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Human Embryology. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/miracle/program_adv.html. Recommended Reading: Human Embryology : Larsen (7 st Ed.) Langman’s Medical Embryology : Sadler (9 th Ed.) Before We Are Born : Moore and Persaud (5 th Ed.) Recommended Review Texts
Human Embryology http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/miracle/program_adv.html
Recommended Reading: • Human Embryology: Larsen (7st Ed.) • Langman’s Medical Embryology: Sadler (9th Ed.) • Before We Are Born: Moore and Persaud (5th Ed.) • Recommended Review Texts • High Yield Embryology: Dudek • Core Concepts in Embryology: Sandra and Coons
Understanding Embryology Pictorially Recommended Websites: http://www.med.uc.edu/embryology/ http://www.visembryo.com/ http://www.med.unc.edu/embryo_images/ http://www.ob-ultrasound.net/
Nine week old Fetus “The Miracle of Life”
Consequences of Exposure to the Teratogen Thalidomide Unilateral Amelia Meromelia
Other limb Defects with a Teratogenic origin Polydactyly Syndactyly Cleft Foot
Causes of Human Congenital Anomalies Numerically, genetic factors are the most important causes of congenital anomalies. They cause 1/3 of all birth defects are nearly 85% of anomalies with known causes.
Common Multifactorial Inheritance DefectsFacial Clefts (1 in 1000-2500 Births) Incomplete cleft lip Bilateral cleft lip Cleft lip, jaw, palate Isolated cleft palate Oblique facial cleft Midline cleft lip
Birth Defect Statistics All in all, it is estimated that 50-60% of all conceptions in normal, healthy women abort spontaneously before pregnancy is even detected and that another 10-20% abort later in pregnancy. Chromosomal anomalies appear to cause about 40-50% of spontaneous abortions. Nevertheless, many chromosomal anomalies, however, allow the fetus to survive to term. In fact, about 3% of all liveborn infants have an obvious major anomaly. Additional anomalies are detected after birth; thus the incidence is about 6% in 2-year olds and 8% in 5-year olds.