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Tracking Young People Plans for September 2013 onwards

Tracking Young People Plans for September 2013 onwards. Katherine Atkinson Performance & Information Manager, KCC. Changes in Responsibility. Tracking of young people has been carried out by CXK for KCC This work will now be done within KCC

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Tracking Young People Plans for September 2013 onwards

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tracking Young PeoplePlans for September 2013 onwards Katherine Atkinson Performance & Information Manager, KCC

  2. Changes in Responsibility Tracking of young people has been carried out by CXK for KCC This work will now be done within KCC Offers the opportunity to review processes and join up systems/data more efficiently The 2013-14 academic year will be a learning curve for us all – we will be keen to gather feedback and ideas from schools and colleges

  3. Key Principles of New Process Fulfil statutory requirements from the DfE Reduce the burden on schools for production of datasets Utilise data already held by Management Information wherever possible Simplify and centralise the process

  4. What is B2B? The majority of SIMS schools with secondary-aged pupils pass pupil data to Management Information on a weekly basis via the automated B2B process This automatically produces a datafile which is securely sent and imported into the central pupil database

  5. Is my School a B2B School? If you have SIMS, then you are probably already a B2B school If your Data Manager or SIMS lead is unsure, please email management.information@kent.gov.uk to check If you are a SIMS school but are not currently exchanging data via B2B, we will work with you to get set up this term This will save you time so is a quick-win for your school

  6. What if we don’t have SIMS? For FE colleges, and schools without SIMS, the data requirements will remain the same as they were with CXK You will need to continue with data transfer via spreadsheets, with these spreadsheets being returned to Management Information. This will be done using secure file transfer using Perspective Lite, which was rolled out to schools in Spring 2012 We will set up accounts for colleges shortly

  7. Students not in Full Time Education • Information about students not in full time education is a crucial part of the data capture requirements • KCC is still reviewing options for this part of the tracking process

  8. Privacy Notice • This has been drafted for students in Years 10-13 • Has been consulted on; now needs to be issued ASAP • It covers how students’ personal data will be used: • Information schools have to pass on by law • Information KCC may share with schools once students have left school • Information schools share in order to support students’ education and training • Information schools share about students with post-16 providers • Gives students an opt-out clause • Will allow greater data sharing with schools about student destinations

  9. Further Questions If you wish to discuss any of these issues in more detail, please contact me:  01622 696202  katherine.atkinson@kent.gov.uk

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