those who are returning from leave, or leadership positions of greater than 12 months • Permanent teachers actioning a Remote country to Nearer Country guarantee (considered for country schools only) Refer to appendix 3 for list of sites • Teachers identified through required placement • Country teacher scholarship students and early targeted country graduate scheme
Teachers who can “opt in” to the PTR Please note: if no suitable vacancies are available then these teachers will remain in their current school Permanent teachers seeking an appointment in the metro to a nominated school who are: • At least 4th year of continuous country service Zone 4-5 • At least 5th year continuous country service zone 2-3 • At least 6th year of continuous service in zone 1 school Permanent teachers in Cat 1-2 schools • At least 4th year of continuous service in cat 1 school • At least 5th year of continuous service in cat 2 school • Permanent teachers in designated special service site in at least 4th year of continuous service T transfers • Permanent teachers who lodge a request to transfer after 10 years of service in current school will be considered for permanent positions in nominated metro schools only • Country to country transfers will be considered for permanent positions in nominated country schools only
Step 4 Conversion to Permanency Please note: Conversion to permanency for eligible temporary teachers will be considered for any vacancies that remain unfilled after steps 1-3 How? Principals, following consultation with the PAC, can make a recommendation to the Superintendent, Site HR to convert a temporary teacher to permanency subject to the following criteria • The position is ongoing • The incumbent was appointed via recruitment processes and has occupied the position for at least two years • There are no teachers with placement rights in the PTR to fill the vacancy • The incumbent has demonstrated satisfactory to strong performance • Teachers can access the grievance process in relation to conversions to permanency.
Centrally managed placements • Aboriginal teachers employed through the Aboriginal employment strategy will be appointed to schools through a centrally managed consultative process • Permanent teachers with a high level Compassionate Placement (approved by Superintendent Site HR) • These placements are normally associated with a medical condition relating to the teacher or their family and supported with appropriate documentation. These applications can be considered at any time • Teachers with an approved workers compensation claim (approved by superintendent site HR)
Required Placement May become necessary when • Enrolments have declined • Curriculum needs have changed • Schools closures or amalgamations Will only occur after other options are considered such as teacher movement, retirements, resignations etc and will be in consultation with the PAC and staff. • Where a teacher has been identified prior to term 4 they will become part of the PTR and lose right of return to the school. • If after term 4 (including after the start of the following year, the teacher will be part of the PTR and will be relocated to another school in a temporary vacancy but will hold right of return to the school in the following year. • If the required placement has been partially finalized and an ongoing position opens up at the school, teachers will have the option of remaining in the original placement or accepting their new placement.
Temporary positions • Teachers in the PTR who are eligible for temporary positions will be considered in the first instance. • If no appointment made from PTR then the position can be advertised as a temporary position by the school or filled through the employable teacher register (refer to page 7 of draft DECS Procedures)
AEU Ballot Process • The AEU’s acceptance or rejection of the proposed Teacher Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures will be determined by a state-wide ballot of AEU teacher and leader members. • Information on the conduct of a state-wide ballot will be faxed to all worksites by Friday 10 June. • Sub-branch Secretaries/AEU Reps will be asked to schedule a ballot of teacher and leader members to be completed by Friday 17 June, ensuring that Sub-branch members who are part-time or on leave have the opportunity to cast their vote. • Following the completion of the worksite ballot Sub-branch Secretaries/AEU Reps will report the number of Yes votes and No votes to the AEU to determine the state-wide tally.