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FastFacts Feature Presentation

FastFacts Feature Presentation. April 22, 2010. We are using audio during this session, so please dial in to our conference line… Phone number: 877-468-2134 Participant code: 182500 . © 2010 The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved. Today’s Topic. We’ll be taking a look at…

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FastFacts Feature Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FastFactsFeature Presentation April 22, 2010 • We are using audio during this session, so please dial in to our conference line… • Phone number: 877-468-2134 • Participant code: 182500 © 2010 The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved.

  2. Today’s Topic We’ll be taking a look at… Converting JHU Students to Staff/Faculty Positions

  3. Today’s Presenter Cynthia AddisonManager, HR Shared Services

  4. Session Segments Presentation Cynthia will address how to convert JHU students to staff/faculty positions. During Cynthia’s presentation, your phone will be muted. Q&A After the presentation, we’ll hold a Q&A session. We’ll open up the phone lines, and you’ll be able to ask questions. Cynthia will answer as many of your questions as time allows.

  5. Contact Us If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if you’re having technical difficulties, you can email us at: fastfacts@jhu.edu You can also send us an instant message! GoogleTalk – HopkinsFastFacts@gmail.com AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts MSN – FastFacts@jhu.edu

  6. How To View Full Screen

  7. Survey Survey At the end of this FastFacts session, we’ll ask you to complete a short survey. Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve future FastFacts sessions.

  8. Converting JHU Students to Staff/Faculty Positions

  9. Agenda

  10. Requires a Personnel Requisition, Background Check and Occupational Health Clearance. Consult with compensation analyst for position elements for staff positions. Consult with the Dean’s office for position elements for faculty positions. Contact the International Office prior to hiring Non-US citizens. Requirements for a new I9: No valid I9 on file in Talx (electronic system). Break-in-service greater than 3 calendar days. Non-US citizens with changes in work authorization/ expiration, or VISA status. Reassignment - Student to Staff/Faculty Positions (temp, retiree, non-ee’s excluded) Section 1

  11. All active student positions must be terminated prior to processing the reassignment ISR. Utilize the employee directory (ZHPA_DIR) to search for additional positions and contact dept or central office to have positions terminated. Initiate a Position Create ISR to create a position if a vacant position with the appropriate attributes is not available. A position copy ISR is also permitted. Position Maintain (Delimit) any positions no longer needed. Effective date must be the day after position is no longer needed. Indicate delimit date in the comments section. Process reassignment ISR using reason code 04 (student to staff/faculty) Comments Section Changing from student to staff/faculty Issue new employment dates Indicate Pernr to be reassigned Direct deposit of earnings will continue. New tax forms are not required. Parking deductions will continue and be transferred to pernr being reassigned if multiple pernrs exist. (temp, retiree, non-ee’s excluded) Cont’d…Reassignment - Student to Staff/Faculty Positions Section 1

  12. Available to JHU undergraduates/graduates only (U007/U008). Temporary staff position must be the same as the student position or have similar duties and at the same rate of pay, unless salary is below the minimum for the (CA) salary range. See the Compensation website Employee cannot work beyond 6 months in temporary position. Worked hours cannot exceed 1,000 during the 6 month period. Dept must monitor. The department can run the following BW report to track these dates: JH-Report Library\Personnel Admin\General Employee\Date Monitoring Report. Fellowship recipient positions are excluded and are subject to the full requisition process (application, background check, etc). Reassignment – Student to Temporary Staff Position Section 2

  13. Personnel requisition is required for School of Medicine (UN02) only. Background check and Occupational Health Clearance also required for SOM positions. No new I9 is required. Direct deposit of earnings will continue. No new tax forms are required. Parking deductions will continue and be transferred to pernr being reassigned if multiple pernrs exist. Reassignment – Student to Temporary Staff Position Cont’d…Hiring Process Section 2

  14. All student positions, except pernr being reassigned must be terminated prior to processing the reassignment ISR. Utilize the employee directory (ZHPA_DIR) to search for additional positions and contact dept or central office to have positions terminated. Initiate a Position Create ISR to create a temporary staff position if a vacant position is not available. Position copy ISR is also permitted Do not process a position maintain ISR. Initiate a Reassignment ISR to hire into temporary staff position using reason code 04 (student to staff/faculty). ISR Comments section: Changing from student to temporary staff position Issue new employment dates Indicate which pernr to reassign The pernr issued to the student while employed in your dept Reassignment – Student to Temporary Staff Position Cont’d… Processing Guidelines Section 2

  15. Positions on different pay cycles (weekly vs semi). Fellowship recipient (ee group 8, subgroup 20) switching to staff/faculty/student in ee group 7. Non employee changing to staff/faculty/student in ee group 7. Retiree changing to staff/faculty. Health system employee being hired in a JHU department when current position is being vacated. Follow JHU new hire process May have active positions within multiple entities (concurrent employment) Position Changes Requiring Termination and Hire Section 3

  16. Submit termination ISR; reason code must be 19 (pay cycle change). Be sure there is no overlap between old and new pay cycle. ISRs must be processed within the current pay period. Please refer to the ISR cutoffs and deadlines on the HRSS website. Ensure that no hours or absence codes have been entered in Kronos /CATS after termination date. Entry of hours worked, and any changes to cost distribution or hours already paid must be made prior to termination. No exceptions. Required changes to cost distribution must be done by journal voucher entries (please contact Payroll). Any additional hours still owed must be paid via bonus supplemental ISR on the new pernr. Old pernr must be locked. HRSS will notify Payroll. A new personnel requisition is required for staff and an appointment letter for faculty. When establishing start dates, please refer to the second bullet above. Background check and Occupational Health clearance may be required. No new I9 will be required unless a valid I9 is not on file in Talx. Position Changes Requiring Termination and Hire Cont’d…Pay Cycle Changes Section 3

  17. Initiate a Hire ISR to hire into vacant position. In the Comments Section of the Hire ISR, indicate the following if known: Changing pay cycles; term ISR # _____ Retain employment dates from previous pernr Email Benefit Service Center (benefits@jhu.edu), appropriate Divisional HR contact and HRSS (HRSharedServices-Benefits@jhu.edu) so that benefits eligibility can be retained and transferred to new pernr and the E210 accrual rate can be updated on the new pernr. Email should include the employee’s name, pernrs, termination date and hire date into new position. Direct deposit details (if applicable) will continue and move to the new pernr. No new tax forms will be required. Parking deductions (if applicable) will be transferred to the new pernr. Position Changes Requiring Termination and Hire Pay Cycle Changes Cont’d… Section 3

  18. Process a termination or retirement ISR using the appropriate reason code. Refer to Page 2 of ISR Types and Reasonson the HRSS website. Personnel requisition is required for staff and an appointment letter for faculty. A background check and Occupational Health clearance may be required. I9 requirements: New I9 required if a valid I9 is not on file in Talx or the break in service between positions is greater than 3 calendar days. Non US citizens must complete a new I9 if work authorization changes or has expired since the last I9 on file with TALX was completed. Contact the International Office before hiring non-US citizens as work authorization/eligibility may change. Position Changes Requiring Termination and Hire Fellowship Recipients, Non-Employees and Retirees Section 3

  19. Initiate a Hire ISR to hire into vacant position if a position with similar attributes is available. If a position is not available, initiate a position copy/create ISR first before initiating the hire. In the Comments Section of the Hire ISR indicate one of the following comments, if known: Changing from fellowship to wage or vice versa; termination ISR #______. Changing from non-ee to staff/faculty. Retiree being hired in new staff/faculty position; retirement ISR # ___ For details on how to convert a retiree to a staff/faculty position refer to Page 4 of JHU S1 Employee Subgroup Changes on the HRSS website. Direct deposit of earnings will continue on the new pernr but may be discontinued if a valid I9 is not on file in Talx. Tax forms: Fellowship recipients: Recommended. Otherwise, individual will be taxed using the standard defaults (Single Fed with 0 exemptions; MD with 1 exemption) Non employee positions: Required Retirees: Optional Parking deductions will continue on the new pernr for fellowship recipients only. Position Changes Requiring Termination and HireFellowship Recipients, Non-Employees and RetireesCont’d… Section 3

  20. Resource Websites • Policies and Procedures Link • Located on the HRSS Website • Enterprise Structure • Student Conversion Guidelines • Located on the Student Employment website • Human Resources • JHU Tax Office

  21. We’re going to open the phone lines now! There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line. We’ll be answering questions in the order that we receive them. We’ll also be answering the questions that were emailed to us during the presentation. If there’s a question that we can’t answer, we’ll do some research after this session, and then email the answer to all participants. Q&A

  22. Thank You! Thank you for participating! We would love to hear from you. Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future FastFacts sessions? Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter? Please email us at: fastfacts@jhu.edu

  23. Survey Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions. Click this link to access the survey… http://connect.johnshopkins.edu/fastfactssurvey/ Thanks again!

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