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NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, AUGUST 11,2013 It is the typical method of God to come to us in unexpected ways. That is why we must expect it. The night of the Passover was known beforehand to our fathers – so that “they might have courage” – but not
NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, AUGUST 11,2013 It is the typical method of God to come to us in unexpected ways. That is why we must expect it. The night of the Passover was known beforehand to our fathers – so that “they might have courage” – but not the particular ways that God would rescue them from their enemies. In the Gospel, Christ is readying us for our Passover. We must be prepared, for the Lord will come when we do not expect, namely, at precisely those moments when we feel farthest from God. Do not be afraid; be ready to open to him. Blessed are those who live expecting the unexpected. By such faith we receive the power to generate new life. As the Last Supper proves,Christ will reward our vigilance by waiting on us. The Assumption is the oldest feast day of Our Lady, but we don't know how it first came to be celebrated. Its origin is lost in those days when Jerusalem was restored as a sacred city, at the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (c. 285-337). By then it had been a pagan city for two centuries, ever since Emperor Hadrian (76-138) had leveled it around the year 135 and rebuilt it as AeliaCapitolina in honor of Jupiter. // For 200 years, every memory of Jesus was obliterated from the city, and the sites made holy by His life, death and Resurrection became pagan temples. // After the building of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in 336, the sacred sites began to be restored and memories of the life of Our Lord began to be celebrated by the people of Jerusalem. One of the memories about his mother centered around the "Tomb of Mary," close to Mount Zion, where the early Christian community had lived. // On the hill itself was the "Place of Dormition," the spot of Mary's "falling asleep," where she had died. The "Tomb of Mary" was where she was buried. At this time, the "Memory of Mary" was being celebrated. Later it was to become our feast of the Assumption. For a time, the "Memory of Mary" was marked only in Palestine, but then it was extended by the emperor to all the churches of the East. In the seventh century, it began to be celebrated in Rome under the title of the "Falling Asleep" ("Dormitio") of the Mother of God. Soon the name was changed to the "Assumption of Mary," since there was more to the feast than her dying. It also proclaimed that she had been taken up, body and soul, into heaven. // That belief was ancient, dating back to the apostles themselves. What was clear from the beginning was that there were no relics of Mary to be venerated, and that an empty tomb stood on the edge of Jerusalem near the site of her death. That location also soon became a place of pilgrimage. (Today, the Benedictine Abbey of the Dormition of Mary stands on the spot.) // At the Council of Chalcedon in 451, when bishops from throughout the Mediterranean world gathered in Constantinople, Emperor Marcian asked the Patriarch of Jerusalem to bring the relics of Mary to Constantinople to be enshrined in the capitol. The patriarch explained to the emperor that there were no relics of Mary in Jerusalem, that "Mary had died in the presence of the apostles; but her tomb, when opened later . . . was found empty and so the apostles concluded that the body was taken up into heaven." // In the eighth century, St. John Damascene was known for giving sermons at the holy places in Jerusalem. At the Tomb of Mary, he expressed the belief of the Church on the meaning of the feast: "Although the body was duly buried, it did not remain in the state of death, neither was it dissolved by decay. . . . You were transferred to your heavenly home, O Lady, Queen and Mother of God in truth." // The Assumption completes God's work in her since it was not fitting that the flesh that had given life to God himself should ever undergo corruption. The Assumption is God's crowning of His work as Mary ends her earthly life and enters eternity. The feast turns our eyes in that direction, where we will follow when our earthly life is over. // The feast days of the Church are not just the commemoration of historical events; they do not look only to the past. They look to the present and to the future and give us an insight into our own relationship with God. The Assumption looks to eternity and gives us hope that we, too, will follow Our Lady when our life is ended. // In 1950, in the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus, Pope Pius XII proclaimed the Assumption of Mary a dogma of the Catholic Church in these words: "The Immaculate Mother of God, the ever-virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heaven." // With that, an ancient belief became Catholic doctrine and the Assumption was declared a truth revealed by God. ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH MINERSVILLE, PA www.StMatthewTheEvangelistParish.org Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM SAINT MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST WELCOMES ALL No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, ethnicity, etc.; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at Saint Matthew the Evangelist Parish!’ SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR: Sr. Meg Cole(610-289-8900x222) VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR: Wendy S. Krisak (1-800-791-9209) WEEKDAY MASS AT 8:00 AM MON – Living and Deceased Parishioners TUE – Margaret Sorokach (Estate) WED – 7:00 PM – Carmen Tarantino by Son, Louis THU – 8:00 AM – Deceased Members of the Carroll Family by Lewis Carroll 7:00 PM – Living and Deceased Parishioners FRI – Mary Logan (Annv) by Nephew, Joseph and Rita Logan SAT – 4:00 PM – Charles Stablum, Sr. by Jeanne, Melissa, Don and Missy Roeder SUN – 7:00 AM – John Consugar by Family 9:00 AM – Lucinda and Ambrose Ganly by Joe and Theresa Gleason 11:00 AM – Marilyn Williams (Happy 60th Birthday in Heaven) by Cheryl and Bill Newton and Family ******************************************************************************************************************************************** THE WEEKLY CALENDAR: Look to your covenant, O Lord,/ and forget not the life of your poor ones for ever./ Arise, O God, and defend your cause,/ and forget not the cries of those who seek you. THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, August 11 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 6:30 AM and 10:45 AM. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: May Christ, our Good Shepherd, accept as His own BROOKLYNN RYAN PLESNARSKI, daughter of Ryan and Christina Plesnarski, who will be Baptized in our Church after today’s 11:00 AM Mass. God Bless Brooklynn and her Family! THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS(FPC): 9:00 AM Mass. Jesus told us to ask the Harvest Master to send laborers into his harvest. We hope the prayers of our participat- ing families will bear fruit. May God be attentive to LINDA ROTHERMEL who will host the Family Prayer Chalice for Vocations this week. Call 399-5056 or sign up in Church. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: In today’s gospel a servant WAITED for the master to return. Waiting is a normal part of family life. We wait for a child’s birth, then for small legs to catch up. Later we wait for teenagers to return home safely. Finally we wait alone anticipating a call or visit from an adult child. Waiting is sacred time, for even in the waiting we are connected. PRO-LIFE REFLECTION: If we really want to be compassionate, help give the mother the opportunity to choose life for her child. If we really love the mother who has an unwanted pregnancy, don’t let her be exploited by an abortionist, someone who will make a profit from her dead baby, a memory that will haunt her for the rest of her life. STEWARDSHIP: “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Luke 12:34. Jesus encourages us to build up our treasure in heaven. The world encourages us to build up our treasure in real estate, investments, and material goods. How much time are you investing in building up a worldly treasure? How much time are you investing in building up a heavenly treasure? To invest more time in the things of heaven, you must let go of some of the things of this world. LAST WEEK YOU CONTRIBUTED: Sunday: $3,748.00; Utilities: $697.00; Expenses: $1,989.72 (ordinary); $7842 (Diocesan Assessments). Thank you for your generosity! FRATERNAL CHARITY: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY– Your donation of all TYPES OF CEREAL will allow the SVDP Society to aid the needy of our area. Volunteer for our SVDP Society Outreach and God’s Bountiful Table. Call544-2739. VOTIVES:(1) SANCTUARY: IMO Father Francis J. Opps. (2) ALTARS: BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: IMO Steve Bosack by Francis and Dolores Leister; For the Health of Evan Gober by Grandparents, Stan and Sally; IMO Andrew Consugar by Family. DIVINE MERCY: For the Health of George Homa and Special Intention by Wife and Family. (3) BEFORE: ST. JOSEPH: Special Intention. Call 544-2211 to memorialize votives. MONDAY, August 12 – PASTORAL NOTE: Check the box on the reverse side for the Summer Festival work schedule. ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ ATLANTIC CITY TRUMP PLAZA CASINO BUS TRIP: Cost: $35; Rebate: $25. Leaves Quandel’s at 8:00 AM. Call Julie (544-5231) or Millie (628-5413) to reserve your seat. TUESDAY, August 13 – ST. MATTHEW RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: CLASSES RESUME SEPTEMBER 10. 2013-2014 Registrations are Due. Contact our CRE, Rosalie Novack (544-2211). PROTECTORS OF THE UNBORN PRECIOUS SOULS’ PRO-LIFE GROUP MONTHLY MEETING: Everyone welcome – both men and women. Come join us and become the voice for these “Precious Souls” which God has created. Together we can make a difference. Meetings are second Tuesday of each month. Call 345-4619 for location and time. WEDNESDAY, August 14 – DEVOTIONS TO ST. PEREGRINE: 7:00 PM Mass. Ask St. Peregrine to help cancer patients and their caregivers. 0. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15
GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Ricapito Annex. THURSDAY, August 15 – THE SOLEMNITY OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY INTO HEAVEN: Holy Mass will be celebrated at 7:00 PM (Wednesday evening, August 14), 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Confessions will be heard 30 minutes before each mass. Pastoral Note: To honor our Blessed Lady today, flowers and flowering herbs will be Blessed. Remember to bring your garden flowers. Carnations to take home will also be available. They are a gift from Jude Grassa of Grassa Florists. FRIDAY, August 16 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 7:45 AM. SATURDAY, August 17 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 3:30 PM. Pastoral Note: Parents, please remember to bring your children to Confession before school resumes next month. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, August 18 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 6:30 AM and 10:45 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): FRANK KUCHTA will host the FPC this week. Call 399-5056 or Sign-Up in the Church Vestibule for September and October. ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVAL: 12:00 Noon till 9:00 PM, South Cass Fire Co. Picnic Grounds, Primrose. We invite you to come out and enjoy great ethnic Foods, refreshments, various games and activities. It’s also not too late to give us a hand the day of the picnic; or to volunteer to help with the set- up or take down. Just see any worker at the grounds and volunteer your time and talent to make our Festival a success. Hope to see you and your family! SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPE: (1) GENERAL REPAIR: Your contribution will help defray the cost of general maintenance. (2) Please catch up with any missed envelopes. Thank you! **************************************************************************************************************************************** MINISTERS AT MASS FOR THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OFF. PROC.LECTORS EUCH. MIN.ALTAR SERVERS SAT 4:00 PM Stablum Family Frank Al Max Wigoda Melenchick Boris Frank Melenchick SUN 7:00 AM Consugar Family Tom Mundy 9:00 AM Gleason Family Sharon Theresa Emily Purcell KolenickKroznuski Lori Hoffman 11:00 AM Newton Family Mary Jo Nabholz Jamie Kuehn Anthony Forte Teresa Miller Carter Melochick Marian Rhoads ***************************************************************************************************************************************** COMING EVENTS: Please be sure to mark your calendar! AUGUST 19 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ MOHEGAN SUN CASINO BUS TRIP: Cost: $23; Rebate: $25 to play. Leaves R&J at 8:00 AM; Quandel’s at 8:30 AM. Call Julie (544-5231) or Helen (544-5465) to reserve your spot. AUGUST 27 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STAFF MEETING: 6:00 PM, Good Shepherd Cafeteria. AUGUST 28 – GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. R. Annex. SEPTEMBER 2 – CASTLE GREEN GROTTO ANNUAL LABOR DAY MASS: 10:00 AM, 950 Valley Road, Minersville/Heckscherville Highway. Mass is dedicated to “all who came.” Refreshments will be served after Mass. Plenty of parking is available. Bring your lawn chairs. Call Bob (544-3658) for info. SEPTEMBER 21 – ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL PILGRIMAGE BUS TRIP TO THE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL: Depart Quandel’s Lot at 8:15 AM for Germantown, PA, and arrive back in town approximately 6:00 PM. Cost $85 and includes bus fare, shrine donation, and lunch on the Moshulu docked at Penns Landing. Call Mary at 544-3046. OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 1 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ VILLA ROMA / ITALIAN FESTIVAL BUS TRIP: 4 Days/3 Nights at Villa Roma’s Resort in Callicoon, New York; $469 Double Occupancy –All Inclusive (Checks Payable to St. Matthews’ Travelers);Full Program of Planned Activities Daily; Italian Cooking Class; Themed Activities – including Bocce Tournaments, Bingo, Italian Movie Festival, Italian Trivia, Dance Lessons, and More!; San Gennaro Street Feast Party with Sights, Tastes, Smells of Little Italy; Our Famous Caesar’s Night Dinner – a banquet fit for a king!; Star-Studded Nightly entertainment in our Forum Nightclub; A Wine and Cheese Party featuring tastings of a variety of Italian Wines, as well as a wine lecture. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Adrienne (570-544-5925) for information. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RETIREMENT: Our Parish Secretary of 29 years, Mary Ann Sokola, officially retired on June 30th. Mary Ann has been a faithful, reliable and dedicated parish employee. We wish her God’s blessings in this new phase of her life. May He grant her health and happiness! Well done, good and faithful servant! FYI: Mary Ann Sokola’s son, Neil Sokola, has replaced Mary Ann as Parish Office/Business Manager. CYO VOLLEYBALL SIGN-UPS: Any girl in grades 4-8 interested in playing please call Tammy Gerenda (786-9263) or Amy Eades (292-9895).You must: be a member of our church; attend weekly Sunday Mass; and be enrolled in Religious Education classes or attend catholic school to participate. ASSUMPTION BVM SCHOOL NEWS: 1) Now accepting registrations for pre-k to 8 for the 2013-2014 school year. Please call the school (622-0106) for a tour or to request a registration packet. 2) The Bishop’s Commission on Catholic Schools continues to offer $1,500 Tuition Transfer Grants to any Parishioner who transfers their child into the second to seventh grades from any private or public school. No financial aid forms are required for this two year grant and it comes directly out of your school tuition ($1,000 in year one; $500 in year two). Call 622-0106. NATIVITY BVM HISG SCHOOL NEWS: 1) Now accepting registrations for grades 9 through 12 for the 2013-2014 school year. Please call the school (622-8110) for a tour or to request a registration packet. 2) Nativity welcomes transfer students of all faiths. Any public or private school student who transfers to 10th or 11th grade at any diocesan high school will receive a Bishop's Commission on Catholic Schools Tuition Transfer Grant. The student will receive $2000 in their first year and $1000 in their second year. For further details contact us at 570-622-8110. • VI ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVAL • AUGUST 18, 2013 • SOUTH CASS FIRE COMPANY • PICNIC GROUNDS • PRIMROSE, PA • 12:00 NOON TO 9:00 PM • John Stevens Doubleshot • 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM • The New Individuals • 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM • ********************************************************************************** • (1) ACTIVITY COORDINATORS: Our Summer Festival is next week. We need our Parish to pull together.Coordinatorsand Volunteers for our stands are needed. We ask you to volunteer your time and talent. Call the Rectory (544-2211) if you can help in the areas needed. We would appreciate it. Thanks to those who have volunteered as Coordinators: • Adult Games of Chance: John Hudock (622-4129) • Funnel Cakes: Debbie Klotunowitch (544-2881) • Bar: Wally Slifka (544-6636) • Theme Baskets: Arlene Quesada (385-0248), • Michelle DiRenzo (544-2518) • Office: Janet Purcell (544-6624) • Grounds: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! • Bingo: Matthew Kroznuski (544-2589), Sharon • Kolenick (544-6961) • Kitchen: Women and Men of the Parish • French Fries: Tom Mundy (544-5320) • Entertainment: Greg Senich (544-2355) • Bleenie Stand Set-up: Tom Socko (429-1568) • Ice Cream: Jack Hudock (544-4002) • Set-Up: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! • Take Down: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! • Children’s Games: Amy Eades (544-9595), Rachel • Huntzinger (544-9747) • Raffle / Chances : Marilyn Homa (544-2595), Carl • Wiest (544-3372) • Coffee/Desserts: Karen Wank (544-6715), Vicky • Marteslo (544-5063) • Soda/ Ice Tea/ Water/ Candy: • Hot Dogs/Hamburgers: Elaine Stine (544-5628), • Mary Ellen Renninger (622-7907) • Ticket Booth: Peggy Butler (544-5294) • 50/50: Rick Elison (628-4941) • PARISH MAILING: You have received Booster and • Raffle Tickets and a Donation Envelope for the Kitchen • Collection in the mail. Please support your Parish and • ensure our Festival’s success! • (3) SIGN-UP SHEETS: are in the Church Vestibule. Could you please help us by volunteering at least two hours of your time? Keep our Parish’s heart beating by your involvement! • (4) FESTIVAL KITCHEN: The kitchen is the heart of our Summer Festival. We really need your help this week and on the actual day of the Festival. Give us a hand! • (5) BOOSTER TICKETS: Each Parish adult received one Ticket ($5.00 each) redeemable at the grounds for food purchases the day of the picnic. Please purchase yours! • (6) RAFFLE TICKETS: Each Parish adult has received ten Chances ($1.00 each). Prizes are: 1st-$1,000 Cash; 2nd through 5th -$100 Cash. Please purchase or sell yours! This will ensure our Summer Festival’s success! • (7) KITCHEN COLLECTION DONATION: Use the • special envelope sent to you to help with pre-picnic expenses. Write your Name / Amount on it. Put your donation in the Sunday Collection. Thanks! • (8) CHILDREN’S GAMES: Young volunteers age 10 and up • are needed to help run the games. We will gladly verify • Community Service for this activity, or any other picnic • activity. If needed Call Amy (544-9595) or Rachel (544- • 9747). Someone will contact you to explain the program. • (9) THEME BASKETS: Donations of all types of baskets are still needed. Baskets can be placed in the back of the Church near the sign-up board. If you want, they can be picked up at your home. Also, if a basket is needed, call Michelle DiRenzo (544-2518) or Arlene Quesada (385-0248). SUMMER FESTIVAL WORK SCHEDULE 9:00 AM – PARISH CENTER Monday, August 12 Peel onions, core/shred cabbage. Tuesday, August 13 Make haluskie. Wednesday, August 14 Make haluskie. Thursday, August 15 Make soups. Friday, August 16 SET-UP FOR FESTIVAL Saturday, August 17 SET-UP FOR FESTIVAL PLEASE LEND US A HAND! ALL ARE WELCOME! 2013 BAA:Our goal is $18,950.55.We’ve raised $17,681 from 198 donors. 1269.55 is needed from the potential 414 more donors within our parish. Please help! Show we are a parish that cares!