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PRINCE 2. Learning Objectives. What is PRINCE Project Organization Project Planning Project Control Project Activities Summary. 1. What is PRINCE. PR oject IN C ontrol E nvironment

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  1. PRINCE 2 303KM Project Management

  2. Learning Objectives • What is PRINCE • Project Organization • Project Planning • Project Control • Project Activities • Summary 326IS - Supplementary Material

  3. 1. What is PRINCE • PRoject INControl Environment • A standard in IT project management methodology developed by the CCTA (Central Computer and Telecommunication Agency) of U.K. since 1970. • Adapted by the ITSD of HK since early 1994. • Upgraded to PRINCE2 in 1998 • Items to be managed in a PRINCE project • Scope (function), Time, Cost, Quality, Risk 326IS - Supplementary Material

  4. 2. PROJECT ORGANIZATION 326IS - Supplementary Material

  5. 3. PROJECT PLANNING • Planning • Product Based Planning: focus attention on goal rather than on process • Staging • breaking a project into stages enables more effective management and control of project 326IS - Supplementary Material

  6. 3.1 Techniques for Product Based Planning • Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) • Product Flow Diagrams (PFD) • Product Descriptions • Product Transformation, 326IS - Supplementary Material

  7. 3.2 Benefit of Staging • ESA provide discrete packages of work to be review by senior management and make objective assessments of the progress to date • ESA facilitate control against project momentum to progress regardless of cost by reappraisal of business case • More realistic estimation and monitoring before the commencement of next stage. • Monitor of project is enabled within and at the end of each stage. 326IS - Supplementary Material

  8. 3.3 Staging Guidelines • Each Stage should define: • Start & finish dates • end-products to be produced • resource needed to produce the end-product • Stage setting should consider: • stage upon the completion of major end-product (not divide a maj. end-product) • stage at decision about the ongoing viability of project • stage at critical points where visible tight control is necessary. 326IS - Supplementary Material

  9. 3.4 Plans for decision making and control • Project level • Technical Plans • Resource Plans • Stage level • Technical Plans • Resource Plans 326IS - Supplementary Material

  10. 4. Project Control • Management by Exception • Quality Control • Control Meeting • Formal Assessment Meeting(PSC) • Checkpoint Meetings/Reviews(PM) • Management of Risk • Configuration Management 326IS - Supplementary Material

  11. 4.1 Management by Exception • Time and Effort of PSC members are conserved and yet maintain the overall control of project by delegate the day-to-day project management responsibility to the PM and allocate a time & resource tolerance for running the project. • amount of tolerance allocated on any one stage is assessed by the PSC in the light of the plans for the stage, the degree of risk associated with those plans, the criticality of that stage to the successful completion of the project, and the experience of the PM. 326IS - Supplementary Material

  12. 4.2 Quality Control • Quality Plan included in the project Initiation Document for outlining the overall Quality Expectation and Control of the project at the outset • Quality Criteria and Quality Checking Method(QCM) are contained in the Product Description for quality standards and quality control a detail level. • Quality Review use QCM to apply to the product and Quality Criteria will be the base for reference. 326IS - Supplementary Material

  13. 4.3 Control Meetings • Formal assessment Meetings: Event driven meeting with necessary info. for decision making is circulated well in advance and Chairmen ensures the discussion is confined to real management issues. • Project Initiating Meeting • End-stage Assessment • Project Closure Meeting • Checkpoint Meeting: regular time driven meeting held by PM 326IS - Supplementary Material

  14. 5. Project Activities • Project Initiation • Project Initiation Meeting • Project Initiation Document (PID) • Project Stages • Checkpoint Review • Highlight Reports (monthly) PM to PSC • End-Stage Assessments (ESA) • Project Closure • Project Evaluation Report 326IS - Supplementary Material

  15. 6. Summary - Why PRINCE? • Standard Project Management Method: staff move from one project to another can still aware of the roles, procedures, processes and reporting formats. • Standard training materials, courses available, no need to redevelopment. • Enable refinement over years of practice. 326IS - Supplementary Material

  16. 6. Summary - Why PRINCE ? (conti) • It is a flexible method, suitable to many shape and size of project. Its particular strengths are: • Definition of the roles in a project • involvement of user at all level in all aspects from beginning to end. • insistence on establishing a business case before any major expenditure. 326IS - Supplementary Material

  17. PRINCE Glossary PSC Project Steering Committee PM Project Manager PAT Project Assurance Team QCM Quality Checking Method PBS Product Breakdown Structure PFD Product Flow Diagram PID Project Initiation Documents ESA End Stage Assessment 326IS - Supplementary Material

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