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TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 24, 2014 Peter can declare with certainty that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, because of the way that his own life had changed since the first day that he met Jesus. The evidence for Peter’s bold claim –
TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 24, 2014 Peter can declare with certainty that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, because of the way that his own life had changed since the first day that he met Jesus. The evidence for Peter’s bold claim – his creed – is the fact that association with this man had brought about a transformation of everything in his life, especially those things most resistant to change – the ordinary circumstances of life. Only God, with his “unsearchable ways,” could effect such a newness. The fact that Christ wants to use Peter as an instrument by which the Lord will open heaven to the world is surprising but not shocking. Just as Peter has come to recognize God through the humanity of the man Jesus, God’s method of self-communication will continue through the humanity of the apostle Peter. popular expectation that the prophet Elijah would return to usher in the messianic Day of the Lord (Mal 3:23-24), the crowds think perhaps he is Elijah or one of the other prophets, among whom they include John the Baptist. For surely Jesus is a great prophet. He questions his followers again about their own interpretation of him. He is a prophet and more than a prophet. He does indeed usher in the messianic era because, the Church hears Peter say, he is himself the Messiah – and more than Messiah. He is “Son of the Living God”. // It is not strange that we should hear from the lips of Peter this faith expression of the newly born Church at the beginning of its history. It is upon Peter’s profession of faith that Jesus builds his Church. Through Peter, the man of first fervors, but also the disciple who would deny him, Jesus makes himself known. He charges Peter with the building up of his brothers and sisters until the coming of the kingdom. The Rock put his mark on the Church just as John, the mystic, or Paul, the missionary, did so in their own ways. The church is above all the home of us poor believers, caught between faith and doubt, generosity and infidelity, but nevertheless stuttering with Peter, “I believe.” ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH MINERSVILLE, PA www.StMatthewTheEvangelistParish.org Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Phone: (570) 544-2211 Fax: (570) 54-2317 SAINT MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST WELCOMES ALL No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, ethnicity, etc.; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at Saint Matthew the Evangelist Parish! SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR: Sr. Meg Cole (610-866-0581x19) VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR: Wendy S. Krisak (1-800-791-9209) WEEKDAY MASS AT 8:00 AM MON – Living and Deceased Parishioners TUE – Robert Rudaitis by Dave, Barb and Millie WED – William and Mary Barton (Annv) by Jerry and Al THU – Albert Donoris by Lottie Kowalchick FRI – Joseph Gober by Family SAT – 4:00 PM – Jill Kuehn by Jim SUN – 8:30 AM – Elmer Huntzinger (17thAnnv) by Wife Dorothy and Family 10:30 AM – Living and Deceased Parishioners ******************************************************************************************************************************************** THE WEEKLY CALENDAR: Turn your ear, O Lord, and answer me;/ save the servant who trusts in you, my God./ Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long. (Cf. Ps 86 (85):1-3) SUNDAY, AUGUST 24 – TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): Jesus told us to ask the Harvest Master to send laborers into his harvest. May the prayers of our participating families bear fruit. Our thanks to ROSE KUEHN (10:30 AM) for hosting the FPC for Vocations this week. Sign up in rear of Church FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: Like Jesus in today’s gospel, we are seen by others in different ways. Perhaps the name our family gives us is closest to our true identity. They know us best. Who do they say you are? PRO-LIFE REFLECTION: RU 486? R U crazy? It hurts women and kills babies! Abortion is NOT healthcare. It is the deliberate killing of a human life. It wounds the souls of all who participate in such practices. Pray and work to end abortion now. STEWARDSHIP: “Or who has given the Lord anything that he may be repaid?” - Romans 11:35. St. Paul reminds us of a central fact of stewardship. We cannot give the Lord anything, because God already owns it all. God made everything. All that we can do is return a portion of God’s many gifts back to Him. Sincere gratitude for our gifts opens our hearts to joyful generosity! Some part of His work will be left undone. LAST WEEK YOU CONTRIBUTED: Sunday: $2,566; General Repair: $363; Holy Day: $639; Expenses: $5,56 5.90 (ordinary); $8,577 (Diocesan Assessments); $3,895.92 (school subsidy). FRATERNAL CHARITY: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY– Your donation of ALL TYPES OF PASTA AND RICE will allow the SVDP Society to help the needy. Volunteer to help our SVDP Society Outreach and God’s Bountiful Table. Call570-544-2739 to volunteer. VOTIVES:(1) SANCTUARY: IMO George Pytko, Sr. by Son, George and Daughter Joann Panak. (2) ALTARS: BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: IMO William and Mary Barton by Jerry and Al; IMO Joseph and Anna Terlekas by The Andruchek Family; For the Health of George Homa and Special Intention by Wife and Family; Special Intention by Stan and Sally Gober. DIVINE MERCY: IMO Richard Jelenik by Edward Butler and Aldie. BEFORE: ST. JOSEPH: Special Intention. REREDOS NICHE: IMO Rev. Joseph F. Reilly by Parents. Call the Rectory (570-544-2211) to memorialize votives. MONDAY, AUGUST 25 – SEPTEMBER VISITATION OF THE SICK: Will continue this week. Call 570-544-2211 to have someone added to our list. TUESDAY, AUGUST 26 – ST. MATTHEW RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: 2014-2015 Registrations are now due. Additional Registration Forms can be found in the Church Vestibule. N.B. Classes will resume September 9. There are still families unregistered! WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27 – DEVOTIONS TO ST. PEREGRINE: 8:00 AM Mass. Ask St. Peregrine to help cancer patients and their caregivers. GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Anthony Ricapito Annex. Call Edward Butler (570-544-2739). Volunteers needed! THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 –“SOUNDS OF THE SPIRIT” CONTEMPORARY CHOIR: Call 570-544-2355 to join and for rehearsal times. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 431 MONTHLY MEETING: 7:00 PM, to discuss new youth program proposals and other items. Email Dave Donlin at dadmatd515p@comcast.net for more information. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 7:45 AM. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 –SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION:3:30 PM. Bring your children to Confession as school resumes. 0. “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God!” “You are ‘Rock’ and on this rock I will build my Church.” These are two affirmations which concern the faith of every believer. There is much more here than an exchange of compliments between Jesus the Son of Man and Simon the son of John. // Jesus asks his disciples what people are saying about the identity of the “Son of Man”. Consonant with the If you have not made your pledge of support, you may drop off your pledge form in the collection basket or return it to the Rectory. Extra pledge forms are available at the back of Church. Please call the Rectory or visit www.adbaa. org with any questions. Thank you! 2014 Walk With Christ As of today, $16,005 has been raised from 150 parishioners representing 84% of our parish goal of $18,950.55 and 24.51% of our total number of registered families. We need the support of all our parish families to reach our goal. SUNDAY, AUGUST 31–TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8:00 AM, 10:15 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): THE EADES FAMILY will host the FPC this week. Call 570- 399-5056 or sign-up in the Church Vestibule. We need hosts for September 7 and October. SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPE: No Special Parish Second Collection Envelope this week. However we encourage you to check your Sunday Envelope Boxes for the envelopes you might have missed returning. Please catch up as soon as possible. Your
ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVAL • WRAP-UP NOTES • (1) We are grateful to EVERYONE who in any way supported our Summer Festival by the gift of their time, talent, and treasure. We sincerely thank all workers, activity chairpers-ons, and those who braved the kitchen heat to help us! May God reward you for your goodness to our Parish! • (2) Thanks to all our Festival Patrons, from the Parish and outside the Parish! Your presence made our festival a success! • (3) Congratulations to these winners: • Raffle Prizes • 1st Prize - $1,000 Cash – #7075 – Alexis • 2nd Prize - $100 Cash – #5611 – Irene Pytko • 3rd Prize - $100 Cash – #8249 – P&K • 4th Prize - $100 Cash– #0682 – Joe Butcavage • 5th Prize - $100 Cash – #0505 – Olivia Stansbury • Basket of Cheer • #3790249 – MK • 50/50 Winners • 1st – $138 – #479143 – orange ticket • 2nd – $118 – #071226 – blue ticket • 3rd – $100 – #704122 – yellow ticket ** • **UNCLAIMED • (4) When all bills are paid, we will • have a wrap-up meeting to discuss • our Festival. Financial results will • be posted in the bulletin. Church needs your consistent and generous support to meet all of its financial obligations and to serve you. Thank you! ******************************************************************************************* MINISTERS AT MASS FOR THE 22nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OFF. PROC.LECTORS E. MINISTERSACOLYTES SAT 4:00 PM Kuehn Mary Ann Dave Anthony Lutchkus Family Harrison Fogarty Frank Melenchick SUN 8:30 AM HuntzingerJohn Jason Emily Purcell Family Hudock Clark Abby Schoffstall 10:30 AM Parishuoners Sharon Ed Davis Jade Stickell Kolenick Elaine Davis Volunteer Marion Rhoads ******************************************************************************************* COMING EVENTS: Please be sure to mark your calendar! SEPTEMBER 1 – CASTLE GREEN GROTTO ANNUAL LABOR DAY MASS: 10:00 AM, 950 Valley Road, Minersville/Heckscherville Highway (Rain date: September 6). Mass is dedicated to “all who came.” Refreshments will be served after Mass. Plenty of parking is available. Bring your lawn chairs. THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS: 5:00 PM, Our Lady’s Chapel of St. Patrick Church, Pottsville, followed by veneration of a First-Class Relic of Saint Pauline Visintainer. Call 570-622-1802 for information. SEPTEMBER 2 – RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MEETING: 6:30 PM, Good Shepherd Building Cafeteria, for all teachers and aides. SEPTEMBER 6 – ANNUAL FOOD FAIR AND FLEA MARKET: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, St. Clare of Assisi Church, Saint Clair. Halupkie, Halushkie, Pot Pie, BBQ, Soups, Chili, Baked Goods and more! Also, Flea Market Items, 50/50 Chances, Crafts, Religious Items. Free admission. All are welcome! SEPTEMBER 7 – MINERSVILLE ANNUAL SPIRIT DAY: St. Matthew the Evangelist will be represented by our Saint Vincent de Paul Society and the Parish itself with stands selling tradional ethnic foods. SEE YOU THERE! HALUPKI DINNER: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, St. Nicholas Hall, Primrose. $9.50 per platter includes halupki, filling, mashed potatoes, green beans and roll. Eat-in or take-out. Advance tickets only. Call 570-544-4581. SEPTEMBER 8 – 11– ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ OUTER BANKS, NORTH CAROLINA BUS TRIP: $539 per person (double occupancy) includes: 3 nights lodging, 3 breakfasts, 3 full course dinners, guided tour of Cape Hatteras, Roanoke Island Festival Park, Graveyard of the Atlantic, Wright Brothers National Memorial, Elizabethan Gardens, Bodie Island Lighthouse, souvenir gift, luggage handling, all taxes and meal gratuities, Motorcoach transportation. Your payment is your reservation. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Millie (570-628-5413). SEPTEMBER 10 – GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Fr. Anthony RicapitoAnnex. Call Edward Butler (570-544-2739) to volunter. SEPTEMBER 11 – MONTHLY ROSARY 6:15 PM in our Church. Please join us! SEPTEMBER 12 -14 – ANNUAL WOMEN’S RETREAT: St. Francis Center for Renewal, Bethlehem. Cost $160 for a single room; $170 per person to double. $80 deposit required. Contact the Retreat Center (610-867-8890 – EXT. 301) for reservations or other information. HELPERS OF GOD’S PRECIOUS INFANTS PRAYER PILGRIMAGE: Prayer Pilgrimage followed by lunch beginning with 8:00 AM Mass at Notre Dame Church, Bethlehem with Father Allen Hoffa. Call 610-674-4624 or email hogpi@hotmail.com for information. SEPTEMBER 16 – SCHUYLKILL DEANERY PRIESTS’ MEETING: 3:00 PM, Parish Center. Our parish women will be hosting supper. SEPTEMBER 20 – FIFTH ANNUAL NUN RUN/FUN WALK: 10:00 AM start, Sacred Heart Villa, Reading. Visit www.mscreading.org or call 610-929-2802 to sponsor and to register. Benefits the Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. SEPTEMBER 21 – 23 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST ANNUAL 40 HOURS DEVOTIONS: Memorializations of Vigils ($5 each) and Flowers ($10 each) can be made by contacting the Rectory (544-2211). We would appreciate your help in adorning our Church’s Altars with Vigils and Flowers during this special time when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on our Altar. Thank you! Please make time on these days to be with our Eucharistic Lord! SEPTEMBER 24 – GOLDEN YEARS LUNCH AND LEARN SERIES: 12:00 Noon, Luther Ridge. Topic: Know your medications in your golden years; estate planning, living wills, and the importance of a power of attorney. Call 570-621-7200 for information. OCTOBER 20 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ MOHEGAN SUN CASINO BUS TRIP: Pay $23; Rebate $30. Bus leaves R&J 7:45 AM; Quandel’s in Minersville 8:15 AM. Bus departs casino 4:00 PM. Call Julie (570-544-5231) or Millie (570-628-5413) for information. OCTOBER 24 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH OKTOBERFEST: 12:00 Noon to Sellout. Parish Center. Traditional ethnic foods will be available for purchase. Come and enjoy! NOVEMBER 2 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH ANNUAL TURKEY BINGO: More information to follow. NOVEMBER 13 – RED CROSS BLOODMOBILE: 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM, Good Shepherd Building Cafeteria. Donate your blood, give life! ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* SEPTEMBER 13 – WORKERS / VOLUNTEERS APPRECIATION DINNNER: After 4:00 PM Mass in our Parish Center. All Liturgical Ministers, Choir, St. Vincent dePaul Society Members, Religious Education teachers and aides, God’s Bountiful Table volunteers, Parish Festival and Lenten Food Sale Workers, Special Bingo Volunteers, Food Sale Workers, Anyone who helps the Parish in any way is welcome! We need you to call the Rectory at 570-544-2211 to inform us if you will be attending in order to be adequately prepared. HOPE TO SEE YOU! CALLING ALL PARISHIONERS: We are in need of men and women from our parish who can help us with these Liturgical Ministries: READING GOD’S WORD and DISTRIBUTING the Eucharist. What bet- ter way to serve your God than to extend your service to Him and His people within the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as a Lector or Extra- ordinary Minister of the Eucharist! Call the Rectory (570-544- 2211) or see Fr. Leo or Miss Novack. We would appreciate your help! CYO SIGN-UPS: 1) Volleyball: Girls grades 3-8 can email Tammy Gerenda at tamger11@yahoo.com. Also, we need a volunteer coach to assist with the program. 2) Basketball: Girls and boys grades 3-8 (first and second graders may be eligible) can call Jamie (570-544-4803), Jodi (570-544-8184), or Email stmatthewscyo@ hotmail.com no later then September 14. REQUIREMENTS: You must: be a member of our church; attend weekly Sunday Mass; and be enrolled in R.E. classes or attend catholic school. No registration fee. YOUR PARTICIPATION IS NECESSARY TO KEEP THIS YOUTH ORGANIZATION FUNCTIONING!