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AIDC 100. Annual Meeting October 2-3, 2003. AIDC 100. Friday Agenda. 8:00 Bus Departs Islandia Marriott Hotel for Stony Brook University 8:30 - 9:15 Registration and Continental Breakfast
AIDC 100 Annual Meeting October 2-3, 2003
AIDC 100 Friday Agenda 8:00Bus Departs Islandia Marriott Hotel for Stony Brook University 8:30 - 9:15Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:15 - 9:45Welcome George Goldberg, Paul Bergé and Chris Filstrup, Dean 9:45 - 11:15Business Meeting Chair: Dave Allais - Treasurer’s Report: Paul Bergé - Membership Report Dick Meyers - Leadership Council Report: Dick Meyers - The AIDC 100Collection: Jason Torre What Do We Do With What We Have? - General Discussion: Paul Bergé Who Are We and Where Are We Headed? 11:15 - 11:30Group Photograph 11:30 - 12:00Tour of AIDC 100 Special Collection Kristen Nyitrayand Jason Torre 12:00 - 1:30Lunch hosted by Stony Brook 12:45 - 1:15How Academic/Industry Linkage Benefits Both Dr. Yaacov Shamash Vice President Economic Development Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1:15 - 1:30A Successful Academic/Industry Achievement Dr Theo Pavlidis Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Computer Science 1:30 - 2:45FORUM: Does AIDC Industry Have an Identity Crisis? Panel Leader: Dave Collins Opportunity for AIDC 100? Panel Members:Dave Allais and Allan Gilligan 2:45 - 3:00Break 3:00 - 4:15FORUM: Contentious StandardsIssues Panel Leader:Karen Longe Opportunity for AIDC 100? Panel Members:Allan Gilligan and Mark Reboulet 4:15 - 4:45Close of Formal Meeting George Goldberg and Paul Bergé 4:45Bus Departs Stony Brook for Islandia Marriott 5:30 - 7:30Informal Forum (Optional) IslandiaMarriott Lounge Thursday Events 3:00 - 5:00 A Hospitality Suite will be available, sponsored by Teddy and George Goldberg 5:30 - 7:00 A special dinner has been arranged in a private hotel dining room. 7:00 - 10:00 The AIDC 100 Leadership Council will meet in AIDC 100 Hospitality Suite. Leadership Council Sprague Ackley Rick Bushnell Dick Meyers David Allais George Goldberg Larry Roberts Paul Bergé Peter Hicks Bonney Shuman
Chris Jason Lois Kristen Attendees Dave Allais John Hill Ed Barkan Andy Longacre Tina Barkan Karen Longe Fran Beck Chuck Mara Paul Bergé Dick Meyers Dave Collins Mike Ohanian Mark David Mark Reboulet Gabriele Edgell Larry Roberts Jim Fales Dick Sawyer Allan Gilligan Benny Tafoya George Goldberg Bruce Wray Frank Goodfinger George Wright Bill Hakanson Al Wurz Peter Hicks Special thanks to the staff of Melville Library at Stony Brook University for their extraordinary effort and cooperation in establishing the AIDC 100 Special Collection and helping to launch our first full-day conference. Chris Filstrup Dean of Libraries Lois Mazer Director for Special Programs Kristen Nyitray Director, Special Collections & University Archives Jason Torre Archivist
Our Wonderful Hosts George and Teddy
Hospitality Time Special thanks to Robbi Goldberg for taking so many nice pictures.
Joining old and new friends for dinner!
Can you tell we all had a good time?
Many “war” stories were told!
Stony Brook Hosted a Continental Breakfast
With Sincere Appreciation To George Goldberg Your friends of AIDC 100 are forever grateful for your outstanding leadership, vision, inspiration, dedication and generous commitment of personal time October 3, 2003
Before Lunch, a Library Tour of the AIDC 100 “Special Collections”
Dr. Yaacov Shamash Lunch Speakers Dr. Theo Pavlidis
AIDC 100 (from the left) Front: Benny Tafoya, John Hill, Karen Longe, George Goldberg, Teddy Goldberg, Gabriele Edgell, Dick Meyers, Al Wurz Middle: Peter Hicks, Jim Fales, Chuck Mara, Frank Goodfinger, Mark David, Andy Longacre, Allan Gilligan Rear: Mike Ohanian, David Allais, David Collins, Ed Barkan, Fran Beck, Bruce Wray, Paul Bergé, George Wright Larry Roberts, Mark Reboulet, Bill Hakanson, Dick Sawyer