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Systems Sociology

Systems Sociology. Towards Digital Anthropology, Experimental Sociology, Computational & Systems Social Sciences “Behavioral & Policy Media”. Joost P Bonsen * jpbonsen@alum.mit.edu * 2003.

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Systems Sociology

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  1. Systems Sociology Towards Digital Anthropology, Experimental Sociology, Computational & Systems Social Sciences “Behavioral & Policy Media” Joost P Bonsen * jpbonsen@alum.mit.edu * 2003

  2. Digital AnthropologyExploratory SeminarSpring 2003Professor Sandy PentlandJoost Bonsen, Rich DeVaul, Nathan Eagle, Mike Sung http://courses.media.mit.edu/2003spring/da/ JPB 2003

  3. Digital AnthropologyExploratory SeminarSpring 2003 JPB 2003

  4. SociometerShortcuts Project: Visible but Un-intrusive Social Network CaptureTanzeem Choudhury, et al Digital Anthropology28 February 2003 JPB 2003 http://web.media.mit.edu/~tanzeem/shortcuts/

  5. Zauri InitiativeInexpensive Everyday Wearables ~ Voice, Opinion, WiFiDigital Anthropology14 February 2003 Signed COUHES Forms! Everyone gets a Zaurus JPB 2003

  6. Reality MiningTapping into Everyday Knowledge & InteractionsNathan Eagle, et al JPB 2003 http://reality.media.mit.edu/

  7. MeetingMinerAll-Around Voice AnalysisNathan EagleDigital Anthropology11 April 2003 JPB 2003

  8. OpinionmetricsVotes, Moods, AttitudesLionel Asseraf, Jonathan Gips, et al Digital Anthropology4 April 2003 JPB 2003

  9. PhysiometricsSelf-Feedback SystemsMike SungDigital Anthropology14 February 2003 JPB 2003

  10. AudienceReaderSelf-Feedback SystemsMike Osofsky, Mike SungDigital Anthropology4 April 2003 JPB 2003

  11. nTAG Smart NametagsMulti-purpose Social Infostructure & Network EnhancementRick Borovoy, et al Digital Anthropology7 March 2003 http://www.ntag.com/ JPB 2003

  12. PlaceLabApartment Microcosm & Technology TestbedKent Larson, Stephen Intille, Bill Mitchell, Kenan SahinApril 2003 http://architecture.mit.edu/house_n/web/placelab/livinglaboratory.htm JPB 2003 http://architecture.mit.edu/house_n/

  13. GenericSub-DescriptionPlayersRefinementDay Month 2003 JPB 2003

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