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9 marks of a god in a box 1 Samuel 4-6

9 marks of a god in a box 1 Samuel 4-6. #1 “A quick fix god” “it may save them” we often look to magical formula’s to get what we desire we want what we want and we want it now Are you looking to something other than God in your life?. 9 marks of a god in a box 1 Samuel 4-6.

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9 marks of a god in a box 1 Samuel 4-6

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  1. 9 marks of a god in a box1 Samuel 4-6 #1 “A quick fix god” “it may save them” weoften look to magical formula’s to get what we desire we want what we want and we want it now Are you looking to something other than God in your life?

  2. 9 marks of a god in a box1 Samuel 4-6 #2 Holding God Hostage we often look for something that works and make it most important we believe that if we do all the right things then we force God’s hand Are you tempting God or forcing Him work for you?

  3. 9 marks of a god in a box1 Samuel 4-6 #3 Who’s the boss? somehow we get the idea we are in charge of our lives we so often know what is best for us and for others … better than God! Are you working for God …or… is God working for you?

  4. 9 marks of a god in a box1 Samuel 4-6 #4 Actions of an Arrogant Attitude we think we are greater than God we can solve our own problems Is your life characterized by repentance and seeking after God?

  5. 9 marks of a god in a box1 Samuel 4-6 #5 Confusion with right & wrong we do the right thing the wrong way we do the right thing for the wrong reason we put our confidence in the wrong thing Are you doing the right thing but in the wrong way or for the wrong reason?

  6. 9 marks of a god in a box1 Samuel 4-6 #6 Show God we often look good outwardly but inwardly we are not grounded in God’s truth and decay from within we often shout so loud we drown God out 1 Samuel 16:7

  7. 9 marks of a god in a box1 Samuel 4-6 #7 Even they know better Courage under fire Persistence Recognizing the truth Obedience What about God has become an idol to you?

  8. 9 marks of a god in a box1 Samuel 4-6 #8 Cover of Tradition we make religious traditions to cover up or deny the truth our comfort zone is more important than the truth What traditions do you hold on to yet you know are not scriptural?

  9. 9 marks of a god in a box1 Samuel 4-6 #9 Problems with submission Life is all about choices we choose to submit to what we like …. And become our own God Are you submitting to God … or are you making God fit your beliefs?

  10. 9 marks of a god in a box1 Samuel 4-6 Application 2 Timothy 3:5 Is God still on the throne of your life? Is God on the throne of our church’s life?

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