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WASHINGTON UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. Founded to raise up a generation that are physically, spiritually & academically equipped for the world today. ‘School of the Year for 2005’. WUCA received an award for being the school of the year for 2005 from Maryland Center for Character Education.
WASHINGTON UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Founded to raise up a generation that are physically, spiritually & academically equipped for the world today.
‘School of the Year for 2005’ WUCA received an award for being the school of the year for 2005 from Maryland Center for Character Education.
Washington United Christian Academy Washington United Christian Academy is a multicultural, multiethnic and multi-national school serving the communities of the Washington Metropolitan area. It serves over one hundred students from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grades. These students include ethnic minorities from Asia, Africa, Latin American countries as well as Caucasian & African American students. Although the majority of the students are from low socio-economic backgrounds, every year the Stanford Achievement Test results show that the students score an average of two grades higher than the national average.
Our History The School was first established in September of 1977 and was named Washington Christian Academy. In 1983 the school was reorganized under the New Testament Church and was called New Testament Church School. In 2001 it was reorganized again and named Washington United Christian Academy.
Washington Christian Academy 1983 New Testament Church School 1984
Our Governing Board A seven-member board of directors, having extensive experience in their vocation and representing the Washington community, governs the academy. The Chief Executive Officer (Principal) is assisted by an administrator and two assistant principals. Eight qualified fulltime teaching staff, one teacher’s aid, two part-time staff and three volunteers served in the school besides the custodial staff. Senior students are given opportunities to serve in the school as teacher’s aids in different classes especially in lower elementary levels as part of their community service.
Our Mission Our primary focus is to assist parents with their God-given responsibilities of training the children for eternity so that the parents can bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We serve as an arm of the local church in educating the young people to develop godly character traits while striving to achieve academic proficiency in an atmosphere of Christian love and discipline. It is our conviction that Christian education is a response to God’s desire to have our children taught and trained to know, love and obey God, their parents and to submit to God-ordained authority. We believe that children are important to God, and therefore, they are important to us. It is our goal to help students become more fully devoted followers of Christ, while helping them achieve their maximum potential academically and spiritually. The school board and the staff work hard to create a community of learners in which students are disciples of Christ and prepared to make a difference in the nation and the world
What We Believe WUCA believes in putting first things first. Therefore, according to the order of importance, the following topics are taught first in the school: God and creation, his kingdom, his righteousness, the fear of God, obedience, submission to authority, honoring parents, obeying the Ten Commandments, humility and other virtues, purity and patriotism, responsibility and diligence, hard work and caring for others servanthood, interpersonal relationships, self-control, patience, abstinence, discipline, and absolute truth.
Achievements Apart from the outstanding results in Stanford Achievement Test for the last several years, WUCA students won first place in Pre-Algebra, Algebra I and Pre-Calculus for the Math League Mid-Atlantic Regional Competition and won a national award for first place in Pre-calculus at the National Competition since 2002 conducted by ACSI.
Our students have performed above and beyond our expectations on the SAT or PSAT and our past and present graduates have been accepted into notable colleges and universities and have also been offered scholarships and awards based on their academic achievements. Colleges such as University of Maryland, John Hopkins University, Wellesley College, Tufts University, and Harvard University have offered them not only admissions but full scholarships as well.
Parent Support Programs Parents being the backbone of the Christian Education, WUCA believes that proper parent education is mandatory for the school to accomplish its mission and goal. A child- training program in connection with the parent-orientation was conducted in several sessions in every August . Quarterly parents meetings reinforce our objectives. We thank our parents who have made significant contributions for tuition assistance, transportation for quarterly field trips and organized fund raising activities throughout the school year.
Community Service WUCA has conducted several community awareness and school promotion programs. Yard sales, banquets, parent-teacher conferences, and weekly assemblies Our students have participated in the international Bible Read-A-thon at the Nation’s capitol in connection with the National Day of Prayer and also in the local Civic Association exhibition and various talent shows. Our teachers offer a wide range of services apart from their daily routine of teaching. Among these are aftercare programs, tutorial services for SAT, PSAT,ACT and GED examinations. Other teachers have participated in prison counseling and Nursing Home visitations.
Staff Development Programs As part of the staff development programs, one week staff seminar was organized in August 2003. Staff were trained in Saxon Math and computer curricula. Two staff members attended ACSI administrator’s seminar and two others attended ACSI convention and workshop. Frequent staff duscussions and administrator’s meetings are part of WUCA’s weekly routine.
What is character Education? Character education is sowing the seeds of values and virtues in the hearts and minds of children and TRAINING them to cultivate until it brings forth fruits for the benefit of that person and the community. Character education should help the child to discern between right and wrong, good and evil, truth and lies. Character is the inner worth of a person. A person is known by his or her character. WUCA believes that an education devoid of character building is worthless.
W.U.C.A.’s Character Education
We recognize that each student‘s moral development is as essential to the school mission as academic learning. Character education is more than just an add-on to the school day. It is integrating positive values into every aspect of school life, from discipline policies to curricula to after school activities.
What We Do WUCA trains teachers and school staff to develop and initiate school wide character education programs. WUCA’s parent body stand fully with school policies of discipline. We believe in strong family values to build a strong nation of well disciplined citizens. Today’s youth are tomorrow’s decision makers. ‘As go the children so goes the nation’. Therefore, it is vital that we should instill moral values, ethical principles and absolute truth in the young people.
WUCA’s Faculty Character Education requires strong leadership and a principal with the vision to see the importance of developing morally responsible adults. Teachers that follow the guidelines of the principal are the molders and shapers of young peoples‘ character as true shepherds.WUCA is blessed with a community of likeminded parents and staff with a responsible school board overseeing that the mission is being accomplished.
The Goal of True Education • Historical experience proved that rigid moral and ethical instruction would build character in young people. Therefore, WUCA has been using religious especially, Christian materials in the class room for character education. Besides Bible, the academy uses ‘Pilgrims Progress‘, biographies of great men and women, Pilgrims or founding fathers, great American heroes and a large number of books and materials to empower the young people to follow good men and women of great courage and integrity. We teach ‘crown and glory of life is character and a man of good character is honored by all. • “Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education.” ( Martin Luther King Jr.)
What Parents ought to know • Home is the first school of all civic virtues. • Love, joy, peace, sacrifice, obedience, care, self-control, patience, kindness, mercy, showing respect etc. are learned first at home. Schools must reinforce these values and promote their application or practice.Then only has the school helped the parents. The school’s mission and the parents goal must coincide. This kind of partnership will produce a strong generation.
Today’s Youth Without religion there is no morality. Today‘s youth are at the cross roads because of the prohibition of religion (Bible reading and prayer) and morality. Our youth face many challenges such as: morally corrupt films and television programs, increasingly perverted music, pornographic invasion of the internet, civil initiatives promoting alternate lifestyle, battles to remove morals and ethics from public places, schools and institutions of higher learning.