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Understanding Personality at Work: Traits, Tests & Impact

Explore the meaning of work, personality traits, psychological contracts, and organizational commitment. Learn how attitudes, perceptions, and job design affect work performance. Understand the Big Five personality traits and different personality tests. Discover the significance of individual characteristics in the workplace.

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Understanding Personality at Work: Traits, Tests & Impact

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  1. BOH4M:Behaviour, Personality and Attitude

  2. Agenda Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Learning goals Vocabulary Introduction handout about Guy Kawasaki What is the meaning of work? What is personality? 5 Personality traits 5 Personality traits exercise

  3. Learning Goals Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 What is a psychological contract? What is personality, what shapes a person’s personality and how it affect their work? Understand the big five personality traits and true colours, personality tests How a person’s attitude affect their work

  4. Learning Goals Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Understand that different people have different perception and that affect their work Be able to explain what organizational commitment is What are the issues in satisfaction, performance, and job design?

  5. Learning Goals Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Understand Frederick Herzberg two factor theory Explain how jobs can be enriched Explain work alternatives arrangements Understand work life balance

  6. Vocabulary Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Agreeableness Attitude Conscientiousness Extraversion Individual performance equation Job Job design Job design alternatives Job enlargement Job enrichment Job involvement Job performance Job rotation Job satisfaction

  7. Vocabulary Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Job sharing Job simplification Neuroticism Openness Organizational commitment Perception Personality Psychological contract Vocabulary Work sharing

  8. Why study this? Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Individuals bring a number of differences to work, such as unique personalities, values, emotions, and moods. When new employees enter organizations, their stable or transient characteristics affect how they behave and perform. Moreover, companies hire people with the expectation that those individuals have certain skills, abilities, personalities, and values. Therefore, it is important to understand individual characteristics that matter for employee behaviors at work

  9. Who is Guy Kawasaki Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Short video and handout with questions

  10. What is the meaning of work? • Basic background on work … • Work can be a “turn-on” or a “turn-off.” • People are the foundation of high performance in the workplace. • Valuing people and creating jobs and work environments that respect people’s needs and potential will benefit everyone.

  11. What is the meaning of work? • Psychological contract • An informal understanding about what an individual gives and receives from an organization as part of the employment relationship. • A healthy psychological contract provides balance between contributions given and inducements received

  12. What is the meaning of work? Schermerhorn - Chapter 15

  13. What Is Personality? • Personality: • A set of mental and emotional characteristics that make a person unique • Personality has a huge impact on how we behave and how we react to situations

  14. Personality Important for the business and the employee to find the right fit Knowing your personality and tendencies can help you seek careers best fitted for you Being able to judge personality of prospective employees may provide insight into whether the individual is suited for the job

  15. Big Five Personality Traits Schermerhorn - Chapter 15

  16. Schermerhorn - Chapter 15

  17. Big Five Traits - Exercise • In groups of 3 – 4 students • On the handout, identify: • How this trait could be positive in the workplace • How this trait could be negative in the workplace • What type of job you think this trait would be important for • Be ready to share and discuss it with the class

  18. Agenda Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 What shapes personality? Personality typing and testing Personality tests exercise

  19. What Shapes Personality? • Personality develops throughout life • Personality is affected by: • Gender • Genetics • Past experiences • Family upbringing • Culture • Each of us is a walking experiment in personality development

  20. Personality Typing and Testing Psychologists categorize people into personality types Goal is to use types to predict future behaviour Psychologists cannot agree on best way to categorize people, so many personality type tests are available

  21. Personality Typing and Testing Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 • Four popular personality tests: • Jung • Myers Briggs • True Colours • Big Five Personality Traits • Many organizations will use a personality test as part of the selection process to predict whether the applicant will be a good match for the job

  22. Personality Tests - Exercise • Complete the following personality tests • Problem Solving (Jung) • http://similarminds.com/jung.html • Myers Briggs • http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm • True Colours • http://www.truecolorscareer.com/quiz.asp • Big Five Personality Traits • http://similarminds.com/bigfive.html • Complete handout after each test

  23. Agenda Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Personality Testing – Caution! True colours video True colours assignment

  24. Personality Testing – Caution! Personality tests are not regulated That means there are no controls or standards concerning them – anyone can make up a test Organizations often hire professional organizations to tailor a test to their organization Properly designed tests can be powerful tools in deciding whether to hire or promote an individual

  25. True Colour Video Schermerhorn - Chapter 15

  26. Your personality Poster Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 You will great a poster that summarizes your personality, attitude and perceptions based on the personality tests that you have done. Must outline the results of at least 3 personality tests and explain what it says about you Highlight jobs that are best suited for your personality

  27. Agenda Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 What is Attitude? What is Perception? Why are Personality, Attitude and Perception Important? Your Experience with Attitude

  28. Attitude • Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing. • Abraham Lincoln • What does this mean?

  29. Attitude A predisposition (inclination) to act in a certain way toward people and things in your environment Your state of mind or how you feel about something A part of your personality Positive attitude = optimist Negative attitude = pessimist

  30. Attitude Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 The way you look at the world can affect the way you perceive the world People with positive attitude see the world in positive light People with negative attitude see the world in negative light

  31. Perception The way we see the world Are the lines of the square really bent?

  32. Perception Is the dot on the back of the cube or the front?

  33. Perception Do the grey dots exist?

  34. Perception Is the glass half full or half empty?

  35. Why are Personality, Attitude and Perception Important? Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Personality and attitude affect how we perceive the world Perception and attitude affect how happy people are in their work Managers want happy employees because people who are happy in their jobs are often more productive Optimistic people usually perform better due to their positive attitude and they affect and inspire others to do the same.

  36. Your Experience with Attitude Think of the last time you worked with someone with a positive attitude Think of the last time you worked with someone with a negative attitude Describe the experience How long did it take to accomplish the task How did you feel when working with them Was the quality of work up to your standards • Describe the experience • How long did it take to accomplish the task • How did you feel when working with them • Was the quality of work up to your standards Schermerhorn - Chapter 15

  37. Positive and Negative Affectivity Positive Attitude Negative Attitude Schermerhorn - Chapter 15

  38. Agenda Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 How attitude affect our behaviour Creating a Positive Emotion in the Workplace article Pike Place Fish Market Video Organizational commitment Attitude and its influence on work What are the issues in satisfaction, performance, and job design? Frederick Herzberg-Two factor theory (page 160-162) On page 161 Activity 9.2 question 2

  39. ATTITUDES, AND BEHAVIOUR Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 • Attitudes include three components—beliefs, feelings, and behavioural intentions • Beliefs : what you believe to be true • Feelings: Feelings represent your positive (optimistic or negative (pessimistic) evaluations of the attitude object • Behaviour intentions: —These represent your motivation to engage in a particular behaviour with respect to the attitude object.

  40. Beliefs Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 One employee might belief that the merger of Burger King and Tim Horton's reduces the job security. Some employee might belief that it will create more job opportunities and increase job security.

  41. Feelings Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Some employee will say that this merger is a good idea and some might say it’s a bad idea.

  42. Behavioural Intentions Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Some employees might choose to quite during the merger process. Some might send an email to the CEO informing him/her that they think it is a great idea.

  43. Traditional Cognitive Model of Attitude Schermerhorn - Chapter 15

  44. Schermerhorn - Chapter 15

  45. Creating Positive Emotions in the Workplace Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Give examples how companies create a positive emotions in the workplace? How did the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle increase employee moral?

  46. Pike Place Fish Market Video Schermerhorn - Chapter 15

  47. Organizational Commitment • Organizational commitment • The degree of loyalty to the organization • Job Involvement • Extent to which an employee is dedicated to the job

  48. Organizational Commitment Positive Negative Low turnover limits the organization from hiring new employees with new knowledge and idea Leads to conformity, reduces creativity • Employees with high organizational commitment, high job involvement and a positive attitude have lower turnover rates, lower absenteeism • Long term employees have better knowledge and experience (higher performance) Schermerhorn - Chapter 15

  49. BUILDING ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Justice and support: fulfill obligations to employees and abide by humanitarian values, such as fairness, courtesy, forgiveness and moral integrity. Shared values: employees need to agree or share organization values Trust: trust is putting faith in the other person or group Organizational comprehension: through better communication employees understand past, present and future direction of the organization

  50. BUILDING ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT Schermerhorn - Chapter 15 Employee involvement: employee feel that they are part of the organization when they make decision that guide the organization’s future.

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